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ayano was told by her farther at some point in the story she will find out the jinsoku went rougue and tryed to kill the mum and therefore the baby but the baby lives and grows up to be ayano

the god the cult praises said kill ayanos mother because if they did they would get the mothers power and the babys power and the god said the baby would have the most powerful jinsoku in history



the jinsoku is mainly geneitic put some cults that praise the jinsoku lord have abstained the power by doing a rutial the rutial is you have to kill a person with the power in a curtain way first of all you need a percific type of,sheldonium,and then drain the blood and the body and then you would burn the blood if you inhale the vapours you should get the powers of the jinoku

the powers of the jinoku include:

.summoning a spirit to protected themselves

.the spirits can very i shape and form the basic out line of them is of a human the main things that change are feet,hands,chest annnnd head #

.the spirit has great agility

.in rare accations some of the spirits can teleport to familiar places

.also at will they can have a invisibility power

.the human whom has the power of the jinsoku also has the power of regeneration the only ways they can die is from the following ; they are stabbed with a sheldonium blade ; removing or destroying a vital organ and last of all there own spirit,jinsoku, decide to fight against the human

.the human with the power more often than not has great leadership skills and is pretty clever

.another rare thing is that the spirit can summon a type of hell fire

.another rare thing is they can visions of what will happen in the future
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