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It was a warm night in New Orleans and the streets where crowded with people.
Kol aimlessly wondered the streets trying to keep himself entertained as his siblings did god knows what. His sister Rebekah was most likely with her long lost partner Marcel. Somehow he ended up in the bottom of the French Quarter in a small pub that looked more like a shop. The bar was practical empty apart from 2 couples, both of them sat in booths in front of the singer. She was a small girl who must have been around the age of 16, long Y/H/C hair draping to her elbows. It was loosely laid around her shoulders and back perfectly straight. Her voice was beautiful.
He slowly began walking over to her at a slow pace. She didn't look at anybody once and she didn't notice when the couples began leaving till they was just her and Kol left.
'We are closing now, sorry' the manger exclaimed.
She snuck out the back entrance as he slowly followed her in the shadows waiting to see where she would go.
Kol's sensitive hearing picked up on a muffled scream when he noticed she was gone. Trying to listen to her rather fast heartbeat, Kol made his way towards her when he notice a older man attacking her. His hand slowly sliding up her thighs. Kol immediately jumped on top of the man and beheaded him in a second. The girl crouched down into the corner and began to cry.
Kol bent down to make sure she was fine. When he didn't notice any bruises or cuts on her body he stretched his hand out as said ' I'm Kol' she was reluctent but acepted his hand and said ' hi, my name is Y/N Y/L/N' she trembled before continuing 'what..t are y..ou'
Kol simply responded with' a vampire ,sweetheart' as kissing her hand
At that Kol helped the lady up before disappearing. For some reason he followed behind her to make sure she had arrived to her home safely and waiting for all lights to go out before returning to the compound.
He knew that it wouldnt be the last of their encounters
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