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we use telescopes, orbiters and landers to discover more stuff about the univers.
you can put telescopes up in space to get more clear Pictures but it costs a lot.
the moon is a satellite.
it takes about 28 Days for the moon to orbit the Earth ones.
the sun is luminous thet means that it pruduces its own light the moon is not luminous because it reflects light from the sun.
DAY 0= new moon
DAY 7= first quater moon
DAY 14= full moon
DAY 22= last quater moon
solar eclipse is when the moon is blocking the Earth from sun and lunar eclipse is when the Earth is blocking the moon from getting sun light.
geostatonary/comunication computers
low Earth orbit/weather
polar orbit/ South and North pole/measuring global warming.
sun rises at east and goes down at west.
in Winter the sun is lower because of the arc and in summer the sun semse higher.
it takes 24 hours or the Earth to spin around its axis 1 time.
only the parts facing the sun are daytime.
the Earth is tilted and so if the northen hemisphere is tilded towards the sun it is summer there.
the Earth is in its Place because of the suns gravity.
the gravity pulls inwards to the Earth.
there is more gravity on Jupiter,uranus,sun,neptune and Saturn.
pluto has the least gravity.
niel Armstrong was the first person Walking on the moon.
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