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Scientific name for a Panda is Ailuropoda Melanoleuca.

Pandas are mammals.

Pandas are in the bear family.

Unlike other bears Pandas do not hibernate.

Pandas are often referred to a Giant Panda.

The Chinese word for Panda is Da Xiong Mao meaning Giant Bear Cat.

Pandas are black and white with black circles around their eyes.

A Panda’s skin is two different colors. The skin under their black fur is dark while the skin under the white fur is pink!

Panda’s are shy and often keep to themselves. They stay away from people.

Pandas have great eyes sight.

Pandas like to climb trees.

Pandas live in the bamboo forests of Western China.

Pandas main food source is bamboo. They will sometimes eat shoots, leaves, stalks and berries.

Pandas spend around 12 hours a day eating bamboo.

They have a strong jaw bone and teeth to help them crunch on the bamboo.

Pandas have five fingers on each hand and a wrist bone that acts like a thumb to help them hold and eat the bamboo.

A male Panda is called a boar and can weigh 175-250 pounds.

Female Pandas are called sows and can weigh 150-230 ponds.

Pandas are 2-3 feet tall and 5-6 feet long.

A baby is called a cub and are 3-4 ounces when born.

Mom Pandas often hold their cubs by cradling them in their arms like a human mom would do with their baby.

Babies are born hairless their hair fully grows in when they are around 3 months old.

Babies are born with their eyes closed. They open in 6-8 weeks.

When babies are 7 months old they can climb trees.

Baby pandas are clumsy! They often trip, fall and roll over while exploring their surroundings.

Pandas live between 15-20 years in the wild and over 30 in captivity.

Pandas are an endangered species.

The main threat to Pandas is loss of habitat. Many bamboo forests are cut down to make room for farming.

Scientists in China are working on conservation measures to save the Pandas.

Panda is the symbol of peace in China.
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