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22:34 - CMDR Frost: Traks is mine
22:34 - Grant Ward: he gave it to me xD
22:35 - CMDR Frost: Yea but its not traks decision is it?
22:35 - Grant Ward: but me and snow build it :/
22:36 - CMDR Frost: Grant just save uo rp cash an get a new bunk
22:36 - CMDR Frost: Up*
22:36 - Grant Ward: my money got reset
22:36 - Grant Ward: pretty good
22:37 - CMDR Frost: Thats why i said save up
22:37 - Grant Ward: so i just remove my build then
22:37 - Grant Ward: cuz its yours now
22:37 - Grant Ward: it seem
22:37 - Grant Ward: s
22:37 - Grant Ward: yes or no
22:38 - Grant Ward: do you want to build your own bunks or keep what is already in it
22:39 - CMDR Frost: I will build my own
22:39 - Grant Ward: so the owner is a dick what will the community manager be i wonder
22:39 - Grant Ward:
22:39 - Grant Ward: you sure you want it gone?
22:40 - CMDR Frost: how i bein a dick?
22:40 - Grant Ward: Must i really explain
22:40 - CMDR Frost: yes cause cleary u believe u are special an are immune to the bunks being wiped
22:41 - CMDR Frost: u did not donate for the bunks as u said before had
22:41 - Grant Ward: i have to explain
22:41 - CMDR Frost: so im still failing to understand why you are immune to the changes
22:41 - Grant Ward: see if from my point of view, ive spend hours building everything and helping out, i even donated and only in return i want one bunk
22:41 - Grant Ward: but that is to much
22:42 - CMDR Frost: u donated to the old owners who had gave up on the server as i recall
22:42 - Grant Ward: right
22:42 - Grant Ward: so what
22:42 - Grant Ward: donation swipe as well?
22:43 - CMDR Frost: no
22:43 - CMDR Frost: i only wipped bunks an ur throwin a damn fit lol
22:43 - CMDR Frost: an money
22:43 - Grant Ward: the money is still on the server
22:43 - CMDR Frost: ur job is
22:43 - Grant Ward: you think this is funny now?
22:45 - CMDR Frost: grant listen you donated to the old owners ur shit is still there i removed bunks an wiped peoples money to make shit fair everyone had there bunks wipped people who had also donated an shit an you are the only one complaining because u are the only one who thinks that they are immune to this that is why i find this funny
22:45 - CMDR Frost: u have all ur donator shit its still there
22:46 - Grant Ward: are you fucking high, how is me complaining funny
22:46 - Grant Ward: im pretty pissed and you find it funny :D
22:49 - Grant Ward: im cleaning the bunk
22:49 - Grant Ward: wtf mate xD
22:49 - CMDR Frost: xD
22:50 - Grant Ward: why am i no longer staff
22:50 - CMDR Frost: cause
22:50 - CMDR Frost: ur acting like a child xD
22:50 - Grant Ward: no im not
22:50 - Grant Ward: im just triggerd about me not having a bunk
22:51 - Grant Ward: i build everything
22:51 - Grant Ward: wtf..
22:51 - Grant Ward: rlly?
22:52 - CMDR Frost: ?
22:52 - Grant Ward: this is insane, you demote me because of one disagree to agree
22:54 - CMDR Frost: i demote u cause you were acting like a child staff who act like children over cause they dont get what they want is not what i want my staff to consist an since its the 3rd day staff should know not to fuck up
22:56 - CMDR Frost: honestly its pretty self explanitory tbh with u
22:56 - Grant Ward: im not a child, not acting like one either, im very reasonable
22:57 - Grant Ward: fuck up
22:57 - Grant Ward: what are you on about
22:58 - CMDR Frost: Grant Ward: im just triggerd about me not having a bunk(complaining about not getting what they want =not being childish)
22:58 - CMDR Frost: nice 2 know
22:58 - Grant Ward: yea im triggered i say a lott of stuff, and im sorry if i hurted you
22:58 - Grant Ward: but that build costed hours
22:58 - Grant Ward: ppl liked it as well
22:59 - CMDR Frost: cool
22:59 - Grant Ward: So now you no longer trust me?
23:01 - Grant Ward: I have never aboosed my powers all i have done is in good will ..
23:03 - CMDR Frost: ima be honest with you, you can bitch,moan,complain and shit talk as much as you want but it wont get you shit back you are are entitled to a bunk because u donated and built shit you are not entitled to being a staff member because you didnt abuse
23:03 - CMDR Frost: are not*
23:04 - Grant Ward: i don't understand why you got such hate to me
23:04 - CMDR Frost: i dont actually
23:05 - Grant Ward: you sound like someone that would stab me to be honest
23:05 - Grant Ward: just lett me build and help, i won't complain
23:08 - CMDR Frost: im just simply telling u the fact of the matter u complained bout not having ur bunk anymore because they all got wiped so everyone lost theirs,you also then were demoted because u acted like a small child an continue to whine an moan like a child to try and get what you want.I dont want staff who act like children i want staff who act like professionals
23:08 - Grant Ward: eeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
23:08 - Grant Ward: that sounds great
23:08 - Grant Ward: good admin
23:08 - CMDR Frost: yea
23:08 - Grant Ward: good owner
23:09 - Grant Ward: i done nothing wrong reallyyyy
23:09 - CMDR Frost: surrreee
23:09 - Grant Ward: you just gotta be like oh its grant i can give him love
23:09 - CMDR Frost: yeaaa
23:10 - Grant Ward: disrespect?
23:10 - CMDR Frost: frankly ur proving my point of acting like a child xD
23:10 - Grant Ward: so? i still do my job right
23:11 - Grant Ward: you are corrupted by power, when you were still an admin you were nice
23:11 - Grant Ward: and now you have changed
23:12 - Grant Ward: if this is another speech im not gonna read it
23:12 - Grant Ward: just keep it short and simple
23:13 - CMDR Frost: not even typing
23:13 - Grant Ward: you not gonna say bye?
23:14 - Grant Ward: you do hate me, otherwise you would have never done this. we were friends
23:15 - Grant Ward: i have never done anything bad to you
23:15 - CMDR Frost: are u just going to continue ranting an bitchin in my steam messages cause fuck just let me know so i can just remove u jesus cause honestly i feel like im dealin with a damn 10 year old
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