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Chocolate Milk

Before I explain, let me tell you that I am a person who has never loved the taste of milk. To me, milk was just an avenue to eat cereal and devour granola. I had no idea there were other ‘options’ out there until I lived on my own during college! Once I discovered soy milk & found I liked it, I started to buy it.

I like the taste of almond milk the best-now-, so that’s what I usually go with.

Still, to this day I hardly drink milk-type drinks as *drinks* per say, but I use them in recipes, in cereal bowls (duh!), and as post-recovery drinks, shakes, and smoothies.

**{I am also very adamant about the point that hardly any one “needs” milk in the quantities suggested by the USDA, and am wary of almost any milk study because of the fact that the dairy council secretly funds most of those studies. However, with chocolate milk, because of the benefits shown in studies NOT funded by the dairy council or the U.S government, I decided to try it out myself.}

chocolate milk! in a handy child-sized drinkable cup. Don't judge.

Chocolate milk caught the eye of researchers (one of them being a college professor of mine) because the drink naturally has the perfect ratio of carbs to protein found to be best for recovery from strenuous exercise. Cool, eh?

Chocolate Milk After A Workout

When we pump iron we do crazy things to those muscle cells of ours (i.e. break them down). We of course want our exercise to pay off, so it is VERY crucial to treat our bodies well right after a lifting session (or other hard exercise routines). The muscles best recover when the muscle cells can be refueled quickly & efficiently. And WE are happiest when the muscle cells are rebuilt & replenished to form lean muscles.

So here is the answer to both: drink a drink that will help you do it ALL right after you’re done working out.

Um, yes please.

That would be chocolate milk that I am talking about :)

I decided I would try it out as an experiment on myself (I had heard this research way back in my undergrad days in 04-07, but never did anything about it!!).

So for the last few months (late-August to now) I have faithfully been drinking about 8-ounces of reduced-fat chocolate milk right after every BodyPUMP class I taught or took, and after any strenuous lifting session, HIIT cardio, or circuit training. {8-ounces – 16-ounces has been shown to have the most benefit in the time frame of 40 minutes within end of exercise bout. More or less ounces has not shown much difference.)

right after teaching BodyPUMP--with my choc milk-- don't mind the hair. hah.

In those months I’ve been able to increase my weight selection on the bar in BodyPUMP (while teaching it) by about 1/3-1/2!! I have not had a single injury (which is kind of a miracle, considering). And I have never been too tired to do a workout. (Remember I take a major rest day 1 day per week which is also key, but this was held constant throughout the past several years, so we can disregard that confounding factor). And I hardly do yoga or stretch as much as I should (once again, considering my fitness schedule).

The only time I was crazy sore andhardlycouldwalk was right after Thanksgiving when I taught BodyPUMP after 8 days of not doing that type of exercise and had not drunk chocolate milk after those two sessions.


Say what you want but I’ve recently received these comments from gym goers: “you look so skinny,” “you can lift so much,” “you’re a beast,” “you are seriously fit,” and another instructor who teaches in another state and came to a class I taught while visiting told me,”I’ve never seen an instructor lift as much as you did while teaching.” And my clothes fit better, I feel awesome, and I can dance as much as I want. Score.

I’m not saying all of this to boast, I am just illustrating that it is NOT me alone. I seriously believe that drinking chocolate milk after my workouts has helped so much in recovery, replenishment, weight loss (not intentional), and rebuilding stronger muscle making me leaner, fitter, and well, yes, stronger.

Plus, it is like a meal right away! And lifting (ask my husband. I practically bite his head off if he delays me from my food. Hah. Sad but true.)

Team Refuel advocates this drink all the time –olympians and athletes who drink it regularaly-check out their website!

The Benefits of Chocolate Milk After A Workout

Helps to build muscle
Replenishes muscle “fuel”
Helps to maintain lean muscle
Aides in subsequent performance

From the same medicalnewsarticle that I got those four outlined facts from, I read this: “[Chocolate] Milk also provides fluids for rehydration and electrolytes, including potassium, calcium and magnesium lost in sweat, that both recreational exercisers and elite athletes need to replace after strenuous activity. Plus, chocolate milk is naturally nutrient-rich with the advantage of additional nutrients not found in most traditional sports drinks. Penny-for-penny, no other post-exercise drink contains the full range of vitamins and minerals found in chocolate milk.” (source, emphasis added)

Uh save money while aiding my fitness goals? I’ll take it! No fancy schmancy drinks for this wallet ;)


Well, that pretty much sums it up. I drink it because it not only tastes good but it does my body good. Woot.

I do drink chocolate milk that is made from a local dairy (and they treat the cows right, etc., etc.), but you could make your own as well. And yes you can substitute soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk, and whatever milk you come up with, but you probably won’t get the same benefit of the perfect ratio found only in chocolate milk.

This all just reiterates what I mentioned on Tuesday–protein fat and carbs are key to a meal or snack. Guess what chocolate milk has in it?

you don't have to give your right arm to pay for recovery drinks! woot.

I rest my case.

And with that I am off to dance! And then some more BodyPUMP tonight. How did I get so lucky again?! #IlovewhatIdo

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for chocolate milk. Read above to see why (sarcastic laugh).
I am super grateful for our new sheets set. I feel like I am sleeping in a teddy bear! Awesomesauce.
I am really feeling grateful for the new RAM my hubby bought me for my birthday. My macbookpro is so much faster now! (he did have to explain to me what RAM is….but still! hah)
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Regards; Team

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