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When they were 11 the twins saw their mom get murdered by something impossible. They stay with Joe until they are 13, then it got too much for the detective so they get adopted by their mom's brother, Richard Smythe. They move to France for two years with him and his wife. Then they move to Ohio so the boys can go to Dalton Academy. Barry for Science and Sebastian for Law. During high school Barry keeps a low profile, not liking the amount of attention he and his brother create after being new. Sebastian however revelled in it and became popular easily, joining The Warblers, the Academy's glee club. To begin with, everything was going well, but when Seb gained a crush on Blaine, everything started going South. Once he found out that Blaine had a boyfriend he became jealous. He decided that he had to 'eliminate the threat' so he tried many things. Flirting with Blaine, taking the couple to scandals to try and break them up by dancing with Blaine, he even took it as far to throw a slushie at Kurt. Except Blaine dived in front of his boyfriend and the slushie-which had rock salt in to keep it from melting-got in his eye and scratched his cornea. Sebastian felt so guilty that he practically ran to his brother for comfort. He realised that what he had done was virtually unforgivable but he was willing to try everything. The whole of Dalton heard what had happened and Sebastian was the victim of rude words, glares and even beatings for the second time in his life. He was demoted from his captain position in the warblers and a guy named Hunter was promoted. Everything seemed to be getting better with Hunter being his roommate that year and actually having a friend that wasn't his twin was nice. That was until Hunter started to threaten Sebastian. He threatened him with Barry. Hunter forced Sebastian to take steroids to perform better in Sectionals and then moved onto the other Warblers and he felt so helpless because he couldn't stop him. Finally his brother realised that something was wrong with his brother; he wasn't leaving his dorm, he wasn't speaking to anyone, not even Barry, and he looked permanently ill. Barry pulled Trent to the side one day and asked what was going on with the Warblers and found out that they were being forced to do so by Hunter. When Trent receives a call from Blaine and Sam about testifying against the Warblers, more specifically, Hunter, Barry goes with him to talk to them. At first they are skeptical because he seems so much like Sebastian before they realise that he's almost the complete opposite. They agree to testify and Barry goes to confront Sebastian but finds him crying on his bed instead. Barry manages to coax him to turn over to see that he has a black eye and bruises covering his torso. Hunter did it to him after he started resisting against him, they go to the choir room together and find one of the younger Warblers sobbing surrounded by the rest. Some of the older ones like Thad, Jeff and Nick guard the boy and start yelling at Sebastian before Barry gets punched and Sebastian snaps out of his comatose state, yelling at them that he didn't stop it because he didn't have the power and how Hunter threatened Barry. They all join together and agree to testify against Hunter and how he threatened everyone, including Sebastian. After Hunter had been taken care of Sebastian started going to more Warbler practices and becoming his cocky, witty self but Barry realised that something was still wrong and on the night of their mother's death anniversary, he stays in Sebastian's dorm only to wake up in the middle of the night by yelling coming from his brother as he sleeps. He realises that it's a nightmare and manages to wake him and let him cry on his shoulder. They talk and Barry calls Richard to get Sebastian to go to the hospital to get diagnosed. Sebastian has PTSD from what Hunter did to him and he was too scared to admit he was doing. There are still times when he gets panic attacks or flashes of memories but he can recover easier.
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