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>>>>>>>> TECH & SHIP BUILDS - SIMPLIFIED >>>>>>>>>>

Must Level ups : target, attack, defense, lethality defense ....and 1 weapon (advised for now: biochem)
optionally: speed, lethality, armour ...and dodge if you like it
'target' adds accuracy - A MUST!!
'attack' makes your hits stronger
'defense' & 'armour' makes you stronger, the hits you get hurt less
'lethality defense' makes you lose less ships (not those repaired but those you need to rebuild)
'Lethality' makes your hits lethal, will kill more ships - good for defense.

>>>>>>>>>>>>> SHIP BUILDS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Use 1 weapon. Any waepon but all the same so you dont need to level up more then 1 and for...
Fighters & frigates: target, attack
Cruisors & battleships: target, attack, defense
mothership: target, attack, defense, lethality defense

Skip using frigates & battleships, no good. (Build just 1 to advance the progress missions, the last reward is multi skill !!)

To manage chapters better, replace 'defense' according to the weapon the boss uses:
Chap 1, 2 & 6 Boss uses 'missile' weapon, so use 'missile defense'
Chap 3, 4 & 7 Boss uses 'laser' weapon, so use 'laser defense'
Chap 5, 6 & 8 Boss uses 'biochem' weapon, so use 'biochem defense' level up those weapon defenses too!

>>>>>>>>>>>> HEROES - SIMPLIFIED >>>>>>>>>>>
> 5 war heroes: war/com heroes and put all points into war. 2nd highest stats must be com. Check 'auto-assign' on war heroes to auto-replace lost ships. (COM: Makes your army bigger & WAR: makes your army stronger >> Better 10 ships that hit hard then 30 ships that kill 0!!)
> 2 builders: build/tech heroes and put all points into build. 2nd highest stats better be tech.
> 1 tech: tech/build and put all points into tech. 2nd highest stats better be build.

Watchout 2nd highest stats!! They get a few points at levelup too, so dont just store any eq in their eq slots.

>>>>>>>> BUILDINGS >>>>>>>>>
> Aim Shipyard & lab lv16, then lv 26
> Emplacement is your defense tower
> Keep 1 tavern at level 1 for when you reach rare/epic 0 - hire you hero there, he'll be level 1 with low points so you can make him war/build/tech hero, as you like.

>>>>> STORING SHIPS: Try to always have your shipyards full. So if you get attacked and lose ships, they will be automatically replaced. Check 'auto-assign' on war heroes to auto-replace lost ships.

Try to save them for purple equips & heroes!
If you really don't have space, start by using the least important - (open magic books to see what skill it is)
To know their value: check their bid and gold price in auction.

Common: engineer, scientist skills
Normal: speed, hit, lethality
Rare: combo, crit, commendUp, defenseUp, attackup, repair
Very rare: multi, triple, dodge - MUST SAVE!!

Save also GEMS! specially yellow(com) and red(war) gems

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Regards; Team

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