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My Past experience with depression has led me to a state of mind where I Started to notice and ask why and how am I feeling this unusual state And what is creating and amplifying senses Inside me.Depression cause Psychomotor retardation which is a very complex , painful and Unpleasant situation. Basically you are not aware of yourself, you Like to act randomly without making conscious choices . This state Closely linked to neurotransmitters Serotonin and Dopamine, therefore When you takes supplements which produce Serotonin you feel totally Different in a good way and you are cheerful or not so depressed again. Both of these neurons are Responsible for our reward and well being feelings and mood regulation System, they create a totally different state of mind and Consciousness. Lack of it makes you irresponsible, randomly acting and Simply having low energy and motivation for accomplishing any task Related to your life even if these tasks are easy, well rewarding, valuable and Necessary for you. P.S: Anti depressants, are most profoundly From class SSRI ( Selected Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor ), will shift Your consciousness to a different state of awareness by producing more Serotonin, and cause mental clarity, happiness, well-being, Thoughtfulness and simply being in the moment. Self-awareness and self-observing has the same effect on mind. Knowledge, thinking and Awareness is the most profound way for changing any state of mind. Now imagine a normal healthy person, with all the abilities you Know he/she might have. What that person basically doing is directly connected To the brain chemistry and how he/she is generating it through Food, Sports, Communication, Art and the way he/she is doing these activities . Experiencing Different emotions and situation writes our memory with specific brain Chemistry linked to that particular moment of time. That is why smell, Sound, color and many other things can make you feel nostalgic and present the memories as they were real. All the signals which we get are from our five senses which is interpreted in us as moment Of conscious, whatever we see, think, hear, touch and so on and so forth. Imagine, with changing your physical state which is also possible by Meditation, Deep Thinking and Learning or even people/environment you're connected with, You're altering your state of mind, getting away from emotion Fixations, thinking more forward, clear with more access to our working Memory, feelings, mind dictionary, knowledge and many other things which Are present in a moment of consciousness and self-awareness are all that can be Expanded. Expansion brings a new dimension to your view on life, Knowing life and everything which is involved in it. Just experiencing different moods is not enough to alter the state of consciousness, as it was mostly in case of great scientists or Artists or even the people who were crazy enough to do something Further and bigger than what ordinary state of consciousness allowed them to Accomplish,(like many iconic minds such as, technologists: Jobs, Gates or Zuckerberg ,you can find them in any category) something else is responsible for that, they dare to challenge their own belief system and using different methods for interpreting input senses which always decieve us and lead us to dysfunctional and consciously self destructive behaviors. Fear, illusion and delusion misinterpret situations .That is why if you believe 'I wanna do this, I'm gonna make it' then you will get more successful in achieving your goal which makes you feels good by releasing award chemicals and Making you feel good about yourself in your brain. Challenging your own belief system Without judgment makes a revision of your view on life and abilities; 'ways and how-to(es) which are always there but you don't see in ordinary State of consciousness' - will be more clear and visible to you by Entering a higher or clearer state of consciousness. These things are always there but you don't see it, you don't recognize it as they were never there. I Think, trusting your raw data without interpreting them by you as a dysfunctional belief system which is created also by you and made real by you; not adding additional spices like your fears, illusion, Delusions and thoughts will lead you to far more accurate state of A reality which you're in and you will be able to see more of what's going on and Expand your tiny little vision of reality spectrum to a vast limitless universe.
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