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Please excuse me for my brilliant title. I seriously sat here for a good half hour setting this up. So, for lack of creativity I had to settle with this.

I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to do this. I've never written a blog before and any attempts I had at making a diary just completely failed. Paranoia always got to me and I thought my brother would find all my secrets and the boys I had a crush on. I'm pretty sure I tore up/burned my diaries. But I'm gonna give this another go (not that this is a diary or anything pshhh)... thanks to a friend who wouldn't stop nagging me about it. And after my excuse of not being able to settle for a good username, I just thought, "what the heck! let's just give it a go." You know who you are. Love you though ;).

I've decided that I'm not going to limit this blog. What do I mean by that? I always watch my words around people because I'm afraid of hurting their feelings or getting in a load of crap (except for the moments I forget to think before I say something. Oops.) Anyway, this blog will be completely 100% honest. Okay, let's go 98%. Weird thoughts go on up there sometimes. So here you are folks, Debbie's thoughts uncensored, uncut, and raw.

My biggest fear on starting this is that my blog will be boring. I'm so nervous that I'm actually looking off a sheet of paper where I put points on what to talk about. Yikes. As shocking as it is, my life is really not all that exciting. So here I am, writing for you strangers on the wonders and craziness that goes on in this little head of mine.

I guess I'll begin by saying I'm quitting my job. For real this time. I've been saying this for over a year and a half. I work at a grocery store that's been paying me just enough to afford a cup of coffee. Sad thing is, I've been working there for almost 2 years. Apparently there's really no opportunity of advancement. The way I see it, they don't want us to get close to the managers' pay. (Sorry! Really hope no one from my job's reading this. I kinda need that reference). Anyway, I've been sitting at a solid $10/h for a good year and half. I could go into all the details of why I hate my job and why I love it, but let's just leave it at the bad outweighs the good.To be honest, I will miss a few people. There's this one guy I used to like that may or may not still work there. He's dorky and as unattractive as some people found that, I thought it was cute. In fact, I'm smiling right now. Hahahaha.. I can laugh at myself on this thing, right? But back to the topic, I just dated my resignation letter. Yea, big deal, right? You don't understand, this letter's been in my room for the past 6-8 months. I left the date section blank. It is now officially dated April 18, 2013.

Let the broke life begin.

I'm sorry if this is getting too long. But I just have a little more to say.

I'm not sure if I should tell this story or not because of my public humiliation. But what the heck, uncensored and uncut, right?

So I went grocery shopping on Sunday (not at my job), and I was so relieved there would finally be food in the house (I eat a lot). Anyway, I was so motivated on Sunday that I told myself I would go to Staples and fax something, then go grocery shopping, then go workout, then finally come home to do my tons of homework. So I put on my track shirt and sweats and left to the grocery store. After running around and grabbing $124 worth of groceries, I did what any normal person would and I went to pay for it. I was actually proud of myself for being independent. So I got to the cashier and swiped the credit card and bam.

It declined.

I thought there was no way this could happen so I told the cashier to let me try again... like 2 more times. Each time... it declined. (Not until I got home did I find out I was only $4 over the limit). So the cashier gave me a look.. kind of rude. It was the 'you're wasting my time' look, you know? I avoided eye contact with the people behind me for obvious reasons. So I asked him if I could just wait there while I got things sorted out and he was just really awkward... like my situation wasn't awkward enough. He called his manager and they had to escort me to customer service. I was SO embarrassed! So I waited there while they piled my groceries on their desk and made a few phone calls. I was told my brother was on his way to meet me with a different credit card. After waiting for a bit I just couldn't take the shame anymore that I just told the guy at the desk I would be back in ten. I didn't go back. Truthfully, I had some intention of coming back to redeem myself and pay for those groceries but I just felt so ashamed walking out empty handed that I just couldn't do it, and I still haven't been back since. So now I'm faced with the choice of finding another grocery store to shop at or wearing a ski mask and going back. Needless to say, I lost all motivation for the rest of the day. I didn't do my homework, and instead of working out, I went to indulge in a fatty coma of MacDonald's (in my eyes, the worst fast food out there).

Well, there's my current life in a blog. Not very eventful but not too boring... hopefully.

How do I end this?

Peace. Bye. Shalom. Until next time..

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