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Directions: Read the following examples of figurative language. Identify the poetic device being used. Write the letter of your answer on the line to the right.

1. The streets were strange and still, / Through the doors of the open churches
The organs were moaning shrill.

a. simile b. metaphor c. hyperbole d. personification

2. Chicago is a city that is fierce as a dog with tongue lapping for action.

a. enjambment b. metaphor c. simile d. onomatopoeia

3. She soothed her secret sorrow.

a. hyperbole b. alliteration c. metaphor d. simile

4. Silver bells!... How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in the icy air of night.

a. simile b. hyperbole c. onomatopoeia d. alliteration

5. He answered her he knew not what: / Like shaft from bow at random shot,

a. simile b. personification c. repetition d. metaphor

6. Chant in a wail / that never halts, / pace a circle and pay tribute / with a song.

a. rhyme b. simile c. personification d. hyperbole

7. Vague pageants woven on a web of dream!
And we, pushing and fighting in the turbid stream / Of modern life

a. simile b. metaphor c. understatement d. hyperbole

8. He would contemplate the distance / With a look of pensive meaning,
As of ducks that die in ill tempests.

a. simile b. metaphor c. personification d. onomatopoeia

9. And I will return, my love, / even if it were a million miles.

a. personification b. onomatopoeia c. hyperbole d. simile

10. Women under the gas lamps luring the farm boys.

a. onomatopoeia b. hyperbole c. personification d. alliteration











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