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Location: Aboard the spaceship "The Omega"
Constellation: Lupus, left of Centarus
Host Star: Alpha Lupi

Meanwhile in the Engine Room...

Proxy awoke with a terrible headache and a feeling of misplacement. What the Hell, where was she? Yesterday was the day of the interview with... Oh no... The vague memories started coming back to the woman and she brought her cold hands to her face and groaned. Of course this sort of bullshit would happen right when Proxy and Apple's lives had started turning for the better. Oh Stars, Apple! The chubby brunette started searching every inch of the engine room with her eyes for her companion. There she was. She was alive!

"Oh thank the-"

"Where the Hell are we exactly?" A sarcastic and very familiar voice interrupted.


Proxy's ears didn't deceive her and in the corner opposite of Apple's sat a restrained blonde man, who wore a very self righteous and confused- but mostly righteous- face. Russel glared in her direction.

"What is going on here Em-"

"Proxy!" Apple shouted, "Remember our pen names?"

"Pfft, whatever, who cares about pen names, where in Majoris's name are we?!" Russel retorted in irritation.

"How would I know??" Apple asked, testing her restraints by trying to pull her wrists apart, but to no avail.

"Yeah, how would you know, you've been lying in a pool of your own blood for the last three uneventful hours."

Proxy rolled her eyes. Great to know the mystery just got bigger- and more bitter now that Russel's snarky ass was here. Trapped in the same room as them. Damn it all to Hell.

"Apple," Proxy started, "When I came in here you were bleeding all over the place... are you okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, I just bit my tongue and busted my lip when I fell down," She grinned and her swollen lip was a lot more noticeable. Ouch.

"Well in case anyone is gonna ask, the reason I'm trapped with you two goons is because after calling Omega five times through city hall's starship communication and receiving no response, I rode out here to find this ship ominously opened through the emergency exit, walked into this old piece of scrap metal and BAM, out like a light. Woke up a few hours ago and watched Apple lay facefirst in her own blood though, great times." Russel finished with a fake grin before shifting his menacing gaze behind Proxy, "Oh look who it is, you fucking criminal, let us go now." Russel growled at whoever was behind the pink vested woman angrily.

Proxy felt a body shift past her and looked up. The woman was still wearing those black boots and denim pants, but now Proxy noticed something else too. This intruder was wearing crescent moon emblem on her black jacket. She was an official from the Blue Moon organization, a very prominent anti-Monarchy group known for their voice in many attacks spread out across the Milky Way. Snakes. The lady was also pretty tall and chunky. Nice butt too.

The stranger shifted uncomfortably at Proxy's gaze and cleared her throat. Proxy averted her gaze toward Russel who gave her an unimpressed look and mouthed "really?" to her. She shrugged in response and her cheeks lit up. She couldn't help it, the captor was hot. Proxy kept her eyes on the wavy black hair of the woman that had just started to speak. Well, mumble more like it. Apple stared intensely at the intruder's face, waiting for a formulated sentence, meanwhile Russel just gave her a bored face at her failed attempts to speak. Maybe if they asked her separate questions she would respond easier, it seemed like the person who knocked their lights out was actually very shy.

"What's your name?" Proxy asked. The woman turned to her almost immediately.

"My name is Amne-"

"Or a better question, where the Hell are you taking us?!" Russel interrupted the low voice that had just been meekly speaking. Damn it Russel.

"Don't mind him," Proxy sighed, "He always gets angry when he's confused. What's your name again?"

The intruder nodded, seeming to understand Russel's childish behavior, before saying, "Amnesia."

"Cool," Apple said with a smile, "My name is Apple, and that's Proxy," She pointed toward the woman who was playing with a button on her pink vest, "And that's Salt," The woman laughed after pointing at Russel.

"I'm Russel." The blonde said, beyond irritated, shooting a glare Apple's way. They had sort of a rivalry going on, so Apple laughing at him was enough to make his blood boil.

Proxy started to adjust her bowtie again carefully, "Why did you take my ship and friends, Amnesia?"

"I... I need this ship to get to Scorpius and you were all witnesses so I brought you along... Er, bad idea probably," Amnesia said with a glance toward Russel, whose mouth was agape.

"You mean if I had stayed home, I wouldn't be part of this? Seems great to me, any of you women got a time machine?" Russel asked, smiling at Apple and Proxy, "Nah, you two would die without me, I'm glad the criminal took me too. My only complaint is that Apple wasn't out cold longer."

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