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Please give complete answers
15. Please explain the importance of a pedigree chart and why one was created for Rhett. *
4 points
Pedigree charts are important because they can help predict whether a member of a family will have a disease, disorder, or a different problem. One was created for Rhett inorder to figure out the chance of Rhett's cousin getting sickly cell disease. Knowing if he is likely to have sickle cell disease will help the doctors and parents know what they should be prepared for.
8. Where are individual genes located? *
4 points
Genes are found in the nuclei of a cell.
7. Diffusion says the particle want to go from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. *
4 points
5. What amino acid (give a number) is changed in a person with sickle cell disease? What amino acid should it be? What amino acid is it changed to? *
4 points
The 6th amino acid is changed in a person with sickle cell disease. It should be a t(thymine) but is instead changed to an a(adenine).
11. Please explain why the central dogma of molecular biology is DNA-----RNA----Protein. *
4 points
The central dogma of molecular biology is DNA->RNA->->Protein because the DNA is first turned into RNA by the process of transcription. In transcription, the information coded in the cells DNA instructs the cell to make mRNA(messenger RNA). The RNA polymerase allows this mRNA to be made. The mRNA is then small enough to leave the nucleus. Then, RNA is turned into protein through translation. Translation occurs in the ribosome when the ribosome reads three of your bases at a time and transfers the RNA. The codons match with its anticodon. The amino acid chain then bunches together and becomes protein.
10. Create a punnet square for a parent who has type A (heterozygous) blood and a parent who has type O blood and answer the following question. What is the probability of the offspring having type a blood? (please give a percentage) *
4 points
25. What is geriatrics in terms of health care? *
4 points
Geriatrics is the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of disease in older people and the problems specific to aging.
21. When in the recovery position, a person should lay on what side? Why should they be on their side? Why that side in particular? (Please answer all 3 questions with a different answer for each) *
4 points
A person should lay on their left side. They should lay on side so that if they barf, spit up, etc., they will not choke on their own barf, spit up, etc. They should also lay on their side so that their tongue does not block their airway. They should lie on the left side in particular so that their heart
12. Please list and briefly explain the 4 different stages of making a protein, starting with the amino acid chain. Which stage of making a protein does not always occur and why? *
4 points
Your answer

20. What protein molecule located on an rbc is responsible for holding on to oxygen and carbon dioxide? *
4 points
Your answer
16. When using a codon chart, what step in protein synthesis is skipped? *
4 points
Your answer
3. The apex of the heart refers to what area of the heart? *
4 points

4. Why did Rhett take hydroxurea? (d not say it is because he has sickle cell disease. Explain thoroughly what hydroxurea does and how it helps Rhett.) *
4 points
Your answer

14. Explain what an allele is and how is it related to Rhett?
4 points
Your answer

6. What type of solution if preferable for the cells of a human? *
4 points
Slightly Hypertonic
Slightly hypotonic
1. What is the largest artery in the body? *
4 points
Your answer
17. What hormone stimulates the making of rbc's? *
4 points
Your answer
2. Sickle cell disease is an autosomal dominant disease. *
4 points
19. Using the Glaister equation and the following information, determine Rhett's time of death. At 10pm, the Medical Examiner took Rhett's rectal temperature. It read 86.5 degrees F. What time did Rhett die? *
4 points
Your answer
23. Name the three parts of a nucleotide. *
4 points
Your answer
9. What does the r stand for in rRNA? Why does it stand for that? *
4 points
Your answer

13. Please use the following strand of DNA to show the mRNA strand, then the tRNA strand and finally the amino acid sequence. TACCGAGATTCA *
4 points
Your answer

22. What type of enzyme cuts the DNA strands prior to running them through a gel electrophoresis? *
4 points
Your answer
24. Why would police have suspected criminals rinse their mouth and spit into a cup? *
4 points
Your answer

18. What test helps hematologists understand the amount of erythrocytes versus plasma? *
4 points
Hematocrit test
Arterial blood gas
CBC - complete blood count
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