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Moldy Chocolate - Today at 5:37 PM
well white and iced , you guys are cool. but please , if spoiled and french want to attack me , tell them to back off
Moldy Chocolate - Today at 5:35 PM
Well i have nothing but spite for you guys. you act like im the bad guy
and quit lying

Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:37 PM
moldy stop playing the victim card
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:37 PM
cнocolaтe - Today at 5:37 PM
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:37 PM
White Chocolate - Today at 5:37 PM
hi babyyyy
cнocolaтe - Today at 5:38 PM
hes not....... hes upset
Iced Chocolate - Today at 5:38 PM
so hows the weather over there
Moldy Chocolate - Today at 5:38 PM
Spoiled stop playing the " im an angel " card
Sweet Chocolate - Today at 5:38 PM
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:38 PM
He's upset every day
i dont
Moldy Chocolate - Today at 5:38 PM
You are
Crazy Chocolate - Today at 5:38 PM
Would be a bad time if I say I'm eating Doritos
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:38 PM
Since when did I ever say I'm an angel
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:38 PM
Who said who was playing the victim card?
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:38 PM
I flat out said I'm a rude person
cнocolaтe - Today at 5:38 PM
well he gets bullied sometimes.. :/
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:38 PM
so do i
Iced Chocolate - Today at 5:38 PM
guysssssssssssssssss chilllllllllllllll
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:38 PM
That gives him a free pass?
cнocolaтe - Today at 5:38 PM
spoiled please.
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:38 PM
I lost my mom guys
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:38 PM
Moldy Chocolate - Today at 5:38 PM
You say that im bad for backstabbing you when YOU backstab us
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:38 PM
I think I have the bad end of the stick
White Chocolate - Today at 5:38 PM
idk if this would b the best time 4 that pup
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:39 PM
What the actual heck
What did I do lmfao
Sweet Chocolate - Today at 5:39 PM
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:39 PM
Backstab lmfao
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:39 PM
Please stop guys
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:39 PM
Utter disappointments
Iced Chocolate - Today at 5:39 PM
quick everyone dont influence drama and look at this

Moldy Chocolate - Today at 5:39 PM
you are too incompetent to understand
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:39 PM
Moldy Chocolate - Today at 5:39 PM
omg iced
Crazy Chocolate - Today at 5:39 PM
sit back, just doesn't know what's going on
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:39 PM
Thx ice I needed that
cнocolaтe - Today at 5:39 PM
could you both please
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:39 PM
It's fake iced
Iced Chocolate - Today at 5:40 PM
no problem homies
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:40 PM
im so done
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:40 PM
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:40 PM
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:40 PM
Moldy Chocolate - Today at 5:40 PM
says the guy who acts like a child
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:40 PM
Don't go
Chocolate Candy - Today at 5:40 PM
Can you guys calm down, please no more drama.
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:40 PM
moldy sits here and sucks up attention from u all and when I say something abt it u guys whine at me
cнocolaтe - Today at 5:40 PM
just stop
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:40 PM
Don't go
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:40 PM
"Oh spoiled!!! Don't be a meanie!!"
Iced Chocolate - Today at 5:40 PM
dont make me send more memes
Chocolate Candy - Today at 5:40 PM
Please stop guys
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:40 PM
Mute chat
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:40 PM
send more memes
cнocolaтe - Today at 5:40 PM
calling people childish is something i dont want my members doing..
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:41 PM
My chat is always mute and u can't control what ppl do chocolate. We went over there
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:41 PM
Moot chat
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:41 PM
Moldy Chocolate - Today at 5:41 PM
really? i suck up attention?
is that so?
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:41 PM
Stop moldy
cнocolaтe - Today at 5:41 PM
went over there?
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:41 PM
I corrected myself
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:41 PM
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:41 PM
Don't act stupid on purpose
Sweet Chocolate - Today at 5:41 PM
Choccy BotBOT - Today at 5:41 PM
GG @Sweet Chocolate, you just advanced to level 13 ! Have a chocolate bar! :chocolate_bar:
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:41 PM
cнocolaтe - Today at 5:41 PM
im not trying to control god dang it!
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:42 PM
god dang it lol
Iced Chocolate - Today at 5:42 PM
idk if this is too nsfw but it cant be worse than drama

Crazy Chocolate - Today at 5:42 PM
OK well I'm leaving for the second race
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:42 PM
HF crazy
chocolaty dr. pupper - Today at 5:42 PM
Crazy Chocolate - Today at 5:42 PM
Uhhh GL? Idk?
Iced Chocolate - Today at 5:42 PM
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:42 PM
nice dingleberry
Iced Chocolate - Today at 5:42 PM
did the pic show up
Spoiled Chocolate 💗_💗 - Today at 5:42 PM
Iced Chocolate - Today at 5:42 PM
Moldy Chocolate - Today at 5:42 PM
Are you never satisfied with what we do or something?
cнocolaтe - Today at 5:42 PM
you all need to calm down
Sweet Chocolate - Today at 5:43 PM
cнocolaтe - Today at 5:43 PM
i will have to punish people now.
thanks guys
Moldy Chocolate - Today at 5:43 PM
go ahead punish me
cнocolaтe - Today at 5:43 PM
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