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we are hairless compared to other creatures
explaining the purpose of having hair everywhere
different types of hair that animals have
other animals have a mucus-y type of sweat and humans have watery sweat
other mammals have a hard time cooling off because their fur is can only get rid of some heat, humans can cool off effectively since our sweat receptors are really close to the skin
dwindling of resources forced hominids to have a more active lifestyle to stay hydrated and get enough calories and this caused them to adapt to cooling off and losing some body hair
another factor which gave clues of body hair loss is the investigation of genetics of skin color
keratin in our body is weak compared to other mammals because it held no importance
we still have hair because it benefits us in keeping it
tightly curled hair may have been the natural hair on our body since it provides the most cooling effect
there is ranges of how much body hair people have depending on where the person lives but it mostly all depends on the levels of testosterone
this imbalance is due to sexual selection
naked skin made us humans
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