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Pertama – tama marilah kita panjatkan puji dan syukur kepada Allah SWT karena berkat limpahan rahmatnya kita dapat berkumpul di tempat ini dalam keadaan sehat wal'afiat. Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan menyampaikan pidato yang bertema "The Importance of reading for student" Hingga sekarang, telah banyak pepatah-pepatah bijak tentang membaca, same like ‘Reading is a key of knowledge’, ‘Book is window world’ and many more. Namun kegiatan membaca itu sendiri semakin jarang dilakukan oleh students. Students yg mempunyai hobi membaca semakin berkurang. Kebanyakan dari kita lebih memilih gadget daripada buku. Jika hal ini berkelanjutan secara-terus menerus, tentu saja budaya membaca itu sendiri akan memudar sampai akhirnya budaya membaca akan hilang dari diri kita. Tanpa budaya membaca kita akan sulit untuk mencapai sebuah kesuksesan. Tanpa budaya membaca kita juga tidak bisa dengan mudah menjelajah dunia. Tanpa budaya membaca negara kita tidak akan pernah menjadi negara maju, negara kita akan selalu tertinggal, baik dari segi teknologi, ekonomi, pendidikan, dan lain sebagainya. So.. What is reading? Reading in KBBI is melihat serta memahami dari apa yang tertulis. Membaca membentuk karakter dan kepribadian, sampai-sampai ada pepatah yang mengatakan, “Apa yang kita baca sekarang, seperti itulah kita 20 tahun yang akan datang”. Membaca merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi kita semua karena dengan membaca kita bisa memperoleh banyak manfaat. Bukan hanya menambah wawasan, membaca juga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan otak untuk menganalisa, fokus, konsentrasi and mencegah penyakit Alzheimer dan demensia. Selain itu, kita juga dapat menambah kosa kata baru pada saat membaca. Cara meningkatkan minat baca di era globalisasi: Pergi ke toko buku Mulailah membaca apa yg kita sukai, misalnya komik, webtoon, majalah, dll. Pilihlah waktu luang yang tepat untuk membaca buku, misalnya saja saat malam hari menjelang tidur. Jika kalian sulit tidur atau amnesia, book sangat efektif sebagai obat tidur, Kembangkan terus minat baca Anda, karena membaca dapat meningkatkan kemampuan, terutama kemampuan untuk menjalani kehidupan dengan lebih bijaksana. Tingkatkan intensitas membaca dengan memanfaatkan waktu luang semaksimal mungkin untuk membaca. Membaca merupakan salah satu investasi yang baik dari waktu kita. ----------------------------------------------------------

The honorable Mam Rose as our english teacher, and especially for all My dearest friends. Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. First of all let us thank to Allah for His bleesing so we can gether here with a very good condition. In this beutiful day, Im going to deliver my speech about the importance of reading for students.

So now let see the definition of reading it self based on KBBI, reading is done by looking an understanding what is written. By reading our character and personality will be formed well. Like the prefer say ‘ what you have read today depends on what your future in the 20 years later. Well, firstly, I would like to remind you what the proverb say about reading, some of them are ‘Reading is a key of knowledge’, ‘Book is window world’ and many more. Many of them said that reading is very important for us as a student. Meanwhile, in this modern techology, the activity of readng is rarely done by most of student. They prefer playing game in gadget or pc than reading book. If this situation happen continuously, it can cause bad influence for student. And I’m afraid it will become worse and worse, without reading it can be predicted that students will be difficult to get the success and without reading more, students will get little information about the world and the most point that we must concern is, without reading, our country will never become the presperous country becouse we will left behind in some sectors, such as in technology, economy, education, and so on.
Reading is an important activity for every body, because though reading we can get the advantages. Not only incrase our knowledge but also to tise our brain ability to analyzy, facus, concentrate and defense from alzaimer and demensia. Moreover, it riches your vocabulary.
How you rises your interest in reading, here they are:
- Go to the book store start reading something you really keen on likes, for example comic, magazine, etc.
- Use your spare time. Such as at night before you sleep. If you have problem with sleep, reading is an effective solution at work as sleeping pills.
- Develop your interest thougt reading, especially it able increases your ability to face what would you face in the future wisely.

The intensity in reading is necessary, use it as additional actifity in you free time. So that you don’t have to do something that waste your time. Choose the book, read several pages a day, make it habit so you can feel the adventager of reading. Reading is an investation that need consistancy to achieve the goal so it now.
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