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The French Revolution
There was a king, named Louis XIV or the 16th. He had a wife named Maria Antoinette. Marie was a very unpopular queen, in the royal family. Marie, gave the king very bad advice. The Great Fear, was about the nobles retribution of the peasants. The peasants got scared, and started to arm themselves.
The National Assembly
The National Assembly, was formed to make laws for the French people. In effect, they caused the end of monarchy, and the start of representative government. This was a symbolic act of the Revolution.
Tennis Court Oath
The Tennis Court Oath, was when the National Assembly, was locked out of their meeting room. The National Assembly moved to the tennis court, and waited for the French, to make a new constitution. The Nobles, and clergy joined the National Assembly, because they loved them.
Storming the Bastille
Storming the Bastille, was about a wild rumor, about the king going to attack the National Assembly. The people started to gather weapons, and stormed, or attacked the Bastille. This was another symbolic act of the Revolution.
Causes of French Revolution
Some of the causes of the French Revolution were debt, war, and overpricing of food.
The three estates
The first Estate, was made out of Clergy, of Roman Catholic Church.
The second Estate, was made out of Nobles.
And the Third, and last estate was made out of peasants, and very poor people
The First, and second Estate's didn't have to pay any taxes, but the third estate had to pay almost all of their money to taxes. That sparked a huge symbol of the French Revolution.
The Old Regime
The Old Regime, was once ruled by the king.
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