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so there are 2 products eg x and y
-1st step u make
let x be the number of units of x .. same for y
- 2nd step
eg by question its 4 for x anf 8 for y (contribution)
Objective is to maximise contribution state it
like with a letter Z= 4x +8y
-3rd step
make a table of the posiible outputs from each resource providing dept like in q a b c
^ this will help u identify the max scale to make on ur graph like for x its i remembr 2250 so max is 2250 scale it to 500 or 400
-4th step
to make the graph and put the products on axis then plot points like a would give xx units of X and xx units of y SO PUT EM AND DRW LINE FROM ONE TO ANOTHER .. DO IT FOR ALL depts
-4th step
would be identify the possible prdtion area
would be to find the iso line contribution.. i.e take one equation like 4x + 8y <= 11000 just multiply 8 to 4 and 4 to 8 by calling em units so that contribution is the same. After that put it in the scale style like if its with 2 zeros+ then multiply by 100 and plot line on graph after that put ruler on iso line and oops remember to make point s on itersections of lines whereever br=efore this step after that the last point u reach would be the optimum point and put in units and calculate max contribution
then to confirm accuratle solve the equations also only those that are there intersecting the at optimum point like a & b
after thats all done find shadow price which is again simp-le we just need to advice any dept if they ask dept a so for A we will just Add 1 more hour and do the elinimation method and find out how much is the most we can pay for one more hour.. done
lastly slack means surplus of resources remaining so the amount of units that are utilised at max contribution point will have left some resources remaining so we need to find out how many will remain if we produce them in the particular dept .
------------- DONE --------------

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