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I took a shaky breath in letting my wings hang down as I brushed past Ridge, trying to hold down whatever control I could muster to myself as I lightly walked into the room that would scar me far worst then the remains of that branch in my side.
"I should go get kys."

I nodded my bodys glow not fading but rather comforting me keeping my wits together as i just wanted to fall off the face of the earth; I'd seen to much and i knew i'd never forget it.
Dani's small body was sprawled across the floor in the middle of the room her dark crimson blood seeping out from her once brown cheeks, thighs, hands and wrists. Her pretty white dress now covered in her own god damn blood.
I felt my nose being tickled by the salty wet tears from my eyes as I stepped closer to her body knowing my shirt was probably wet from my cries.
I picked up her lifeless body brushing her hair back and trying to clean up some of the blood before her sister came up. I was rocking her body back and forth in my arms before I actually looked around the room only then realizing she wasn't the only thing covered in blood.

There was four adult sized awoken surrounding her and I all of the creatures dead and their arms covered in blood. I leaned down to one looking closer to their chared faces, all of their blurry white eyes had been violently pulled out the sockets, and held tightly in their hands covered in blood; Their faces contourted into a pain filled trance that stuck as their resting look making it clear they were dead.

I quickly looked at the Awoke and Dani back and forth now confused on who killed who and why both still ended up dead.

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