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Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: // yooo howzya doing?
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Hey! Nothing much! Drawing on my arm, wanting to die, the usual!))
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: // d'ya wanna continue?
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Sure! WHere were we?))
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: // uhhh... i didnt save the very last one but i have the one before
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Okay!))
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: // ill get it
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Thanks!))
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: // its really short but *shrug*
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared nuzzled him
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: Connor held Jared close.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared smiled, "Heh..."
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "What is it?"
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "You are fucking lovely!"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "And you're six feet seven of adorable!"
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "How... do you know?"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: //fuck i meant five
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): XD))
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Lucky guess? I'm six feet, and you're about three inches shorter, soo..."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "Fuck you for being tall!"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "I'm not even that tall, short-ass."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "You are taller than both me and Evan!"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "So?"
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "Evan is average, you are tall..."
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "And how is that a problem?"
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "I feel so smol..."
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Three inches difference, you're not that smol compared to me."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "Still, fuck you..." Jared kissed him
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: Connor spoke quietly, "Maybe later." then kissed Jared back.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared blushed, "Shut up...!"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Make me."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared kissed him happily
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: Connor kissed Jared again.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared closed his eyes
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: Connor also closed his eyes.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared leaned closed
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): closer
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: Connor wrapped his arms around Jared.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared wrapped his arms around Connor
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: Connor tightened his grip slightly.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared pulled back for air
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: Connor smiled at Jared.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared smiled back, "Stupid tall idiot that I love..."
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Short-ass, who I love.."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared laughed
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: Connor smiled even wider.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared kissed his nise
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): nose
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: Connor kissed Jared's forehead.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared kissed down his neck
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Do you wanna go home?"
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared nodded, "Yeah..."
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Let's go then." Connor pushed himself up and held out his hand for Jared to take.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared took his hand and got up happily
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: He walked out to the front and to his car.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared followed with him and entered the car.
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: He got in and started to drive.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared leaned back and closed his eyes
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: They soon got back to Connor's.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared left the car and stretched.
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Doesn't look like anyone's home..."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "Yey, then we are alone!"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Great."
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: // imana get myself some food quickly
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Okay!))
Jared lead him inside
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: // guess who's back, with leftover cheese and mac. tried to rhyme, didnt work that time
"My room?"
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): XD))
He nodded and headed up stairs
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Down the hall, and here." Connor pushed open the door.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared sat down on Connor's bed
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: Connor sat down next to him
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared leaned against him, "Sooo..."
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Yeah?"
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "What now?"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "I... don't know."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "Fuck..."
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Uhh, I can solve a Rubik's cube in 18 seconds.."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "Really?"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Yup."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "That's cool!"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "I think there's one in my room, somewhere..."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared stood up and started to look around
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "No idea where I put it though..."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "I will find it!"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Good luck..."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "Thanks you!"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "I haven't seen it in ages."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "I WILL find it!"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Sure."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "Found it."
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "How? Where?"
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared held it up, "Under your desk..."
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Cool, could you scramble it for me?"
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared nodded and did as told
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Now pass it here."
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: // im probably gonna have to go soon so if i dissapear thats why
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared threw it at Connor
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Okaii))
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: He caught it in one hand and began to work the Rubik's cube.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared watched
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Aaand done."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "That's pretty fucking cool!"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Yeah, once you get in the rhythm, it's not that hard."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "Teach me senpai!"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Okay, you'll need three Saturday evenings when you're bored out of your mind and probably slightly high, and a Rubik's cube."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "Wow..." Jared laughed
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Also, tutorials are handy."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared laid down across his lap, "Got it!"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: Connor held out the cube. "Wanna try?"
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared nodded, "Sure?"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: Connor passed it to Jared.
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): JAred tried to solve it
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Need some tips?"
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared shook his head
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Okay, go ahead."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared sighed and attempted again
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Try moving the top row around."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "Shhh..." He still did as told
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Left column back two.."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared followed his orders
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "Should be easy from there."
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): "Did it!"
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: "There you go!"
Jared Kleinman (Conman/Kleinphy? We can discuss ideas!): Jared giggled
Connor Murphy wearing a gay pride shirt hidden by his hoodie: Connor patted his head.
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