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I can use my flames anywhere
I don't need any outside sources to use my flames
My flame alchemy is not alchemy
My flames can go up to 30,000,000 Degrees Fahrenheit
I am completely immune to fire
I can use my flames to heal any type of illness, disease, virus, disorder, etc.

My molecular manipulation is not a contractor ability
My lightning can reach 1,000,000,000 Volts
I can use my lightning anywhere
I am completely immune to lightning/electricity
I don't need any outside sources to use my lightning

I have Neji and Hinata's Byakugan and Gentle Fist Mastery

My EMS has Sasuke's EMS appearance
There are no drawbacks or consequences when I use my sharingan
I have Itachi, Sasuke, Madara, Obito, Kakashi, Danzou's Sharingan Mastery

I can teleport other people via touch or seal
I can teleport to anywhere I can remember or where I place a seal
I can teleport instantaneously

I have Yoruichi, Byakuya, and Soifon's Shunpo Mastery

When I am invisible you cannot locate me by any means

I can transform into anything for however long I want

Devil Fruits:
I don't have the standard devil fruit weakness

Power Source:
I dont need any power source to use my powers (chakra, magic power, ki, reiatsu, etc.)

I have all of Cp9 and Vergo's Rokushiki Mastery

I get the same boost in strength and speed fishmen and merfolk get underwater

Space-Time Manipulation:
I can completely control space and time

Nature Manipulation:
I can completely control aspects of nature

Wood Release:
I have Yamato, Hashirama, and Madara's Wood Release Mastery

Storm Manipulation:
I can completely control certain aspects of storms such as wind, clouds, snow, lightning, and rain

I can travel through, hide in, or go into shadows

My flight doesn't have the boost effect it has in DBZ
I can allow others to fly via touch

Power and Abilities:
I have the users' mastery, knowledge, and skill

I can move at my full speed indefinitely

Flame Colors:
Indigo's Purple Flames
Marco's Blue Flames
Ace's Marineford Flames
Green Flames

Shinigami Physiology:
I can breathe without oxygen or any other source
I am not effected by toxins, drugs, poisons, etc.
I cannot have my body taken
Complete thermal resistance
I am not affected by foreign substances
I am immune to all diseases, virus', sickness, etc.
I cannot be sealed
My body, soul, etc. stay at age 19
I am not affected by foreign chemicals
I cant have any of my powers or abilites taken from me
People cannot copy my powers and abilites
Death the Kid's Shinigami Attributes
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Regards; Team

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