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This Jutsu is called "Heavens Dimension" this jutsu is the strongest space time ninjutsu in the world because of its versatility and its power and how many people it can kill and it is feared even among the strongest shinobi this jutsu gives the user the ability to teleport into their own pocket dimension that is just a black void with infinite space and the user can teleport items and also people inside their dimension but they have to be touching what ever they are teleporting inside.Once inside the dimension the user can do anything they want and they can alter how the dimension looks and what is inside it,for example they can make the entire thing lava or make the entire thing engulfed in poison gas,The user can make up to three different dimensions and each can be used for a different purpose.the person has complete control over the dimension and also can also change the rules of physics and gravity inside the dimension and the user can make it so there is little to no gravity or make it so time accelerates or slows down for everything,the user can also force physics to change for every item/person in the dimension except the ones the user chooses.One downside to this jutsu is that every other space time ninjutsu that has to do with a different dimension will use one of the dimensions the user created any dimensions besides these three will be deleted. A master of this jutsu can open portals to one of their dimensions to block ninjutsu and send it to the dimension so it doesn't do anything to the dimension the user is in but the portal the user opens cant let any living things inside so the only way to get living thins inside is by touching the thing they want in the dimension.The user can also destroy everything inside the dimension while they are outside of it so they can transport an enemy their or an item they want to get rid of and destroy it permanently.Inside of their dimension the user can do pretty much anything except use jutsu they don't have already.The main weakness to this jutsu is if its used on human the person has to be standing absolutely still for 5 seconds before they can be transported to the users dimension also anything created inside the dimension can not be transferred outside of it and any conditions done to the user or the people inside of the dimension wont transfer to the other dimensions like healing and also injuring so its a perfect jutsu for a prison/torture chamber but if anyone is killed inside of,or deleted from the dimension then they will die and if someone dies in the dimension if they come back to other dimensions their death will stay a thing.
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