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Louis the 8th was very self centered a possible narcissist. He sees himself as the sun the center of his universe and his kingdom.
Unit 3
Enlightenment: The way the sun rises and sets everyday is a natural law. A natural law is something that can be explained as something that just happens. The Enlightenment period was a quest for knowledge similar to the Renaissance period. The enlightenment asks a different question being what it means to be a human living in the natural world. Science answers some of that question the other part is how we as humans exist together or government.
Copernicus- He is the first to talk about the Heliocentric universe as well as identify some of the planets.
John Locke inherits his mindset from Pico where you can be what you want and he sees people as "Blank Slates". John Lockes belief is a very optimistic mindset but it goes against the catholic faith.
Contract theory of government- Its the contract citizens have with their government. He is expressing natural laws in the declaration of independence. Government serves one sole purpose which is protecting its citizens rights. He also includes a summary of an ideal democracy. He also includes that the people are allowed to alter or abolish their government if they feel that they are not meeting the standards set out for them.
Voltaire- He is also looking for that which makes human society run more smoothly. He goes to the "heart of the problem" being the tolerance of others. More specifically, religious tolerance because that was the worst kind in his eyes. He specifies the tolerance of all religions towards each other. He take on other forms of intolerance but this was the biggest.
Montesquieu- He was the one to propose the separation of powers so no one branch could become more powerful. He isn't a very big believer in democracy but analyzes what power is and separates them into three branches Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.
Legislative- Makes law
Executive -Enforces the law
Judicial- Interprets the law
Unit 4
With science comes technology leading to machines. In order to become an entrepreneur you need workers for the factories because they provide labor operating the machines. No child labor laws back in those days. You also need capital. Early banks were lending institutions and were not used for holding money until later. You also need the machines and a system of reliable transportation in order to get the goods to the customers. This brought about the invention of the railroad. It was such a good mode of transportation mostly because of its reliability. You need communication with the customers which brought about the telegraph machine
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