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Everyone has fears
But mine is myself
I'm scared of what I've become
I really need help

What I've become
Is a cold heartless bitch
That looks in the mirror
And reminds myself I'm not shit

I don't care about the world
I don't care about my life
If I was threatened
I'd give them the knife

Go ahead and kill me
It'd be a blessing
Damn I'm tired
Tired of stressing

See this is a lesson
God told me to believe
But I give up
I'm ready to leave

I know I'm not a good person
And I know I'm going to hell
But lemme tell y'all a story
It doesn't end off very well

I'm 12 now
Pretty cool right?
I thought it was
Till that very night

The voices in my head
Telling me I'm worthless
Cried my eyes out
I know I'm not worth it

Next day waking up
Wishing I didn't
Went to school
I wasn't feeling it

I remember walking home
Looking to my right
Saw something
That would change my life

It made me run
Faster than before
Finally I got home
And locked all the doors

I've been haunted ever since
No one knew why
I just never thought
I'd see someone die

My eyes hurt
After that I became cold
I didn't give a fuck
It's like I gave away my soul

I started ignoring everyone
Cutting at night
Hugging my pillows
Wishing I was alright

Now I'm here
Still haven't found warmth
Writing this rap
On August 4th

Just remember everyone
Your biggest enemy is your mind
If you watch out
You'll be fine
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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