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The discovery of infrared
Sir William Herschel. Credit: John Russell
National Maritime Museum London UK
British astronomer William Herschel (1738-1822) was making observations of the sun when he put coloured filters over his telescope in order to make his observations safer. He noticed that different coloured filters heated up his telescope by different amounts. Using a prism to break up visible light he put a thermometer in the different colours. He found that the temperature rose as he moved the thermometer from violet to red. He then measured the temperature where there was no visible light, at the red end of the spectrum. The temperature was the highest: he had discovered infrared.
The visible spectrum
a rainbow appears to come out of the prism
Refraction from a prism
Using a prism, you can split up white light to form a spectrum. (A prism is a block of glass with a triangular cross-section.) The light waves are refracted as they enter and leave the prism. The shorter the wavelength of the light, the more it is refracted. As a result, red light is refracted the least and violet light is refracted the most, causing the coloured light to spread out to form a spectrum.
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