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Aphrodite brought into the House of the Gods
Given the gift of the unicorn from Iris

But as time went on, and Aphrodite settled into her Godly duties, things went sour.
The unicorn was more beautiful a creature than she, and got more attention from the humans than she.
Enraged and feeling betrayed, she tricks her friend (who is very intelligent) into visiting the shore from which she had been born from; a place where they had often gone when she wanted a break. In a seemingly mental break, Aphrodite slits the unicorn’s throat with a dagger concealed within the sleeves of her robes.
And that is why there are no unicorns on our earth today.

They’d found her at the seaside, bare and alone and beautiful. She carried form of young child, brown locks of hair tangled and matted by the salty water of the sea and face streaked with mixture of sand and remnants of seaweed. And yet, she was the most stunning thing that Zeus had ever laid eyes upon. So, entranced by her beauty and rocked with pity towards her forsaken state, he took the child with him to Olympus.
Hera, wife of Zeus and queen of the Gods, did not like the girl meant to be her new daughter. The other deities deemed her heartless, for showing no amity towards the young Goddess, but Hera cared none for their opinions. She saw something beneath those sea-green eyes, lined with lashes thick and enhanced by innocent smile, which was off-putting. Something mature- something ancient- within young eyes. Yet the others would not listen to her words of unease, and so welcomed the new child of Olympus with open arms.
Artemis and Apollo, barely more than youth themselves, were the first to greet her- Aphrodite, for that was the name she had revealed belonged to her. The twins offered unto her silver bow, embellished with flowers and vines of gold, but the Goddess cared none for such weapons. Next came Poseidon, the God of the sea himself, who presented a selection of the finest pearls of his realm. She regarded them with dim interest, picking the largest and enclosing it firmly within closed palm… but even it was forgotten in short time. Immortal after immortal gave her gift, but Aphrodite seemed uninterested with all that they gave, wordlessly twirling a lock of newly washed brown hair around her finger.
It was only when Iris, the Goddess of the rainbow and final tribute, gave her gift that Aphrodite straightened in her seat. A horse, new of life, with hair as white as snow and mane and tail that were equally pristine in color. But it was not the beauty of the young mare which captured Aphrodite’s attention; rather it was the spiraled horn upon its head, elegant and golden. The Goddess squealed in delight, struggling to hold the large babe of an animal within her arms, “It is perfect!”
She declared, and Iris offered a smile, before bidding farewell. Hera watched the scene with bleak expression, hands folded before her as she stood stiffly in her place, “Do you deem it wise, to give this creature to a girl who is but mere child? It is the last of its kind, and the fate of its species could lie within Aphrodite’s hands.”
She asked coldly as Zeus approached, though she never turned to face her husband. The God of the sky gave out a laugh, “A child bears the most loving of hearts; do not fear for the unicorn, it is in good care.”
Hera did not change expression, letting out the barest of sighs, before picking up the outer fold of her dress and taking leave. “I fear that she will be the unicorn’s undoing.” She called back, “For the loving heart of child soon grows to the vain heart of woman.”

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