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My randomly generated mashup was:Link and/or Zelda, at McDonald's, undergoing an unusual surgical procedure<a href="">Generate yours!</a>

Mossflight’s Death:
A couple of days after her warrior ceremony and vigil, tensions are high throughout the Clan. (this is set a little before sunhigh) She’s shown feeling for Brownstripe. Sun decides she ships it and is kind of friends with Brown, but she knows Brown is on Dawn’s side of the war and supports Dawn, while Sun supports Tendril. Moss feels pressured to take a side: her head tells her to support her father and her heart wants to be with Brown. She and Brown have become great friends and Sun’s feeling replaced. One day the Clan breaks out in arguments. Brown standing by sun and and Sun rather urgently asks at Moss to make up her mind. Moss, unsure and kind of frightened, backs up slowly and her back paw hits a tender spot in the ground and it collapses. Moss falls and the ground around her also falls and she falls with it. Brown tries to catch her and almost falls in himself. It’s not too deep but the ground keeps falling and a bunch falls on top of her, burying her alive. Brown says “screw it i love her” and jumps in and starts to dig her out, Sun follows and everyone’s like AA so Tendril says “no one else go in bc it’ll get crowded, and Brown is powerful enough to dig her out” so they all sit and watch while Brown and Sun dig her out. Finally they find her tail and follow it to her face. They uncover her face and chest and she has lots of mud in her mouth, and her eyes are closed and she's not breathing or conscious. Sweptpaw, the med app, has small paws and sticks his forepaw in to dig the mud out of her mouth, then Willowheart starts pressing Moss’s chest and tries to get her to breath but she cant breath. Finally she loses pulse and Willow says shes gone. Brown yells at Sun and blames her a little bit. Next day: Brown apologizes for blaming Sun and they are acquaintances again. They only hated each other as kits btw, they became good in about the 2nd week of apprenticeship because Brown grew really close to Moss so Sun was like “mk i guess were doin this mutual friend thing now”
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