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section 1
A stock market crash wiped out all the gains of the previous year.
The violent end of the bonus March damaged Hoover's presidential campaign.
The money did not trickle down to workers.
Hide that and failing crop prices.
He loaned Federal money to businesses and states to help them recover financially.
section 2
She invited prominent African-American to the White House to speak with the president.
To promote economic recovery, reform American capitalism, and offer security to ordinary Americans.
Distributing food shipments.
They made FDR seem like a person ordinary folks could relate to and trust.
He disguised it because he thought it would make him appear unfit for the office of president.
section 3
The Civilian Conservation corpse
He believed it was government's job to straighten out the economy and was willing to provide jobs.
He declared a bank holiday allowed only solvent Banks to reopen an established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
By offering Insurance to private lenders who financed home mortgages, creators were able to lower down payment.
Father Coughlin was Extremely popular due to his relentless attacks on the wealthy; FDR found himself leaning to the left to appease his constituents who supported Collins message.
section 4
The agricultural adjustment act.
The creation of flood relief Recreation areas and cheap electricity.
When Lange's migrant mother was published in San Francisco news relief worker send food to a migrant Camp of 2,500 people.
section 5
the act establishing national minimum hourly wage and set maximum hours per workweek for industrial workers.
It created a comprehensive social welfare system to protect the age unemployed and those unable to care for themselves.
Congress of Industrial Organizations .
His wording of questions affected responses and he freely interpreted the meaning of his serving regular newspaper.
Redistribute money from the rich to the poor.
The stock market crash
World War I
They used the funds deposited in bank by Ordinary citizens to buy speculated stocks on the market crashed....
bread lines
That being successful at making money was not the most important thing in life; one also had to do public service.
a group of academics that FDR consulted regarding the economic crisis.
through blatant intimidation tactics,....
Most Americans found the portrayed cheerfulness reassuring, and he inspired confidence in the future prosperity of America.
She spent most of her time traveling so she could advise her husband about the country and was rarely home.
The new law prevented employers from firing or blacklisting workers who joined a union, or form infiltrating unions with spies.
The NRA suspended antitrust laws and established industrial boards to determine set pricing, production quotas, and wages.
people headed to California in search of farm work.
They wanted to stop Mexicans from taking jobs away from American-born workers.
At first long supported the new deal but over time you broke with FDR and became a Critic proposing his own...
Because southern and agricultural businesses claimed they could not afford to pay the mandatory employers' contribution, workers in these industries were not immediately covered by the new system.

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