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The SQ3R reading method is a method of study introduced by Francis Pleasant Robinson in his book “Effective study”. It was created specifically to assist college students improve work skills and reading comprehension (Robinson, 1961, p. vi). The SQ3R method is a very effective and thorough method of learning for students due to the fact that it has a heavy emphasis on reading comprehension and attention which increases likelihood in transferring information into long-term memory.

Francis P. Robinson first introduced the SQ3R method in 1946 in the 2nd edition of his book “Effective study” (Robinson, 1961, p. vii). As previously stated in the introduction, the SQ3R method was initially created to assist college students. However, its success lead to it becoming one of the most widely employed method of study across the globe for not just the college level of education, but for all other levels of education. (Can expand how the method came to success)

The SQ3R, or SQRRR, method is composed of 5 steps; each letter representing a step. The method goes as follows: survey, question, read, recite, and review. The main objective of this method is to assist the student in being able to distinguish the key points from the headings/subheadings in order to be able to read the material much more efficiently. This allows the student to read much faster, as now that they know what they’re looking for; they’re able to skip whole sections of the text if it is unrelated to the key points and main ideas.

In surveying, the student must skim over the headings and/or subheadings in order to get a basic outline of the ideas that are going to be discussed in the chapter. In questioning, the student will now turn the main points and/or sub points into questions. This starts the active thinking process as turning the headings into questions is form of elaborative rehearsal. (can expand on how it is a form of elaborative rehearsal) In reading, the student will now try to answer these questions established in the previous step while going through the chapter. This utilizes the ideas of recoding; another process of active thinking. Recoding is the idea of, “creating patterns of organization for individual pieces of information,” (O'Brien-Moran & Crook, 2018, p. 9) and in the reading step of this method; the student is actively trying to piece together the information in the text in order to connect the ideas back to the questions in the questioning step. In reciting, the student is going re-ask himself/herself the question(s) for each section and then try to answer it with the information they learnt so far; but without the use of the text. The student should do this for every section in the chapter/text, one section at a time, in order to ensure memory retention. This is vital because this allows the student to gauge how knowledgeable they are in the material based on how much of the information they can recall. It also helps the student find which sections of the text they are not as knowledgeable in. This can be improved further if the student establishes cue phrases (Robinson, 1961, p. 29) which will improve the retrieval of information from the brain. In reviewing, the student should return to the beginning of the chapter/text and re-work their way through it again, this time using only their own notes to recall the main points and/or sub points. In order to be able to retain the information effectively, this reviewal process should be done at least once a week (O'Brien-Moran & Crook, 2018, p. 15). When combined, these 5 steps create a strong foundation in which a student can build a vast amount of knowledge from. The 5 steps work in a way where each step supports and builds onto the previous step.

Going back to topic of memory discussed in the textbook, the only way for information to pass through from sensory memory to short-term memory, and then from short-term memory to long-term memory is from attention (O'Brien-Moran & Crook, 2018, p. 6). Too little attention to the material and it is forgotten. One cannot merely review the material just once after the lecture and expect to remember it a month later during their midterm or finals. It doesn't work that way — unless they have an exceptional memory — which most do not. The more attention a student focuses onto the material discussed during class, the higher their chances of storing that information in their long-term memory. This is where the SQ3R method excels.

(How does this method increase chances of storing info in long-term memory)

If the student is unable to understand the material and then use their own knowledge to contribute to, and further their understanding of the concepts/ideas; it becomes much harder to transfer that into their long-term memory. The SQ3R method makes the student question the topics straight from the beginning in order to set-up “objectives.” This gets the student more engaged in the material because while they're reading, they're actively trying to piece together the information in order to answer the questions. Essentially, this establishes clear learning guidelines and also creates a purpose of reading for the student (O'Brien-Moran & Crook, 2018, p. 15). Having a purpose is important because it helps keep the student focused and engaged in the material. It also helps prevent the student from getting distracted/overwhelmed with material as they already know the key points and information that they’re looking for.

Even so, many still argue against the effectiveness of this method. The main arguments against it are that the method is very time consuming, and that the success of this method is dependent on the skill set of the student (Huber, 2004, p. 111). Both of these arguments are very valid; the method is not foolproof. However, that is why there is no one definitive method of study used by everyone student in the world. Everyone is different. In order for a student to be able to use the SQ3R method efficiently, they must be able to personalize the method according to the skills/knowledge that they already possess. The more relevant information the student knows, the easier it will be for that student to comprehend these new concepts as they are building on top of preexisting, similar information (Huber, 2004, p. 112).

This method keeps the student in a state of constant thinking which promotes the idea of attention. In closing, it utilizes the foundations of memory and assists the student in constructing their own pathway to comprehension. It establishes a clear origin and destination, allowing the student to stay on track while they string together the pieces information learnt throughout the chapter(s). The five steps work in harmony, creating strong connections between the concepts of the text and the personal knowledge of each individual student. The reviewal of the material is like the cherry on top, it helps lock in the information learnt in order for it to have a higher chance of retention. (Create stronger conclusion, restate main arguments better)
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