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Sun trine Mars

A trine formed between the Sun and Mars strengthens your vitality, self-confidence, and will power. You can function at high energy levels for prolonged periods. You enjoy the challenge of any difficult task. Although firm in thought, you readily accept the opinions of others and you relate in a polished way, never threatening others. You know that you can succeed in whatever you set out to do without resorting to deception or dishonorable tactics. You accept people for what they are and expect them to do the same with you. While you can act impulsively at times, in general you plan actions efficiently and purposely. You take on life's problems without hesitancy and handle most situations with little fanfare or publicity. Your life is not uneventful, but you can cope without apparent difficulty.

Sun Sextile Saturn

The sextile between the Sun and Saturn gives a depth of understanding and a modesty in assessing your worth as a person. You are aware of your limitations, but you know how to make the most of your potentials. You have a healthy respect for authority, yet you usually don't need anyone to approve your actions. You know and follow the rules. Your ambitions are strong and you go after your goals in a quiet way with little fanfare. You have a high regard for tradition and orderliness. You get along well with others upholding these virtues. You've earned all that you have and you expect others to do the same.

Sun Sextile Pluto

The sextile of the Sun and Pluto shows an intense will and a deep self-awareness. You have will power that lets you to do about anything you set out to do. You are good at communicating with people, and you find it easy gain their confidence. You have extremely strong leadership qualities.

Moon opposed Mercury

The Moon and Mercury in opposition suggests that it's hard to bring emotions and reason into balance. Issues are clouded by concern over trivialities, and emotional response often wins over common sense. Conversely, cold logic sometimes overcomes due concern for the individual. In either case, you find it hard to integrate feelings and thinking. It's hard to predict your conclusions on any particular issue. Occasionally, you become nervous and emotionally troubled. When this aspect is active by transit, you may be easily irritated and argue at the slightest provocation. This is not necessarily your normal mode of response.

Moon opposed Venus

The opposition between the Moon and Venus shows a degree of conflict in relationships no matter how hard you try to please. And you do try hard to please. You may be generous in your praise of others, but somehow your sincerity is called into question. You may become emotionally over-sensitive, and make special efforts to avoid disapproval despite your need for acceptance. When you expect too much from those you are close to, you are often disappointed. As a substitute for emotional satisfaction, you are somewhat self-indulgent. You display a weakness for comforts and luxuries. Your money conditions can cause problems if not carefully controlled. Sexual excesses can be a product of your feelings of being unloved.

Moon square Mars

The square formed between the Moon and Mars shows that you have an emotionally volatile nature. It suggests the tendency to become easily upset. You may take matters entirely too personal and often loose your cool. This aspect makes human relationships more difficult because of being demanding or very sensitive. You need to make your way in the world with no interference, and this is very difficult for anyone to do. With maturity you will likely learn to be less demanding on others and refrain from taking offense so easily and quickly. Channeled properly, your energy is boundless, and you can move mountains. Often this aspect results in many emotional crises that can lead to poor health if not handled properly. Harmony in relationships must be a conscious goal.

Moon square Saturn

The square formed between the Moon and Saturn suggests a serious side to your nature. There is a strong urge to get ahead. Yet your demeanor can get heavy sometimes and you can turn moody and depressed. Being temperamental in youth can cause you many problems. A guilt complex falls away with maturity. There is a lot of negativism and insecurity associated with this aspect, but there is also an ability to learn by mistakes. You understand yourself well, and you work harder than most people to prove yourself. With this aspect in your chart, you must learn to handle your frustration, depression and dissatisfaction. Although determined and apparently ardent in emotional matters, you can be pretty cold when it suits your purposes. Little of a personal nature is allowed to interfere with the main stream of your intentions.

Mercury square Mars

The square formed between Mercury and Mars produces an overactive, energetic mind. You can become overheated, argumentative, and highly partisan in view. Guard against coming to conclusions before giving careful consideration to all the facts and viewpoints. You enjoy arguments and debates. You need to bear in mind that your judgment is not always infallible. Even when your reasoning is correct, you may have not received all the facts needed to arrive at the correct conclusion. This aspect may cause frequent headaches and also can produce nervous disorders. The virtues of patience and verbal restraint are necessary to learn, as these are not natural traits.

Mercury square Saturn

The square between Mercury and Saturn suggests mental restraint and strong ties to traditional ways of thinking. Mental processes are on the pessimistic side. You worry too much, often about unimportant details. You have much concern about succeeding or failing to succeed. Your education may have been rigidly disciplined and conforming to traditional doctrine. There is a tendency because of this, to uphold the established order and resist change.

Venus square Mars

Venus is square Mars in your chart suggesting emotional problems about romance and most other relations with the opposite sex. An early marriage often results from this aspect. There may be feelings of oppression or of suppression in your relationships. Jealousy and resentment are often attached to this placement. Men with this aspect are likely to offend women with their coarse manners. Women with the aspect often have an excessively emotional temperament.


The trine formed between Mars and Jupiter shows that your physical resources are applied in a well-integrated way. You have the physical and intellectual strength to get a good many projects completed with a small amount of effort. You have a knack for doing the right thing at the right time. Even with all this talent, you have an "easy come, easy go" attitude. You aren't as competitive as you could be. Yet you're are optimistic about life, and it never occurs to you to suspect that you won't do whatever it is you set out to do.

MARS opposite SATURN

Mars and Saturn are in opposition in your chart. This placement suggests some conflict between your desires and your sense of responsibility. There is conflict between a need for impulsive action, Mars behavior, and the conservative apprehension associated with Saturn. There is a sense of being rejected associated with this aspect. You establish goals out of realistic reach, and then suffer feelings of futility when you can't achieve them. You may over evaluate the accomplishments of others, and undervalue yours. Like yourself a little better, and establish objectives that are attainable in a detailed process. You may be well suited to work in law enforcement, the military, industrial engineering, or conservation. Personal relationships are often disappointing to you. You may select a mate that is an extension of one of your parents. You should instead seek one who would be less demanding, more liberal, and who could compensate for the austerity of your parents. It is unlikely that your family environment will be a replay of your childhood. You will want your children to have more flexibility to enable them to become secure, independent adults.


The trine formed between Mars and Uranus shows originality and enthusiasm in your actions. You are very energetic and freedom loving. You are an impatient person who always has several irons in the fire. Your impulsive and restless nature needs to concentrate more on moderation. In fact, you may demand freedom to exploit your potentials, and you actually feel sorry for those that are trapped in limiting circumstances. This is not a good aspect for someone with a boring 9-5 job. You do need to focus on learning moderation, and especially in romantic affairs, you need to be less restless and impulsive. The limiting ties of marriage and convention may not be your cup of tea.


The trine formed between Mars and Neptune suggests a successful integration of forceful action and dreams. Because you understand your deepest biological urges, you can control them. You are successfully in tune with those having less understanding than you, making you a sympathetic listener and counselor. Keen sensitivities allow you to detect insincerity in others and to grasp the emotional coloring of your surroundings. Thus, you know how and when to act. The physical and the psychic, or unconscious, sides of your nature are successfully blended. You may have interests in artistic dance, the practice of Yoga, or related activities involving physical expression.

MARS sextile PLUTO

The sextile between Mars and Pluto produces will power and a forcefulness in your nature. You have the qualification to be a top investigator or researcher as you doggedly dig out the facts of whatever matter you are pursuing. You can stimulate action and get to the bottom of the most complex issue. You read people and understand their motives very well. You're able to present views in a very vivid and forceful way, without ignoring the ideas presented by others.

Jupiter sextile Saturn

The sextile formed between Jupiter and Saturn shows the good business attributes of caution, prudence, and good organization, combined with optimism, enthusiasm, and expansion. You are thus able to carry through plans and fulfill your obligations, earning respect in your business or profession. You are respected for your honesty and integrity.

Jupiter sextile Pluto

The sextile formed between Jupiter and Pluto indicate your exuberance, enthusiasm, and ambition. Even with these characteristics, you encourage others to explore their potentials as much as you do yours. You have many organizational skills, and you are most productive in business, education, and politics. Your interests are extremely broad based.

AQUARIUS SUN: In Aquarius the Sun is eccentric and original. You're apt to be a superb thinker, and your ideas are frequently advanced, no matter what field of profession you select. Often, your unique approaches to problem solving are viewed as too radical and unworkable, but you prefer to think of them as advanced and progressive instead. Unconventional and outspoken, you see your role as the rebel and the person who rejects worn out traditions and old ways of operating. You like to be with those ushering in the new order and fostering advanced thinking.

Paradoxically, you're a good team player, but one who must have personal freedom. You don't like to feel fenced in. While you're headstrong and inflexible in your ways, you can work very effectively within a large group. You have complete respect for the sound ideas put forward by others. You are aloof and detached, and your concerns are directed toward society rather than to the problems of any one person. You are somewhat impersonal most of the time. You're more emotionally involved with your work than you are with people. You can be highly critical and demanding in a position of authority. Nonetheless, you are a strong leader and organizer. You have a deep understanding of human nature, but often you lack sensitivity to the emotional content of many situations.

You thrive on change and managing the unexpected. Always ahead of your time, you are viewed by everyone as being different and unusual, labels you don't mind accepting. You pride yourself on your ability to find a better way of doing the job. Sometimes you lack follow through, and you always dislike routine. You like to take chances and keep everything stirred up. Occasionally, you enjoy antagonizing people in positions of authority, and stimulating a good argument now and then. You don't mind that you are seen as a bit unusual, in fact, you may encourage this image.

Equality, freedom and fairness are all important issues for you. You strongly subscribe to the doctrine that all people are created equal and should have the same rights and opportunities. In this regard, you are likely to be classified as a progressive and often associated with humanitarian issues and causes. Though you are very involved with such matters, your approach is always somewhat in the abstract, with ideological concepts, the sort that don't usually stem from true emotions. Your approach is often very impersonal and detached.

Friendly and sociable, you may have a wide circle of acquaintances. Friends are very important to you. Intellectually oriented, you are happiest with friends that share common ideas and interests. Strangely, you find it more difficult to cultivate a truly satisfying intimate relationship. This aloofness exists because feelings are rarely expressed outwardly, and you usually seem distant. You resist anything or anyone threatening your independence.

CANCER MOON: A Cancer Moon gives a strong drive for recognition and acceptance. You are highly sensitive and creative, if somewhat given to brooding and moodiness.
You rarely go out of your way to garner new information, but once something sinks into your mind, it is indelibly impressed upon it. Everything that you experience is held in feeling memory. You let your heart rule your head, and you can have trouble making rational, detached decisions. Yet your intuition is quite keen, and you would be smart to rely on it. You have an almost psychic ability to "tune in" to what other people are thinking and feeling. By nature, you're suspicious and distrusting, although, surprisingly, you tend to almost naively trust your own feelings and gut hunches.

The Cancer influence is often far too sensitive surroundings. This over-sensitive nature can be a positive or a negative; on the positive side, you are no doubt very intuitive; on the negative side, you are moody and subject to emotional upsets. This thin-skinned attitude toward outside influences causes you to pick up negative vibrations from others. You are frequently moody and prone to having problems in personal relationships. Often, Cancer Moon people wear their heart on their sleeve, but like so many of them, you may have a habit of hiding your true feelings and strong emotions under a rather hard shell.

You have an especially strong love of home and family, and you staunchly protect your personal security. In Cancer, the emotions reflected by the Moon are sensitive to matters that affect people as a whole, the "universal parent." Towards loved ones, you are gentle, peaceful, and romantic. You have a nurturing attitude toward your family and to those you consider under your very broad protective "wing." Security is of primary importance to you, but often you feel your life lacks the comfort of inherent stability. Things that offer a sense of protection become very important: money, material belongings, family, home, country, and traditions, may all be included in this. Change, risk-taking, relocating, and opinions differing from your own are things that pose a challenge to your security, and are usually rejected accordingly. You have a great deal of apprehension regarding matters outside of your own personal control.

CAPRICORN MERCURY: In Capricorn, Mercury produces a mind that is clear, sometimes rigid and narrow, and always cautious and resourceful. Your thinking is methodical and careful. You know how to take things a step at a time, each fact building on the thought that went before. Your speech is organized and follows a logical and orderly pattern suggesting that you carefully examine and edit your words before they come out. You hardly ever say something that you are sorry for later.
You are not a quick learner, but you are one who never forgets what has been absorbed. You have an excellent memory and attention to the business at hand; a down-to-earth and practical thinker. Insecure about your mental abilities, you work hard to develop yourself with education and experience opportunities. You may be a bit defensive about your lack of education, that is the case. A special need to prove yourself, one way or another, is often the case with Mercury in Capricorn.

You have such very good powers of concentration, dignity, and an earnestness that can make you seem too serious. You can have a tendency toward moodiness and sulking, and you may have to work at showing any spirit of optimism. This placement of Mercury, especially if your Sun is also in Capricorn, produces one who is very quiet. Even if your Sun is in the more communicative Sagittarius or Aquarius, a Capricorn Mercury is not very talkative and sociable. You are especially self-conscience about speaking to strangers.

You have a very down-to-earth approach to thinking and communicating. Planning and organizing are you special strengths, and they carry you far in business and professional life. You do particularly well on long, drawn out projects that require perseverance and determination. Once you put your mind to a task, it will surely be completed and done well.

Cautious and skeptical, you may be conservative to a fault. Your love of tradition, and a natural pessimism, makes you slow to change patterns and premises that have worked in the past. Ideas that shake long-held beliefs are not very often accepted.

CAPRICORN VENUS: If Venus is in Capricorn in your chart it produces a seriousness, a sense of caution, and a degree of pride associated with the affections. You are actually a little timid in love affairs, and very reserved in expressing feelings. Romantic feelings can be extreme strong inside, while on the surface you appear emotionally distant and reserved. Highly restrained, you're unlikely to make an overt public display of emotions. You do display a quiet personal dignity and refinement.

In truth, you are romantically insecure, fearing rejection and loneliness. Emotional feelings are often repressed and seem to be absent most of the time.

This Venus placement often spurs ambitions and the desire for prestige and status. You may indeed be at your charming best in the work environment, since you are so intensely involved in this arena. Often, romantic involvement starts here. Some with Venus in Capricorn seek love and partnership solely because they view it as the appropriate thing to do, and doing the proper thing is so fundamental to the psychology of this placement.

You expect your partner to be a helpmate in the struggle for success and achievement. Though never openly demonstrative, you are steadfast and loyal. You have a very solid and deep sense of responsibility in romantic attachments and marriage. When it comes to commitment, you are definitely the old-fashioned type. You are a one-love person who is extremely dependable.

LIBRA MARS: In Libra, Mars is curtailed by the rules of social behavior and the need for the cooperation and approval. Energies are very controlled and overwhelmingly favor the mental. A reasonable degree of physical energies may also be present, but this is not what this placement is noted for. Emotional and practical energies are usually rather low, if noticeable at all.

You are charming, generous, amiable, and cooperative owing to the persuasiveness of Mars in Libra. The normal assertive behavior of Mars is tamed down in Libra, and passions are never allowed to rule thinking. Yet you can become upset when your perception of justice is not served. You aren't one to push matters to extremes, but you do become very assertive when you experience injustice. You are ready to take up arms against anything that would destroy harmony, or that appears wrong or unfair. Your objective, unemotional approach could enable you to be a good judge, manager, or diplomat.

You are likely and wise to select a very assertive and energetic partner. You may need someone to push you along, as Mars can be somewhat lazy in Libra. You often need motivation. Though you are never pushy or very forceful, you do exert gentle and continuous efforts toward a solid relationship. Although you are very affectionate and romantic, your sex drive is somewhat low, and you expect more emotional satisfaction than physical passion.

You are not the type of person who goes after what you want with much conviction. You have difficulty asserting yourself at times, and it can be hard for you to be decisive. Aggression in any form threatens you, and you don't deal well with confrontations, arguments, or physical combativeness. You want to make friends, not adversaries.

AQUARIUS JUPITER: Jupiter is in Aquarius in your chart. This position suggests that you are one who can accept people at face value without regard to distinctions of race, creed or class. You are impartial and democratic in every respect. Your great tolerance and understanding helps you to succeed in many of your endeavors relating to people. In handling personnel, you are bound to succeed for you have a great need to help others. You can approach major projects and problems with fresh and original ideas. These traits notwithstanding, you don't tend to seek out responsibility very often. You can be somewhat lacking in discipline. Disinterest in material matter limits prosperity. You may sometimes be revolutionary and in these instances you may lack tolerance.

ARIES SATURN: This placement may cause delays in the development of your energies and drive in life. Yet you may take on much personal responsibility at a young age. Obstacles block your progress and your desire to be assertive. Being assertive can make you feel anxiety. You may feel very angry at times, but chances are you can keep your anger in check. Others see you as in cool control most of the time. You will gain a sense of responsibility for yourself from this placement. However, your confidence as a leader may suffer. This placement often produces people who won't take chances and are, therefore, viewed at times as being somewhat weak. Occasionally, the Aries traits comes out in rejection of fear itself. Some famous daredevils performed their stunts to over-compensate for the inborn restriction of Saturn in Aries.

Sun in 5th house

The Sun in the fifth house suggests that you are an resourceful person, and much of the focus in your life is directed toward creative activity. There is a very strong drive to express yourself in inventive or creative terms; to write, to act, to perform in public, to develop or produce. You want to be noticed and appreciated. You may be a little bit of a show-off, or at least one careful always to present yourself at your very best. Yours is a sunny and happy disposition that usually attracts many friends and admirers. You are not one to shy away from taking chances, and for some with this placement, the thrill of a risky but promising gamble is hard to resist. There is a childlike quality attached to this position, and it may be necessary to insure that actions reflect appropriate maturity and subtlety. Don't be too theatrical and egocentric. The self-confidence produced by this placement is strong. Often the focus of attention is on your children, or on children in general. Indeed, you be inclined to work with children is some respect. You are likely to dote on your children, and perhaps even project your own dreams through them.

Moon in 10th house

The Moon in this tenth house giving an inclination toward a public life, and to a number of occupational changes. You are concerned with your reputation and have a strong desire for recognition. You are likely to find yourself in positions where you are called on to "feel the pulse" of the public, and to be responsive to it in some way. This position inclines toward activities related to marketing, shipping, commodities, or other fields catering to the public. You are highly self-protective, and your feelings are dominated by a desire for achievement.

Mercury in 4th house

Mercury residing in the fourth house produces an association with this house of domestic affairs. This position often denotes mental and educational activities in the home. Parents are likely to be well educated or place an unusually high priority upon learning. This position may relate to changeable home conditions or in some way, a nomadic life-style. Being somewhat high-strung and easily irritated, you may find it hard to relax.

Venus in 4th house

Vensu in the 4th house shows a potential happy homebody, or at least one to whom a happy home is an ideal. You are emotionally attached to your home and the domestic scene. You take great pride in your home, and you seem to enjoy seeing to it that your surroundings are artistically decorated to the extent that your means can afford. There is a strong connection to the land, and this may include a patriotic love of your homeland. There is a closeness between yourself and your parents that is very beneficial to you.

Mars in 1st house

The Mars first house placement intensifies the assertiveness of the personality type described by your Ascendant. With any Ascendant, Mars in the first house increases the vitality, and produces a somewhat more assertive, more outgoing, and more energetic individual.

Your appearance is likely to be robust and muscular and you may be stronger that other members of your family of the same sex. You are always one to be directly involved in affairs; never an idle bystander. This element produces drive and creates more ambition and the aptitude for hard work, with a competitive drive for recognition and acclaim.

This position is usually considered, by traditionalists, to be more desirable for men than for women, because it displays the assertive characteristics associated with males. Females with this placement often have the self-confidence and competitive traits to enter and succeed in male dominated professions.

Jupiter in 5th House

Jupiter in the 5th house shows that the planet plays an important part shaping an ability to proceed through life very much on the strength of your character. You are apt to live a privileged life, which you are able to accept as your rightful due. You have much good fortune, and you enjoy yourself as a result of this planet, known as the greater benefic. While life is essentially an enjoyment for you, Jupiter is also a planet with a higher purpose, and you are apt to feel an inner drive for personal expression and the need to make a contribution to society. Jupiter in the 5th house often produces success in teaching, politics, the ministry, or in the entertainment business. Often, this placement denotes a rather large family or a significant association with children.

Saturn in 7th house

Saturn in the seventh house of marriage and partnerships denotes a very cautious approach to marriage and the likelihood that marriage will be delayed. You are a very stable partner. When the marriage is finally made, it will endure, though in all aspects it may not be totally happy. Your mate may be an older person, or a somewhat serious and sober individual. Partnerships, including marriage, are restrictive to you, but you accept circumstances for better or for worse.

Uranus in 5th house

Uranus in the fifth house exerts its erratic behavior in house of love affairs, personal creativity, offspring, and dealings with children. The placement shows you are a highly inventive and creative person. Yet you may need to learn self-control, and perhaps gain a better sense of self-knowledge. You can be reckless and foolhardy. Urges toward speculation can be costly. You have strong urges to be free and independent. Your offspring possess many of these same characteristics. They can cause you much trouble unless you channel their energies in the right direction at an early age. Romantic involvement occurs in sudden and unconventional ways, and breaks are also sudden and unexpected.

Neptune in 5th house

Neptune, in the fifth house, imposes an influence on romances, the ability to be creative, and upon offspring. This placement shows an intuitive gift for role playing. Perhaps you have a talent for acting, or at least a strong love of theater, the movies, or about any kind of fantasy make-believe or image-making. In romantic relationships you are the true romantic, and experiences can be somewhat chaotic and confusing. Offspring are likely to be intuitive and highly sensitive, often requiring special handling and understanding. There is little pay back or appreciation received for your efforts and understanding in this regard.

Pluto in 3rd house

Pluto in the third house shows the possibility of disruptive occurrences altering your early childhood, family relations, and education. This position adds a penetrating dimension to your mind. You comprehend the deep meaning of communications with others, and you develop very strong and often controversial opinions. Your opinions are either expressed in a very forceful manner or you are totally silent on the subject. You are likely to be interested in the study of deep and complex matters, and you have an almost compulsive need to learn.

Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Cancer

The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produces a personality that reflects less of the Aquarius nature and emphases more of the influences of the Moon than in any other possible Aquarius pairing. This is simply because the Sun in never really strong in Aquarius, and the Moon is always especially strong in its natural sign, Cancer. You are far more subjective and not nearly so detached and aloof as the typical person with an Aquarius Sun. Nonetheless, this combination blends the originality and independence of Aquarius with the feelings, sensitivity and tenacity of Cancer. You possess a somewhat restless and changeable nature because of a deep sensitivity and receptivity to outside influences. You're susceptibility to surroundings and associations enables you to respond quickly to other people, as you intuitively know when you are liked or disliked. Your uncanny faculty for responding to others allows you to always be very popular and to have a wide circle of friends. You possess considerable personal charm, normally proving gracious and considerate in contact with other people because you have a kind disposition. Social life and personal relationships mean a good deal to you. You can be very popular in business life because you take a personal interest in the affairs and activities of employees and business associates. A natural inclination for industry and persistence or tenacity of purpose in business or profession should assure success. You have the knack for feeling the truth about things rather than having to reason them out. Your ability to think things through is never as reliable as your feelings about a matter. Usually you can maintain a realistic, if optimistic, approach to every job to decide to tackle. You think in terms of success, the maximum, and the best that you can do. You enjoy casual social gathering and you're always a good host. You can achieve success in many field, perhaps as much on your personality as your actual talents. Your greatest asset is no doubt your understanding of human nature, and your greatest weakness may be the lack of understanding of the complexities of your own nature.

Virgo Ascendant - Virgo Rising

The sign Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. Virgo is an earth sign, suggesting a practical approach to life. Mercury expresses mental energies. Thus, this rising sign is known for its practical approach, objectivity, basic detail, and analysis. Virgo rising produces a personality often on the quiet side, somewhat unassuming, and never crude or coarse.

With Virgo on the rise, you possess a mental acumen expressed in everyday practical affairs. Analytical and methodical in everything you do, you are very systematic in developing ideas and seeing projects through to completion. You are careful to notice details. So much so there is rarely a flaw in anything you do. Your mind is the epitome of neatness and order, absorbing facts and tidbits like a squirrel storing away nuts for the winter. You are a master at handling all the boring nit-picking matters others want to avoid. There is a tendency for you to become something of a workaholic, going over the same ground to be sure you haven't missed anything. You probably are a list-maker, wanting to have everything you need at hand. Everything should have a place and everything should be in its place for you to be comfortable.

As you love detail, you also love precision and order. You're refined in your conduct and demeanor. Unassuming in your behavior, you can be so modest that you may not get the credit you deserve. There is a tendency to hide behind an inquiring mind and stay out of the lead. You prefer the role of researcher, observer, critic, or teacher.
You can become very restless and nervous, having difficulty learning to relax. Your restlessness, combined with a critical nature, sometimes results in picayune fault findings. Despite the tendency to be a little fussy, Virgo rising is rarely mean or ugly. Even the tendency to criticize is just a bad habit formed early in life as a defense mechanism.

There is a tendency to focus on what is in the immediate present, often neglecting to form a vision for the future. You feel comfortable living in a world of facts and you tend to arm yourself with intellectual awareness to combat natural feelings of insecurity.
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