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Notes -

60 Multiple Choice on Thursday
30 Matching/ Vocabulary
15 from Venn Diagram Sheet
1 Short Answer Essay out of 4 Choices (explaining formal and informal amendment processes; relates to six basic principles of our Constitution; explaining Hamilton and Jefferson's views, as well as nullification; supremacy clause and elastic clause) + Marble Cake Analogy

Unitary, Confederate, Federal
Republic - Representative Democracy
What does Federalism mean to Hamilton? - (Stronger national government); Jefferson? - (States rights)
Nullification (states should be allowed to nullify the acts of national government) & Federalism
Dual Federalism
Intergovernmental Lobby
Slow Down in Free Money (Not as many grants out there)
Conditions of aid (hoops you need to jump through to get monetary aid (drinking age in states)) -v- Mandates (Mandatory - states must follow it whether they get money from national government or not)
Roche -v- Beard views on the motives of the Founding Fathers
Federalist Papers - Madison & Hamilton explaining Separation of Powers, Checks & Balances, and Power of National Government
Grodzin's Marble Cake analogy of Federalism -v- 3 Layered Cake (must explain this analogy)

Marbury -v- Madison 1803
Inherent Powers
Reserved Powers
Supremacy Clause
Full Faith & Credit Clause
Interstate Compacts
McCulloch -v- Maryland 1819
The Constitution - Supreme law of the land
Concurrent Powers
Expressed Powers
Popular Soveirgnty
Judicial Review
Rule of Law
Implied Powers
Checks and Balances
Bill of Rights - First 10 amendments, fundamental and basic freedoms
Delegated Powers
Enumerated Powers - subset of Expressed Powers, involves Congress
Separation of Powers
Formal Amendments
Limited Government
Informal Amendments - Keep Constitution living
Concurrent Powers
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