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>Then you are not reading very hard, people explain point by point how theistic arguments are flawed

They really do not. Here i will create a list of the garbage i hear as "objections".

Kalam and contingency - "who made God?"

Fine tuning - "That only proves God exists not that he is omnipotent or omniscient or etc."

Moral argument - " there are good atheists" honestly anybody who makes this objection to the moral realism death deserves capital punishment.

Immaterial conciousness/soul - have not heard any objections to this

Unmoved mover - "an infinite regress of movers can exist" which is similar to saying that if you jump in a pit of infinite length then you will eventually reach the bottom.

Ontological - "so i can define unicorns as 'exist'"

And it goes on for every single argument we bring up from aristotle's causal argument to Ibn Sina's argument. Every single objection atheist bring up is petty, childish and garbage.

>We do question everything, but some things like a spherical earth or ~~evolution~~ are not in doubt anymore.

Argument from popularity. Just because they are not in doubt and accepted by the populace does not mean it is right.

>Except we don’t say that, we simply don’t know

Then ffs tell your friends to stop making claims and propositions like "God does not exist"
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