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The Four Emperors of the Four Dimensions: The Tale Of The Dead Gemstone
As Written By Kobe/Jake/Lunar Warrior

*Chapter One: Jace's Flashback*
"Where did I put it! Darn It!" The Man Sighs. "Don't Worry Gemstone, I will find a way to revive you. Some Day."
(Flash Back)
"Hey... Jace..." A little girl in a hospital bed says wearily to her older brother. "Don't die on me, Gemstone! I can't live without you!" Jace says with sorrow, as a tear runs down Jace's face, "Don't... worry... Jace... I'll be... fine..." Gemstone coughs. "Come on Jace! It's time we go." The mother of Jace orders him. "BUT I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE GEMSTONE! SHE NEEDS ME!" Jace screams in defiance. "Come on!" The mother of Jace pulls him out of the room.
(The next day in the Flash Back)
The sound of a machine flat lines. "NOO!" Jace is crying out in sadness. "Oh no." The mom whispers to herself. "IT CAN'T BE, NO! SHE CAN'T BE DEAD! WHAAAAAAA!" Jace can not bear the thought of losing his sister. "Come on Jace, We're done here." She picks up Jace and walks out of the hospital with him.
(Back in the present)
"Where did I put that beaker?" As he puts some papers on the side of his desk. "There it is." Jace picks up the beaker. "This should work." Jace drinks the mysterious liquid inside of the beaker. Jace waited for a few seconds, Those seconds turned into minutes, as those minutes turned into hours. Jace grunts. "Why isn't anything working!" "JACE!!!" A deep male voice called from another room. "IT'S DINNER TIME!!" Jace sighed, "Why won't anything work. I've tried every single potion and it all failed." "JAAAAAACCE!!!!!!" "Alright I'm coming, Jake!" Jace walks out of his laboratory into the kitchen. Jace takes a seat next to a man with scars all over his face and arms with a dark blue messy hairstyle. "Hey Jake." Jace says as he gets comfortable in his seat. "Destroy anything new today?" The man with scars on his arms and face with a messy dark blue hairstyle replied. "Yes I have! You see I destroyed a planet where they were trying to trick me into having their special "Ro-Pudding" So I tried it and it wasn't very good, turns out it was a po-ison." "Poison." Jace fixed Jake's grammatical error. "Thank You, yeah it was a poison, turns out they must have heard of me and wanted to kill, and they tried, But it failed, so it made me ANGERY and TRIGGERED." Jace sighs as Jake keeps talking about the planet he blew up. Two more people take a seat across from Jace and Jake. A man wearing all black with black hair and a man in a green jacket with long blonde hair sat down in front of them the man in black sits in front of Jace while the man in green sat in front of Jake. "Hey guys." the man in black says to break to silence. The man in green replies, "Shut Up, Buster." in a childish voice. Buster then groaned in disappointment, "Why does nobody like me?" Jake begins talking to the man in green. "Hey Ironhawk!" Ironhawk then replies with, "What is it Jake?" in a childish manner. "I blew up a planet!" Jake boasts. Ironhawk gasps in awe at what Jake has done. Meanwhile Buster is crying in the seat he took.
A small woman with short brown hair walks into the room with tonight's dinner. "Alright guys, foods 'ere." The woman says. Everyone says "Thanks!" simultaneously with the exception of Jake. "What's wrong dad?" The woman says to Jace. As two more women walk into the dining room, One is an Asian woman roughly about the same age as the woman with short brown hair. The other is significantly older looking than the other two. "What is that smell?" The Asian one replied. "It's steak." the one with short brown hair said in annoyance. The three women take a seat next to the boys. "So Lily? How was SCHOOOOOOOLL!" Jake asked. The Asian replied with. "It was kind of good." "And what about you TRACY!" the brown haired girl replied with. "Meh." Tracy takes a bite out of her steak and instantly realizes it was burnt. Tracy stands up and runs into the bathroom as Jake falls off his chair laughing like a madman. "JAKE! Why did you do that?!" the older woman asks, enraged. "Nothing! Nothing! All I did is burn her steak." Jake says with laughter. "Just calm down Lilith. Jake always does something like that." Jace replies to the older woman now known as Lilith.
*Dinner soon finishes*

*Chapter 2: The locket and Jake*
Jace walks into his room and shuts the door. Jace looks onto his bed and sees Lily sitting on it. "What's wrong Jace?" Lily asks Jace. "What?! Lily how did you get in here?!" Jace says in shock. "Because, Jace. I know you all to well. you weren't acting like yourself during dinner. And when your not acting like yourself, that means something is wrong, so tell me whats wrong." Lily comments. Jace tries to cover his secret with another question. "I saw your progress report today and your failing English class." As a drop of sweat falls down Jace's face. "AHA! I knew it, your hiding something from me! You would never sweat in a situation like this, Tell me now!" Lily announces with a look of sheer determination. Jace asks another question with more sweat rolling down his face. "Why are you not with Tracy?" Lily keeps assaulting Jace with curiousness. Soon Jace finally succumbs to the nonstop questions. "You know how you and Tracy have a conjoined soul." Lily nods. "Well I kind of have a conjoined soul as well." Lily gasps. "But don't tell anybody that i said anything! Not even your dad! Now go to bed!" Lily nods and runs off into her and Tracy's room and jumps into her bed wear and goes to sleep. Jace sighs in relief, knowing that he can trust Lily somewhat. And just in case she spills the beans, she can erase the memory of her ever saying it. So he got in bed and fell asleep.
*The next day*
"Alright JAAAACCCEEE!!! I'm off to the store, we're all out of MRRK!" Jake says before flying off towards the store. Jace is now alone. He walks into his lab and sits down on a chair. He pulls a heart locket out of his pocket and opens it. Inside the locket sits a picture of a young girl and a young boy who were around 4-5 years old. The girl was wearing a blue flannel jacket that was buttoned up halfway with a black t-shirt underneath, she was also wearing a yellow skirt and pink boots that go up to her knees, she had curly dark blue hair that ended in a ponytail. The boy looked a tad bit older than the girl and was wearing a white t-shirt with a symbol of Heaven on it, he was also wearing blue jeans and black and red sneakers, the boys hair was just as red as Jace's hair and combed down to make it look elegant. Jace sighs again while closing his hand gently. "JAAAAACCCEEE!!!! I SAW A DUCK AND I WANT TO RIDE IT NOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!! GIVE ME MONEYY NOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!" Jake demands Jace to give him money by scaring him. Jace jumps out of his seat and hides the locket in his pocket. "Jeez, Jake! Don't scare me like that!" Jace hands the money to Jake so he can ride the mechanical duck. Jake leaves the house to ride that "Duck". Jace sighs in relief that Jake doesn't know his secret.
*Jake's perspective*
"He thinks that I don't know about Gemstone." Jake thinks to himself mid-flight towards the duck "Silly Jace." Jake chuckles but forgets that he passed the duck ride meant for little kids. Jake gasps and stops in midair and begins flying backwards to the duck that he passed. "I almost forgot about you." Pointing to the duck ride. Jake hops in the duck and inserts three coins into the slot and the duck begins to move.
*Jace's perspective*
Jace closes his eyes "I don't know how to really bring you back, Gemstone" In Jace's mind an adult figure who looks like an older version of Gemstone and has a REALLY big bust. She says "Don't worry Jace, I know you can do it. Don't forget who your doing it for." Gemstone Smiles gently before disappearing into the void of Jace's mind. Jace opens his eyes and inhales greatly. "I will find out a way Gemstone. All of the potions didn't work, so now its time for magic." Jace looks determined to find a magic a way to revive Gemstone.
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