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There are many urban legends that tell macabre events occurred in abandon houses and unmanned . Homes that are dressed in mystery by the testimonies of people who claim to have seen shadows behind the windows , heard terrifying screams or the worst , seeing the same ghosts wandering around some hallways or rooms of the house. In Peru , one of the most mysterious houses , is located in Lima , the Casa Matusita , is without doubt , one of the main homes of terror for decades causing Lima's population even more of a testimony and incredible stories . What happened in the House Matusita ? Is it true that is cursed or a lie transmitted from generation to generation? What hides behind this strange house?

The house Matusita
Matusita House is a house of considerable size two stories high. The funny story is that apparently only on the second floor is where these alleged paranormal events occur . Over time, only the first floor has been occupied for business or , as at present, by a bank , however , nobody seems to dare to occupy the second floor , and what they have done , according to believers myth , have not come out alive or have suffered a series of setbacks and torments .

The legend, to call it somehow believers officer , said that in this house lived a man who mistreated and abused perverse of its only two servants. One day , when the owner of the house offered a lunch to some guests , the servants decided to get revenge . Legend has it that the employees put a substance in food, not to kill his boss, but to inflict mental disorders.

After the dishes were served , the servants , who waited in the kitchen to await the results of their macabre plan , suddenly heard noises and screams coming from the room. Believing that everything had turned out favorably , employees quickly came to the room. The picture you saw was terrifying mangled bodies everywhere, blood on the walls , on the table , on the floor . All guests, including their leader, had been found at that dinner a tragic death , violent and terrifying .

In this sense , the legend varies , as others claim they were their own servants , the maid and the butler , who killed his employer, and descuartizándolo killing him with his own hands . As indicated by this release, following his assassination employees chose to set fire to the house , curiously , the house never burned down and the servants were sentenced to spend their lives in a madhouse.

The other victims
One of the first victims of the home was a pastor who ignoring those testimonies decided to enter the house to bless and perform an exorcism . According to legend , the priest died of despair for wanting out of that house. He says he heard screams and complaints of the spirits who were there , some even say that the pastor received these assumptions spit beings that inhabit the place .

The second victim is perhaps best known because this man was a public figure who worked on national television . His name was Humberto Vera Vilchez a television host at the end of the decade of the sixties decided to go on national television , I could stay in that house seven days without suffering any disorder or death. The legend , known to all , remember that the animator entered the home only with a video camera in hand and after only two hours ( some say it was the fourth day ) television man left the house shouting insults and screaming and throwing even foaming at the mouth . Succeeded the fact the animator got serious psychological complications for which he was imprisoned in an asylum for a thirteen-month period , never heard of it .

Curse ? Popular real or mere myth ? Research on Matusita House , have resulted in stories that go beyond the Republic. It is said that the first owner of this house was named European Dervaspa Parvaneh , who arrived in Lima in 1753 , and was accused by the Inquisition of practicing sorcery and witchcraft .

This was because many of the residents of Parvaneh claimed that she had the ability , through ritual, to cure some diseases at that time the capital of the Viceroyalty lurked . The Church considered a witch and captured for the respective judgment or act of faith that the Inquisition performed in Lima since 1573. The woman, after countless torture and martyrdom , had to confess that his power came from the devil himself , a product which obtained the largest of which was the death sentences at the stake. The story says that in the act Parvaneh cursed many claim concerned the dwelling in which he lived.

It is said that the house began to ruinarse until the nineteenth century , one Asian family bought it and rebuilt it , by all accounts, many members of that family lost their right to hear voices , shouting, whispering in the house , one of those men was the owner of which we have spoken , and that because of these changes , mistreated and abused employees.

However, skeptics confirm that legend Matusita House is just an ordinary invention which served to protect the safety an important building located nearby , this was , the Embassy of the United States of America.

It is said that Americans invented this story because they could be objects of attacks from the second floor of the house, also in front of the house, he was a former criminal called The Six. Currently , the U.S. Embassy is no longer there, and the prison was closed as such, and the only thing that still survives there is the myth that formed .

Other versions of the mystery
Like any legend, the house has different versions Matusita further affirming its air of mystery , one of which is that there was a slaughter house in the product of an affair . It is said that the owner of the house, an oriental man , returned from work to find his wife with another man, attacked his own wife and murdering man , when the children arrived at the house , and unable to excuse , the father decided to kill them too . Another version is that the family was not oriental , but Spanish , and that the slaughter was made by the wife , that because her husband abused her and her children , Mrs. , tired of this situation stabbed her husband in the back , then noticed that her children had observed and in a fit of madness , the mother also killed their children .

A myth unanswered
Although the myth is one of the best known in Lima , surprisingly, has not yet made ​​any serious study on the subject. So far the media have always taken to mocking the mystery of the house, or in other cases , have been limited only to tell the stories and legends that exist around this house making it impossible to demystifying this. This may be because national broadcasters do not have the technology needed to conduct the research to the case requires: infrared filmmakers , special audio recorders , among others. Until that day comes , it is more likely that the myth will continue counting and feeding from generation to generation among locals, both those who believe in the curse and those that do not give you credit .
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