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I'm an Indonesian of Mongolian, Cantonese Chinese and Sundanese descent from Jakarta.

I studied tourism in Jakarta and german in Berlin before, worked as an account executive in advertising & publishing Co., freelance events model for a fashion college, document and contracting staff in a travel agent, freelance model for french magz, administrative & personal assistant for wellness clinic, supervisor for top 3 IT shop, senior guest service agent for 4 stars plus chained hotel, business administrative and HR for advertising Co., and i am currently working as a professional.

I was an environmental activist for landscape architecture of univ. Trisakti for 2 years, also a leader of Rex Mundi student body's health department for 2 periods of election in my tourism school. I'm a volunteer for Indonesian red cross, a member of Spiritual Indonesia, an active and media activist for #?, green peace Indonesia, WWF, change Org., avaaz Org. and rhesus negative Indonesia.

I’ve a keen for health/wellness issues, science researches, investment progress, environmental/renewable energy development, psychology journals, technology/internet innovation, Buddhism value, general knowledge encyclopedia and adventure sports events.

I am good for iyengar-asthanga-floating yoga, swimming, wall climbing, rafting, trekking, hiking, parcour, paintball, outbound camping, jazz dancing, a lil bit of latin dance, kayaking, race walking, singing with counter tenor vocal, ba gua zhang, capoeira and a lil bit of krav maga.

My professional strengths are: exceptionally good at analyzing while observing, posses excellent practical problem solving and research skills, ability to take over control the responsibly in limited and emergency situation, great endurance and grace under heavy pressures.

I work 5.5 days a week, have my vocal course in purwacaraka Denpasar on wednesday, wall climbing in treetop Bedugul and yoga classes in yogabarn Ubud once a month, going to Buddhist temple in Nusa Dua every sunday evening and playing with Coco(my rabbit) after back from office.

I am a calm, thoughtful, analyst, place needs of others above my own, take commitments seriously, trustworthy, responsibly, seek lifelong relationship, devoted care, service oriented, really rare to share my feelings, have difficulty leaving bad relationship and move on after. I’m short tempered but never hold grudges, I try to live my life in right Buddhism values, but my attitude towards on which kind of people I deal with.

By physically, I have a unique mixed heritages, oval face shapes with high cheek bones, witty eyes, fierce look, charming smile, sensual lips, swimmer-runner build, toned stomach and long lean legs.
By psychology, I am an ISFJ, nurturer-guardian type, kinesthetic-natural-logical intelligent & supine personality

I am a social phobic, so it seems that I push away anyone who could possibly close to me. In fact, I’m desperately need friends to talk too, and suffering my loneliness. I’m just too coward and socially awkward to start a conversation. The easiest way to kill me is by place a stranger in my Kitchen, then I’d starving to died inside my room.

I’m obsessed to keep running as long as I can do, have a hectic schedules and high pace activities, cause I could forget all the things for a while and helps me easier to have sleep well after being over exhausted.

I love to send my hope and pray by staring at the sky on Full Moon. I enjoy it and feel comfort, think somebody else who lonely might also stare at the same moon would be the answer of my hope.

My friends think I handle stress, lonely and problems so good. Actually I mask it well with heavy amount of alcohol and daily thoughts of suicide.
People who need alcohol show that they are totally not capable to kill some feelings inside their heart and lost some memories from the brain cells.

I have loved and I have lost. The best way to not get my heart broken is to pretend I don't have one.

I’ve been taught that love is exist, but I won’t seek for that. I’m certainly believe “Some true loves are so strong, they can even transcend lifetimes”. So if I couldn’t find my love in this life, then I will become a Buddhist monk. When it closes, another opens. I would imagine a door opening, and behind it, I would find him there, waiting for me.

**My Syrian fellow told me last year in Berlin,"What's the heaviest in this world ? It's the air. The air that you breathe in your last minute. And I'm mourning for himself this year.
**A true suicide is a paced, disciplined certainty. People pontificate, "suicide is selfish," while career churchman like Pater call it a coward's act typically because they lack the necessary suffering to sympathize. Couldn't be further from the truth; suicide takes tremendous courage.
**"Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty." Freedom, the fatuous jingle of our civilization. But only those of us deprived of it have an inkling of what it really is. And what is any ocean but a multitude of drops?
**Truth is singular. Its "versions" are mistruths.

Last HIV & STD's(Herpes,Syphillis & Gonorea) test on August 2nd in Bali Medika Kuta Denpasar are resulted negative (-).

Kind regards and good health for you,
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