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the second:

* in the summertime song he literally says he's ready for the pressure to be off
- also when sharpay is signing all those yearbooks ryan has his pen out but no one wants his autograph and you can see his face fall a bit when he realizes this

*troy says that his parents are worried about college tuition, and not only that but some of the responsibility is also on him so he knows he has to get a job

*"hopefully some of those activities will include a job" gabriella puts some of the pressure for finding her a job on troy, and yeah she's joking but the words still have meaning

*sharpay calls him east high's primo boy
- also side note ryan literally has to pause and take a deep breath after dealing with his sister like wtf is that

*at the resort sharpay almost excludes her brother from winning the star dazzle award "again" and he has to remind her via cleared throat that they're a team

*when the others are complaining about the jobs (that troy got them, by the way; they're being very ungrateful) he's the one who convinces them to stick with it, becuase he a) needs their support b)needs the job and doesn't want to do it without them and c) cares because he knows they need jobs too

*while on that date with gabriella he admits that he's worried about the future. more specifically, about how expensive college is. he says his parents are "saving pennies"
- gabriella says that he's a cinch for a scholarship (but she's not supportive when he goes out to get that scholarship)
- he's worried about all the responsibility and pressure, and she makes it about her by saying that she's never been in one place for an entire summer and that him being there means a lot to her, which puts even more pressure on him to make her summer great

*he clearly doesn't want to sing in the talent show but he does because she wants him to

(side note that little thing where chad and troy are goofing off with the accents in the kitchen? fucking adorable. these little moments of friendship make the eventual split a lot more painful)

*during the dinner scene ryan is clearly uncomfortable with the amount of attention he's NOT getting
- sharpay has her hands all over him and he's clearly uncomfortable
- he literally has to scream afterwards because he's so upset

*he's late for his date with gabriella and even though he's clearly nervous she makes a joke about his shoes not matching, which while seemingly harmless, is one of those comments that can have a big impact in the long run
- gabriella and taylor think that troy forgot their date even though they're literally at work and he has other responsibilities

*during the humuhumunukunukuapua'a thing troy is clearly disturbed, which understandable, but throughout the whole thing ryan is pushed around (even physically) by sharpay and yeah it's funny but he's also clearly upset about how his sister is replacing him with troy

*at the pool scene gabriella says "you're crazy wildcat" even though the entire first movie was about how much he didn't want to be that "basketball guy"

*the scene where he and his dad are working on his nasty ass truck and troy said it felt weird to have his teammates serving him and his dad is like "you were invited, they were doing the job they're getting paid for and there's nothing wrong with that" which is severely accurate

*even fulton tells him to take the opportunities that the evans family presents him with

*sharpay is basically bribing him to sing with her with a college scholarship, yeah, but this is literally what’s been worrying him all summer. She’s takin advantage of his insecurities in order to get what she wants. And not only that but the other wildcats start blaming him for that, even though they know how much this means to him

*chad majorly flips his shit just because troy asks for swiss on his burger like what the fuck is that

*sharpay is known for being self-centered and shit but she takes it to the extreme with how shitty she treats ryan. She literally cuts him off when he tries to talk to her about the talent show
She uses her position as kelsi’s employer (??) to get her to hand over the duet and ryan looks upset about
He’s clearly extremely upset when she officially kicks him out and patronizes him about being in the show. She’s extremely cruel about it too

*that little basketball scene, gabriella tries so hard to shut down his enthusiasm
“You forgot, didn’t you?”
He talks about how things are working out and he’s talking about the scholarship opportunities, and she brings up the golf cart and the italian shoes
Even the team is so unsupportive, like they’re all like “when we were all on a tEAM!”

*ryan’s keychain has a ducky on it how fucking cute
He looks so ducking happy when they invite him to play

*ryan straight up outs his sister as sending him to spy on them like he literally gives zero fucks about her anymore and that’s really sad because he used to care so much about the theater

(side note the i don’t dance thing is totally a metaphor for chad accepting his sexuality. Like they’re wearing each others clothes afterwards)

*at the pool afterwards ryan tries to offer troy congrats on his college sitch, unlike literally everyone else at the resort and troy shuts him down because he’s upset

*chad calls him “captain” all mockingly in the kitchen and they purposefully try to hurt him with that shit about vince from maintenance
Troy says that the redhawks came looking for him, which is actually not really true but it might as well be
“If i don’t know who you are these days then who does?” like bitch not you. They think he’s changing just because he’s starting to think for himself instead of bending to the people’s whims

*during the music in me remix scene she puts him on top of an air vent and pulls up his shirt like she can’t stop with the physical molestation can she

*afterwards he’s so disturbed that he misses all of his shots, which he hasn’t done since the first movie and which means he’s actually very emotionally distressed

*ryan goes so far as to have organize a practice for the wildcats and then stands up to his sister, which, good for him. He figured it out before troy did

*”plans change and people change” so just because sharpay is being sharpay you’re going to quit and abandon your boyfriend? Also wth you mean people change? The only thing that’s changed is that troy isn’t taking any bullshit anymore
When troy says he’s workin on the scholarship thing she completely dismisses it and says that he’s “acting like someone you’re not”
- she once again turns around the convo and makes it about how he’s ruining her summer that she wants to remember and then she sings a song about how her feelings are hurt
He’s clearly distraught

* “new shoes not a new kid” like his dad is completely right
I dont even know who i am anymore” he’s having an identity crisis

*the bet on it song he literally says he feels overwhelmed about everyone always talking at him and “tryna get in my head”

*troy stands up to sharpay (even if he kinda reverts back to his deferential ways)
On the other hand, ryan also stands up to sharpay and doesn’t

*when reconciling with chad troy’s like “i was a jerk” and chad says “yeah” like he wasn’t a giant jerk too., just like they put all the pressure to win on troy last year, they put all the blame for the summer on him now

*troy even apologizes to ryan (he actually was a jerk to ryan) and ryan knows this and accepts this
When chad’s like “you gotta c him play baseball” troy looks so genuine when he says he’s looking forward to it
Ryan sings with wildcats instead of his sister because he genuinely likes them and because he’s found acceptance and validation with them, which he never found with his sister

*during the everyday scene gabriella comes back smiling cuz she knows he’s gonna accept her again despite everything she did to him. He reconciled with chad and the other wildcats but he never talked at all with gabriella. She ran off and broke his heart and he accepts her back because it’s what everyone clearly expects of him and because he loves her, but she never apologized and they never talked about their issues
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