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Miko scurried around his room, excited to begin trick-or-treating. He grabbed the homemade pieces of his costume. He was going to be a sand wolf. He put his tail sleeve on first. It was covered in pebbles from the beach. He put the back piece on, then the head, and finally, the two leg pieces. He walked over to the mirror, and smiled. No one would be able to tell he was a rat! He always got odd looks from other animals for being a rat. They thought he'd give them some sort of illness. He tried to keep clean so this wouldn't happen. Halloween had always been his favorite, since he could finally go out into public without being nervous of what others thought of him. Dogs and wolves have always been a favorite, so he hoped his costume would be a big hit! He grabbed a dark gray pillowcase and made his way out of his room. The costume was made by foam, so it was fairly comfortable. It was pretty easy to get all of the sand on, you just need a lot of glue! The tail part was just stretchy fabric and small pebbles. It'd hide his tail well, and look good with the sand. He walked down the hallway, then outside. Many others had already made their way outside, and were knocking on doors of houses with the lights on. He looked around for one. Fairly quickly, he spotted one. It wasn't a hard task, since the moon had just slightly made its appearance. There was a beautiful sunset in the distance. He trotted over to the house, and knocked on its door-
"Trick or treat!"[/center]

[b][size=155]Keatoday Eve:[/size][/b]
1. Hoard some food in your room.
It will help for the night of Keatoday.

[b]2. Charge your phone/laptop (unless you have a computer).[/b]
You'll be using it all night, it'd be a pain for it to die. Celebration=Over, unless we have multiple people.

[b]3. Keep a charger nearby.[/b]
Incase you DIDN'T charge your device, or it's been on for so long that it's at >10%, then you'll want to be able to charge it. I hope most of your devices can be used while being charged!

[b]4. Sleep a LOT on Keatoday Eve.[/b]
You'll be staying up until around 10 AM EST, wouldn't it if you were to pass out?

[b]5. If you ARE going to pass out, let us know![/b]
It's always sad when someone passes out and everyone is left wondering if they got caught or something.

[b]1. Before it starts (9:45 PM), make sure you're satisfied with the amount of snacks you have.[/b]
We don't want this to be an event where you get caught and get grounded for being up late and taking a snack, so make sure all of the food you need is in your room!

[b]2. Be ready at 9:40, we want it to start on time and for there to be no confusion.[/b]
Be on Myriad at 9:40, perhaps already in the room. The event of Keatoday starts at 9:45 PM EST, and it would be great to have everyone participating with us when we begin! If you find out you can't be on then, and can join us around 11 PM or something, just shoot me a quick text via Chicken smoothie! Doesn't have to be much of anything, perhaps just "Can't make it now, will be on at 11 PM."

[b]3. Make sure you're on Myriad, in xDETENTION![/b]
We will be spending our beginning there, perhaps moving around a little bit later. To get to Myriad, go to [url][/url]. The room is to the left of the middle mountain that looks like a wolf. There is a waterfall; look to top left square. It will be there. If you can't find it, pm me on CS. Make sure you know where to find this before 9:45 PM.

[b]4. Don't know what time it is in EST?[/b]
Go here! ---> [url][/url]

[b]We will be:[/b]
1. Drawing free art for eachother (Optional)
2. Roleplaying (Very likely)
3. Chatting (Duh)
4. Watching YouTube videos (Keep the swearing to a minimum-I'm on a school laptop)
6. Eating
7. Staying up for ~12 hours (Why I can't stress enough you should PROBABLY sleep the night of Keatoday Eve. I'd hate to have to cancel it early because all have dropped to the floor dead)
8. Drink Moonshit (and Smoke Catnip)
9. CONNECTS TO 8. - GET DRUNK! (On the effect of staying up with friends)

Any questions, or possible additions to the Holiday? PM me (ON CHICKEN SMOOTHIE)! I would be happy to read your ideas.

Keatoday was created by Potato Anosta and was supported by Keagan Mutt, both of which are happily shipped XD

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Regards; Team

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