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A couple days after that horrible incident with Celestia, things at HPA seemed a bit more normal, again. The murder that had occurred soon after seemed to take her mind off of it, so it wasn't brought up. I seemed to be in the clear, or so I thought. Thanks to the mounting insecurities that we had now, majority ruled that we take turns patrolling the dorms at night in groups of 2 or 3 to keep an eye out for anyone suspicious. Tonight was my turn, along with Celestia and Touko Fukawa. Between the possibility of another murder and the fact that Celestia could let my secret out at any time without notice, my mind was not in the right place. My biggest mistake, as I would soon discover, was leaving my door unlocked for easy access in case we needed to get somewhere safe. During one of our five minute breaks, Celeste wandered over to the part of the hallway that my room was in.

"Oh dear, _______ left his room unattended to. Whenever will he learn...?"

As she quickly and quietly made her way into the room, an expression of shock appeared on her face.

"I was not expecting his room to be so clean. I must commen-"

Her eyes darted to the back of the room. She peeked over her shoulder one last time to make sure she wasn't being watched, and when she saw the coast was clear, she walked over the what caught her eye. Her mood shifted as she bent down to pick up a curious article of clothing. She gasped, balled it up into her delicate hand, and left the room, careful to leave it as she found it.

"Touko, really. If you're uncomfortable, you can go back to your room. Celeste and I have things taken care of..."

"T-That's just what y-you'd like for me t-to do, isn't it?! I'm t-too ugly to be around you two, r-right?!"

I shook my head and tried to calm her down. "That's not it at all, I just-"


I turned my head to see Celeste briskly walking towards me, a violent expression on her face. "C-Celeste! What's wrong?! Did you see anyone?!"

She suddenly jerked her hand into my face before opening her fingers a bit to show me what she had. "What the FUCK is this?!"

My face suddenly went pale. I knew full well what it was. Panties belonging to Aoi Asahina. They were in the laundry room, and I stupidly snatched them up. Thanks to her loud voice, Touko was darting her eyes between me and the panties.

I turned to Touko. "W-Wait a minute, this isn't..." There was really no explaining it. It was exactly what it looked like. But before I could finish my sentence, I felt a quick strike on the back of my head. I instantly lost consciousness.

When I came to, I was back in my room. Was it all a dream...? I tried to move, but soon realized I couldn't. The girls had taken me here, but took an extra step. They tied my arms and legs to the bed posts!

Celeste's voice was the first thing I heard.

"Well, _______, I wasn't going to say anything about our little...encounter a few nights ago, but you don't seem to respect women or their belongings, so we'll have to do something about that. I've already talked it over with Touko.

Fuck. They were going to kill me.

"Touko, if you will...?"

Though she seemed hesitant, she walked over to the right side of my bed and started to undress. She brought her hands under her dress, and a few seconds later, she was tugging at her panties, sliding them down her legs slowly.

"W-What is she...?"

"Be quiet." Celeste's words were as cold as ice, with an almost murderous intent. "You steal, and you harass. No one wants to hear your words."

Touko had finally stripped and was holding her panties behind her back. "N-N-Now what do I d-do...?"

"Just like I told you, Touko. Do not make me repeat myself again."

She took a few steps closer to me, and through an intense yell, she forced the panties into my face. The smell hit me hard. I know Touko wasn't fond of bathing, but the smell was absolutely putrid. I heard Celestia mocking me in the background as Touko smothered me with her undergarments. It's safe to say they were the same pair she was wearing the day we met, because they were more than a bit crusty in places. It was a horrid mix of her natural body odor and shit. This girl was an absolute trainwreck when it came to hygiene.

"P-Please...let me-"

The moment I spoke, her flavor invaded my mouth. I gagged violently, shutting my mouth almost immediately. I wasn't going to do that again any time soon. My mind was going blank. I think I would have actually preferred for them to kill me.

"_______, please try to stay awake. We haven't even reached the best part yet..."

My eyes shot towards Celeste.

"Don't you want to be closer to Touko...? After all, she has no friends..."

I knew where this was going. But I prayed that I was wrong...
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