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"Alright, ladies. You know the rules." Angela Ziegler, also known as "Mercy", was standing in front of 7 other women, pacing back and forth as she sized them up. "The winner of this contest shall be decided by the odor of their feet." The other women seemed to recoil slightly in disgust as they heard this, and one spoke up. Her name was Mei, and she spoke softly, but concerned. "Why are we doing this, Angela? Is this a part of Overwatch training?" Mercy laughed and shrugged. "That, I couldn't tell you. But the winner shall not go unawarded, I assure you. Besides, I'll be the poor soul doing the smelling, so just stay calm and go with it. That goes for the rest of you, as well."

"How much longer do we have?" asked Aleksandra Zaryanova, a tall, pink-haired, well-built woman. "I don't want to waste time doing nothing." Mercy frowned. "Until the end of today. I'm sure you ladies have been keeping up accordingly?" They all nodded in response, some more embarrassed than others. Mei looked down as she admitted softly "I haven't changed my socks in almost a week. I feel disgusting..." Mercy pat her head. "It's for a good cause, Mei. If it makes you feel better, someone did request that we do this." Mei nodded "Yeah yeah...I know." It didn't make her feel better at all. "Well, ladies! I'm letting you free. Don't slack off, and before you know it, this will all be over soon enough."

The women dispersed and set off on their ways to prepare as best they could. Most of them performed as much physical activity as they could to help. Lena Oxton (Tracer), and Sombra both went running when they could. Zarya lifted weights and exercised vigorously, while some others didn't have to do anything. Fareeha Amari (Pharah) and Hana Song (D.Va) both spent most of their time inside of heavy machinery, and naturally built up a sweat. The only one that didn't have an easy time with this was Satya Vaswani, better known as Symmetra. She prided herself on keeping clean, and her feet were always well taken care of. To do the polar opposite? She had no interest in that. The nylons she wore felt damp and sticky, and she hated it more with every step she took. "By the end of the end of today..." She repeated over and over. "Absolutely despicable..."

The contest was almost upon them, and each woman felt more tense than ever as they headed for the judging location. They were all to meet at Watchpoint: Gibraltar. Mercy would have them gather in one of the buildings located there to judge them personally. As a doctor, Mercy had seen her fair share of unpleasant things, but she wasn't particularly looking forward to this, either. Tracer was the first to arrive "Oi, doc! Anyone else make it yet?" Mercy was sitting at one of the tables as she shook her head. "Aw, rubbish." Tracer sat down to ease her aching feet. Not much longer, they were joined by both D.Va and Pharah. After them, Zarya. It took awhile, but eventually Symmetra and Widowmaker showed up. Mercy looked up. "Still missing Mei and Sombra..." Right on cue, the door opened, and Mei shyly walked in. "Sorry, everybody..."

Mercy stood up and started doing a headcount. "Everyone is here except Sombra. Where is that gir-" Suddenly, Sombra dropped from above and waved. "Hola. Did you miss me?" She was waiting there all along, just in cloaking. The rest of the women looked at her, clearly displeased. "Que pasa?" Mercy shook her head and pinched her nose. "Let's just get down to business. Who's going first?" She asked as she pulled out a clipboard with a few papers on it. Everyone seemed reluctant. "Ugh! Fine! I'll go!" D.Va yelled. "Outta my way, nerds." She sat in the chair Mercy was previously sitting in and propped her feet up onto the table. " boots aren't going to remove themselves!" Mercy frowned and looked at her. D.Va must've been putting up a front because she was embarrassed.

Mercy tugged at D.Va's boots, and they slipped off rather easily. She flexed and wiggled her toes to cool them, as this was the first time she took off her boots all day. The smell of her feet was bad, but nothing Mercy couldn't handle. "Lol, Doc. Get in there." Mercy furrowed her brow and placed her nose right against the ball of D.Va's right foot. It was sweaty and slightly sour, but Mercy didn't find it that bad. She sniffed the entirety of her feet as the other women gave looks of disgust, but afterwards, Mercy stood up and started writing on the paper. "I'll give you a six out of ten, Hana." She looked up at her, visibly irritated. "W-Why? My feet smell worse than that!" Mercy chuckled. "Is this something you really want to argue about?" She crossed her arms and pouted. "No..." Mercy looked at the remainders. "Six out of ten. Who's next?"

They all looked at eachother, obviously not wanting to go, but eventually, Zarya stood up. "I will go." Mercy looked a bit surprised. "Very well. Please have a seat." She did so and put her large boots up on the desk. She started to remove them as Sombra sneered. "Ten cuidado, Doctor." Zarya shot her a menacing glare as Sombra backed down a bit. Zarya's boots were off and a strong, sweaty smell filled the area. Zarya's feet didn't really stink too bad. They just smelled like feet. Very sweaty, but feet nonetheless. Mercy wrinkled her nose as she sniffed over Zarya's large feet, and she spread her toes to help her get in there. "How bad are they? Please, tell me." Mercy sniffed a little longer than she should have, but eventually she stood up and wiped off her face. "Hmm...not terrible. Five and a half out of ten seems about right." Zarya scoffed and set her feet on the cold floor. "Fine. No big deal." She got up and sat against the wall where the other women waited.

"Ooooh, doc! Me next! Me next!" Tracer seemed the most excited out of the bunch, and she quickly got in the chair, tugging her shoe in the process. She got them off quickly and set her smaller feet on the table, wiggling her toes in excitement. "Oooh, damn. I can smell 'em all the way from here. Sorry, luv!" She said, urging Mercy to be cautious. Mercy grabbed Tracer's petite left foot and pressed her nose right up to her sweaty sole. She recoiled a bit. Tracer's feet stunk the worst, so far. Easily. Mercy wasn't surprised, though. Tracer ran a lot, and with her chronal accelerator on her chest, she probably didn't go through the hassle of bathing if she didn't have to.

"My lord, Lena. You may very well be the winner..." She teased as she continued to examine Tracer's feet. In between her toes was the worst. They were caked in sweat, and the fact that they were rapidly drying made the smell even worse. "Eight out of ten." Mercy declared as she stood, apparently writing the score. "Yeah! Try beatin' that, luvs." She said confidently before slipping her feet back into her shoes. D.Va and Zarya both looked away. Symmetra stood up and walked to the table, keeping her eyes closed the whole time. "Ah, Symmetra. I wouldn't have guess you wanted to go so soon." She lifted her nose and looked away. "Better to get it out of the way now rather than later." She reached down and undid her boots before placing her nylon-clad feet onto the table. "You may go." Mercy shrugged and started to sniff from her heels upwards. She didn't make any faces or anything. "I...don't smell anything? In fact, your feet smell good rather than bad." Symmetra's feet smelled like perfume and soap. She obviously caved before getting there and washed them.

Mercy stood up and sighed, shaking her head. "Zero. Zero out of ten." Symmetra chuckled and stood up as well, smiling. "Good. All is as it should be." She walked over to the stairs in the room and sat, waiting for this to be over. Next up was Mei, who was blushing heavily. "Mei, dear. Would you like me to remove your boots for you...?" She nodded slowly, and Mercy got to work, pulling off Mei's heavy snow boots as they fell to the floor with loud thuds. She wasn't wearing socks like earlier, and the fur in her boots absorbed all the resulting sweat. They smelled unexpectedly bad. Like a bad mix of corn chips and an almost faint scent of vinegar. Mei noticed how Mercy's face changed, and she gasped accordingly. "Sorry, sorry...I'm sorrysorrysorry..." She repeated over and over as Mercy sniffed her soles. Afterwards, she stood up, started writing, and then looked at Mei with a smile. "No worries, dear. But you do receive a seven out of ten." Tracer sighed in relief. "Yeah! Still unbeaten!" She said proudly. The rest of the women looked at her, unamused.

Pharah, Widow, and Sombra still remained. Sombra bowed, and made a motion with her hands. "You first, amiga." She said teasingly. Without a word, Pharah walked to the table and deactivated her suit. It made whooshing noises as the back opened up, steam blowing in a few directions, and she backed of it. She was dripping with sweat, clothed only in a black tanktop and matching panties. She sat down, put her arms behind her head, and crossed her feet on the table. She maintained a serious face up until Mercy started sniffing her feet. Then she tried her best not to laugh. With her feet in boots most of the time, her feet were a bit sensitive and ticklish. She scrunched her toes and spread them in response. Her feet didn't smell as bad as Mercy thought. They smelled sweaty with a slight hint of metal. Again, Mercy stood up and spoke. "Not too bad, Pharah. I'll have to give you a four out of ten. I apologize." Pharah stood up and wiped the sweat from her face. "Understood." Was all that she said.

Mercy frowned and then continued on. "Now. Widowmaker or Sombra. Who wants to go next?" Widow stepped forward. "I shall go. Please, brace yourself. Or do not. It does not matter." Mercy maintained a stare. No one liked Widow, so the thought of smelling her feet made her more irritated than anyone else. "Remove your boots, Miss Lacroix." Mercy said sternly. Widow smiled slightly, sat down, and removed her boots as slowly and seductively as she could. Despite the new smell that lingered as a result of her taking off her footwear, her feet were perfectly taken care of. Her skin was smooth as silk, and her toes were adorned with a french pedicure. She wiggled her toes and spoke slowly. "Get in there, Miss Ziegler...if you don't mind, of course." Mercy scowled and started to smell Widow's feet. They were only slightly sweaty, but smelled like vinegar. The smell was intense despite her feet being so well-taken care of. Mercy recoiled in disgust, and Widow reacted accordingly. "What? No good?" She spoke in a teasing tone. Mercy ignored her, and gave her her score. "Eight out of ten..."

Widow giggled and looked back at Tracer. "Oh my. Looks like we're tied, ma cherie..." Tracer puffed her cheeks out and looked away. "Yeah, right." While they bickered back and forth, Sombra was already in the chair with her feet on the table, wiggling her toes through her shoes. "Tranquilo, tranquilo. Watch me hack my way to the top, si?" She slipped her shoes off and threw them at Mercy. "Hold those for me, chica." She winked and started wiggling her toes. Mercy stuck her nose at the balls of Sombra's feet and inhaled deeply. They smelled like a lighter mixture of Tracer and Mei's feet. Sweaty, and like cornchips. They also had the light scent of rubber being encased in her skintight shoes. They didn't smell good, but they definitely weren't going to win. She stood, gave Sombra a sarcastic smile, and gave her the bad news. "Six and a half out of ten." Sombra bit her lip and lashed out. "Oh, whatever! I'm outta here. Adios, losers." She took her shoes back, put them on, and then cloaked, leaving shortly after. D.Va and a few others laughed. "LOL. What a sore loser. Get owned, nerd ;)"

Mercy walked to the center of the room, and looked at the clipboard. "Well...we have a tie. Between Lena and Amelie." She smiled. "Or at least, we would, if I had decided to stay out..." The room fell silent. "What are you talking about, Angela?" Asked Mei in a confused tone. Mercy giggled and sat in the chair that everyone else had sat in tonight. She put her feet up and asked for someone to take her boots off. "I'll do it, doc." Tracer blinked forward and did as Mercy asked. Before getting her first boot off, Tracer gagged and looked at Mercy, who was maintaining a confident smile. "Ooooh, stinky..." She hesitantly pulled the other boot off, which intensified the odor, which was quickly filling the room. "Well, Lena? What do you think?" Tracer couldn't speak. She covered her nose and mouth and shook her head. The rest of the women were reacting similarly. "Oh, please, they aren't that bad..." Mercy brought her foot to her face and sniffed it curiously. She recoiled and laughed. "Oh, that IS bad...I guess I win, then?" She asked teasingly. As everyone else mutually agreed, Mercy giggled and wiggled her toes. "Piece of cake!"
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