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Some really nice women-Hello, how may I help you? x
Masuma-Hi my names Masuma and I'm having problems with my bestfriend :(
Some really nice women- Whats your bestfriends name?
Masuma-Iqra Ahmed x
Some really nice women- Okay tell me whats happened
Masuma- Okay so basically she doesnt like this girl called Ramisa and doesnt want me texting her and we was making up rules so that it can help us be strong bestfriends and like one of her rules was dont text Ramisa and like Ramisa and me are in a gc with a girl called Kashaf and Ramisa she was texting in it and like I hate like not opening chats coz I wanna know what that persons said like I proper proper like opening them if I dont know whats been said so like Ramisa she sent a picture and I opened it and then told Iqra and I even ss it for her so that she knows what the picture is too and then I asked her can I reply but in my head I was like oh ima have to coz like she can see that I've opened the message and so then I replied back and Iqra Ahmed she found out and then she started being all dead and like I hate it when Iqra Ahmed is dead it gives me this ejdnjwrihwuebhbfr feeling and I hate it sm and I really missed talking to her coz we wasnt talking proper all day and then I didnt even know that the laptop charger was fixed and I thought our time was being wasted and it just got me angry and I got even more angry then coz I waited so long to post but she wasnt even caring about mine and her posts day (we're a whole week and two days late in posting) and so I posted myself without asking her and then I coudlnt even think of a good caption and I got annoyed coz she was being dead and then I deleted it and deactivated insta coz like yeah I got proper annoyed at everything. It all happened coz I texted Ramisa but I just liked opening dm esp if Idk whats being said :(
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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