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Zak'Thar6i: *points flashlight at* :P
Repede: *gets dazed @.o*
Zak'Thar6i: *chains you down onto your back, stuffs a mechanical, self lubricating dildo into your rear, then mounts and rides your lap* <3
Repede: *Meeps as he still sees white as you toss him down and tie him up, shaking his head to get his wits back only to moan at the toy suddenly stuffed into his rump, arching some and watches you ride his lap o//o
Repede: *tugs <<
Zak'Thar6i: *places his paws firmly onto your chest, gripping at it softly as he teases your sheath and poking tip with his soft, warm, foxy rump ;3*
Repede: *Squirms a bit as he looks down at you teasing him while giving a soft moan as he feels the toy shift around inside of him, making him arche and wriggle as his shaft begins to slide out against your rump >//< * naughty foox
Zak'Thar6i: *grins and just sits there on your lap once he has made sure your growing tip is pressed firmly against his tight entrance. He lets the mechanical toy do its work, using little, pleasurable shocks every now and then against your prostate to help you get harder faster*~ maaybe :3
Repede: *Whimpers and tugs on his chains, giving a deep moan as his shaft bounces from that little shock, blushing bright while his length begins to dig against your tailhole, sliding it to its growing and pulsing pace >//<
Zak'Thar6i: *arches his back and closes his eyes, his ears folding back as well, while he lets out a warm moan of pleasure. His tailhole and silky smooth insides nice and tight around your growing length, though he doesn't move up, just softly shifting his hips side to side to help ease your shaft along as it grows into him* <3
Repede: *Moans out with as well while he feels his length soon enough be surrounded by that warm foxy butt, some pre dripping inside to get it all the smoother while that toy just kept squirming around in the volfur, trying to clench to try to make it come out, just to moan out whenever it hits his prostate, making his shaft bounce hard and his body arche
Zak'Thar6i: *Grins as he notices the frequency at which his toy hits your prostate, and he looks down at you with a sly wink, wondering if you'll figure out how the toy works without needing to tell you. He then closes his eyes again, letting out a more passionate filled moan as he now feels your full length pushing nice and deep within him, and he begins to grind his hips down a little harder against yours, rubbing his butt on your crotch while causing your entire shaft to move around inside of his tight rump~ ;3
Repede: *Moans deeply and arches against your rear, feeling his whole length move and grind around inside your warm rump as he actually wonders either it just pistons in and out or squirms around his rear. That's all he could think of, his tongue sticking out his muzzle while rolling his hips in you with deep groans, feeling hisknot grow a bit
Zak'Thar6i: *Whimpers softly, and continues to moan, though a little louder this time. Some warm pre leaks from his tip and onto your tummy, showing he is nice and fully erect, as it may not have been apparent yet. He keeps his grinding assault going, wanting to see if he can get you to tie into him and release without him needing to bounce on your lap even once* >:3
Repede: *Wondered how the toy was really working at the same time now as he kept squirming and trying to thrust into you needily, if you keep this up you might get him to release without a bounce, though of course it'll tease and build him up for a while before he does! Panting deeply as his knot grows more now, pressing against your insides x3
Repede: :o
Zak'Thar6i: (computer playing catch up, hold for a sec x3 virus scanner decided now was a really good time and ate up all my resources lol)
Repede: okies x3
Zak'Thar6i: *grips at your chest fur a little tighter, his claws lightly digging into your chest as bit as he lets out another loud moan and grinds his rear down harder against your lap, loving the feel of your shaft twitching, and moving around inside of him, along with your growing knot making him feel that much more full. "Mmph..<3" he whimpers out softly. All the while, the toy continues to vibrate and move around inside of your tight rump, stimulating your prostate each time you squirm or squeeze, and seeming to pull out a bit when you find yourself in any small moment of relaxation ;P*
Repede: *Shivers as you grip and scritch at his chest with your claws, moaning out along with your tight squeezes and grinds, while that squirmy toy keeps going for his prostate whenever he clenches, which just makes him squeeze even harder, panting hard and feeling his knot inflate big and tight inside of your rump, feeling so sensitive and trying to relax but just unable to, squeezing down on the toy again and rolling his eyes in pleasure*
Zak'Thar6i: *Arches his back a bit more, his paws moving from your chest to your thighs, just above your knees, holding onto them tightly, and digging his claws in a bit harder there, as he feels your knot swell even larger. The pressure against his prostate from your large knot causes a few stands of his pre to spurt out, one bit landing on your muzzle, and the other two on your neck and chest, as he lets out warm moans and continues to grind down against your lap. "Mmph, c'mon, you big stud, fill the foxy." he teases, and squeezes his insides even tighter around your large shaft and knot. ;3
Repede: *Murrs deeply as you arche, making his length shift and grind around inside of you again as you grasp onto his thighs while his knot pulses and throbs with the rest of his shaft inside of you. Trying to resist the need to fill the foxy up to tease him and make it last longer, though having a hard time holding back with the toy inside of him, trying to clench tight to make it slow down >//<
Zak'Thar6i: *lifts his legs up a bit, no longer holding his weight up at all with them, his full weight now pressing down against your crotch, which causes your entire length to sink another inch or two deeper into his tight rump. The toy relentlessly gives soft, stimulating shocks, against your sensitive prostate as you clench tighter, each little shock, at this point, causing you to continue clenching, sending uncontrollable amounts of pleasure throughout your body now.~
Repede: *Oofs as you press down hard onto his cock, making him moan out loudly once again and thrust forward before he seizes up as the toy jolts and jolts his prostate over and over, as hard as he'D try to resist he soon enouggh loses it, howling out as he begins to spray load after load of cum in your naughty rump, his large knot keeping every drop in as he rolls his hips and feels the cum flow out
Zak'Thar6i: /me moans out loudly as he feels each heavy pulse of your length deliver a hot, strong jet of seed deep within him. His tummy bulges a little as your large knot keeps any seed from leaking out, and the toy continues to pleasure your prostate, giving you a much larger load than normal. Each time your insides clench and relax from your climax, the toy moves back and forth inside of you, each time pressing a little more firmly against your prostate, and giving a slightly stronger shock, though it never jolts too hard, keeping any pain from being received, but only pleasure. ;3
Repede: *Cries out as he feels that infernal toy just keep up pressing tight against his sensitive prostate and pleasure it over and over, trying to roll his hips to make it stop. Though he winds up cumming for a good minute before slumping down completly worn out. Eyes fluttering a little as he just pants hard and tries to relax now x3 having you filled with every drop
Zak'Thar6i: /me whimpers a little, letting out a very pleasure-filled, loud moan as after a minute, you fill him as much as, if not more than, a small feral dragon would have filled him. His tummy nicely bulged from all the seed, and none of it able to escape still, thanks to your large knot~ The toy stops its jolts of pleasure, and soon, after your body has had too much pleasure, it slowly slips out of your rump, almost giving you the feel of laying an egg, as it pops out of your tight entrance. If you were to inspect it, you would find that it is, indeed, a small metallic egg, with little shocky nodes placed in strategic locations around its exterior. These same nodes are what helps it guide its self along inside of you as well, able to feel the differences in pressure from squeezing and relaxing ;3
Repede: *Pants deeply as he finally manages to relax once that egg slides out of him, his tongue lolling out still while he looks at your bulged belly, tugging lightly on the chains. Quite sure that toy would get him to cum without any touch to his shaft. Wondering where you found one of those too, though too spent to ask anything x3 trying just to catch his breath
Zak'Thar6i: *pants as well, though not as heavily due to how full he is. He gently tries to pull his hips up, but to no avail, as he finds your knot is still much too large for him to be able to pull away, especially since there was no real thrusting to loosen his tight entrance up at all, it looks like the foxy will be stuck here for longer than usual, but loving every second of it~
Repede: *Looks over at you, panting softly while he couldn't do much more with his limbs all chained up and his knot still pulsing inside of you, trying to move his tail to see if that was tied too <
Zak'Thar6i: *watches your tail as it moves, he had forgot to tie that down, completely forgetting how well you can control it. He then looks back down at you, giving a soft whimper with a little murr mixed in, just being all cute now while he's still stuck to you ;P (your muzzle and chest are totally covered in foxy seed by the way, I just kinda forgot to add that part xD)
Repede: *Would imagine he is, grinning as his tail moves in to try to coil around the toy while he grins down at you, knowing you couldn't get off his shaft :3* Hehe, my turn to have fun~
Zak'Thar6i: *reaches his paws over and grabs your tail playfully, "I can still move these, you know." he teases, and his little fingers massage along your tail a bit while he holds onto it ;P
Repede: *Mmrs as you mostly get a hold of the base, the rest of it curling and trying to press that egg against your shaft*
Zak'Thar6i: *grins and giggles a bit as you try to rub the egg along his shaft* It only works inside of cetrain places~ *he teases*
Repede: *Hmmms, he tries to wrap and coil his tail around your shaft and egg, making it feel like it's inside a rump, and starts to clench his tail :3*
Zak'Thar6i: *pokes your tailhole teasingly and gives a soft hump, or as much of one as he can give with your knot tied in him, up against the egg and your tail. *It's a smart toy, it knows the difference :P (and ish not toy either, but maybe an electric dragon's egg I 'borrowed' >.>)
Repede: *Awws, wouldn't know its a real egg though* But I wanted to make you cum another time.. That thing's so evil x3
Zak'Thar6i: *giggles and nuzzles at your big tail* hehe, it is a naughty little thing, isn't it? *he says playfully*
Repede: *Nodnods with a blush* It could make anyone cum within a matter of minutes >..<
Zak'Thar6i: *giggles and nods* that's the idea~ also, the only way he'll ever be able to hatch :o Sparky dragons only hatch from their eggs if they have delivered enough climaxes~ *he teases*
Repede: *Blinks* It's a dragon egg? *He stares at you, then at the egg in his tail* W-where did you get that? o.o
Zak'Thar6i: *shifty eyes left and right, suddenly trying to be all innocent* Uhh, I.. I dunno what you're talking about, get what? *he teis to play it off as the first time he has seen it now x3*
Repede: *Pokes your nose with the egg* You just said it's a spark dragon egg.. Where did you get that? o.o
Zak'Thar6i: *sighs softly* Well, you see.. The sparky dragon species is all males, so they have an interesting way of reproducing, and it's and egg such as that :P They can only lay one egg, via ejaculation, per cycle of heat, which happens once a year x3 Usually they have other sparky dragons around to release the egg into, however, if you're a little foxy wondering the wrong part of the forest at night, and an in-heat sparky dragon finds you~ need I say more ;P (totally made that all up just now :3)
Repede: *Sticks tongue at you* I see, well you loved it I'm sure.. But what will you do once it hatches mm? :P
Zak'Thar6i: *grins* Well, considering they're a very sexual species, I assume I'm just gonna do what any good foxy would do with such a gift, and keep it~
Repede: *Giggles at, wiggling a bit as he just drops the egg in your lap then* Well, what now? <<
Zak'Thar6i: *pokes your thigh playfully* you needs to learn some magics to use on the foxy sometime ;P *he teases, then tries to lift his hips up from yours.* For now, it seems that egg gave you a pretty large knot x3
Repede: *Giggles at* I'm no magic user though, I'm weak against magic in fact << *He mmfs as you try to get up, he did deflate some since then x3, then blinks* It did? o.o
Zak'Thar6i: *giggles and nods* Hehe, I forgot, you are pretty seceptible to magic (totally spelled that word wrong..) becuase I remember a certain dragon that could pretty much do as he pleases with you~ ;P also, yush x3
Repede: *Blushes a little at that* He didn't do thaaaat much <.<
Zak'Thar6i: pff :P He magically bound you underneath him, then went for a flight and entered you into the mile-high club~
Repede: Yeaaah that's not much!
Repede: x3
Zak'Thar6i: also pounded you in the sheath, but used a magic portal to make it so he was really pounding your rear~
Zak'Thar6i: used same magic portal stuffs to make you pound your own maw once ;3
Zak'Thar6i: hmm.. what else? x3
Repede: *Turns red and just shuts up <<
Zak'Thar6i: :3
Zak'Thar6i: *slowly lifts up, finally able to free himself from your knot and hard cock, leaving a nice mess of seed behind on your shaft once your knot slips out of him ;P*
Repede: *MMmrfs and oofs as you finally slide off, the egg rolling to the side as he pants x3
Zak'Thar6i: *finally gets around to untying you :3*
Repede: *freedoms*
Repede: xD
Repede: I'll afk to go pay some contraventions x,x
Zak'Thar6i: pay some what? :o
Repede: contravention
Repede: I got pulled over for 'missing a stop'
Repede: More like doing like everyone always does
Zak'Thar6i: ahh. We call those tickets or citations here x3
Repede: yeah
Repede: tickets then
Repede: :P
Repede: I'll bbl
Zak'Thar6i: okies
Repede: nvm
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