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[19:08:00] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: do u fell not a lil abit a shame?
[19:08:12] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: For working on the update still? No.
[19:08:20] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: nono not that point
[19:08:32] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: u guys can work like 2 years on a update thats no problem
[19:08:47] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: i mean about the poor and unhumane connection to the community
[19:09:05] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: My connection with the community is just fine...
[19:09:25] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Serepha has many DE speakers, I'm the EN CM.
[19:09:27] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: can u pls give me here a agree that i can screenshot this answer and post it ?
[19:09:40] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: For what?
[19:10:00] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: that everyone can read what u say to me about "fine connection to community :D
[19:10:17] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: It's a matter of opinion I suppose.
[19:10:26] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: yes it is
[19:10:32] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I'm here to run an event however, not to have a debate on what
[19:10:44] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: you may or may not perceive as the relationship between the
[19:10:50] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: staff & players right now ^^ perhaps after.
[19:10:58] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: thats a point to focus that u dont care about the situation u just say me now "im here for events not for u guys"
[19:11:04] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: good to know :x
[19:11:14] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Au contraire, the event is for you guys
[19:11:22] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: But serepha is not the only server that gets the event either
[19:11:31] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: There is a time schedule, that includes all servers.
[19:11:33] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: how about u stop doing events and maybe doing some important stuff?
[19:11:45] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Considering the only reason GM events are on Tuesday
[19:11:48] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: should i start pool that u dont have to do this kind of useless events?
[19:11:52] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I do spend the rest of my time doing important things.
[19:12:06] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: You are very accusational, you know.
[19:12:23] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Considering I work more than full time for this game...
[19:12:45] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Events are for the community and the team to bond.
[19:13:03] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Considering the team a majority of the time is behind the scenes
[19:13:50] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: It's nice to not be staring at string translations or testing
[19:13:52] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: very once and awhile.
[19:16:16] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: w/e i wrote 3 months a ago a real nice offter to the old cm
[19:17:10] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: about a simple q&a with me so the community know whats going on here. the answer was "pls wait for some news"
[19:17:23] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Because we aren't supposed to be giving information
[19:17:31] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: That is not accessed to the public
[19:17:40] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: If it's not official, we can't do it.
[19:22:24] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: so what should we do ? as player ?
[19:22:33] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Wait for us to finish what we have to.
[19:22:40] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: That's all you guys really can do :(
[19:23:16] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: but u still dont care about the attitude from us?
[19:23:38] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: What? The rudeness?
[19:23:49] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Of course I care, you guys are our community
[19:23:56] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: But I'm not going to be rude back
[19:23:58] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: which rudness?
[19:24:09] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: "might as well do this or do your job" type attitude
[19:24:21] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: There are better ways in which to communicate to get things done
[19:24:43] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: nono srsly which rudness?
[19:25:05] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: You don't think telling someone they should be doing their job
[19:25:10] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: when they are doing their job, isn't rude?
[19:25:16] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: the rudness for being a human?
[19:25:26] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Being human is not optional, being rude is.
[19:25:36] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Well, I suppose being human could be optional
[19:25:37] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: yes but in which case "we" are rude?
[19:25:49] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Look at the tone and inflection taken when I come to bond
[19:25:55] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I run events for the communities only to be told
[19:26:01] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: "we don't want that, do your job!"
[19:26:11] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: ahh
[19:26:21] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: so your job is only to run a "hid&seek event?
[19:26:23] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: thats all?
[19:26:29] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: No. My job is a lot more complex than that
[19:26:39] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: That was kind of insulting :(
[19:26:48] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: My job is a community manager which means
[19:26:54] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: sry, that was not my goal i ask your srsly
[19:26:57] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I get feedback from community, run events for the community
[19:27:14] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I do things for the phoenix patch but a lot of it isnt super
[19:27:18] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: crazy I guess?
[19:27:25] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I do testing, I do some translations
[19:27:33] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: so here
[19:27:43] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I'm here to give you guys something to do today
[19:27:49] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Instead of standing around Bernicia.
[19:27:58] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: my feedback is u guys doing some bad stuff, i hope u Arches maybe will be the first one who gonna change it
[19:28:36] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: the problem is u guys dont connected to us, i mean maybe u say "im connected with the community rlly (((fine))), no your ar not. thats why we chat here
[19:30:34] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I have a question for you Soren
[19:30:45] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: What language is your first if you don't mind me asking?
[19:30:55] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: im ger,eng,ru,fr
[19:31:04] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Man of many languages
[19:31:28] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: And the CM you spoke to was Sarenya I suppose?
[19:38:22] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: no it was someone who stay over eos, it was a global cm
[19:38:43] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: So this would be your first time speaking with
[19:38:48] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: an EOS specific CM?
[19:38:49] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: i posted the full conversation on our forum which got deleted
[19:39:02] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Posting conversations with Aeria staff typically
[19:39:06] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: is frowned upon
[19:39:33] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: he told me that he talked wich the "FULL" Eos team and they dont see any reason to talk with some "useless" players
[19:39:49] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: so danmaku
[19:39:53] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: and serblabla
[19:40:02] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: o.O
[19:40:13] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Well that is not my tone and I was never spoken to by Danmaku
[19:40:14] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: should all know about my request it was a rlly friendly message
[19:40:19] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: not to undercut his word.
[19:41:58] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: if i take a look into discord danmaku is also a CM
[19:42:06] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: and u both guys dont change any words? oo
[19:43:37] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: He now is for Twin Saga from what I know
[19:43:57] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: so what he is doing still on eos as CM ?
[19:44:14] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: i mean he was 6 months ago away from eos and changed to twi nsage
[19:44:23] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I don't believe so
[19:44:39] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: He is no longer EOS just a global
[19:44:47] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Darn this stupid
[19:44:53] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: but he still did all server maintance and announcements
[19:45:19] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Obviously we do more than what players perceive
[19:45:26] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: yes thats it
[19:45:37] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: thats what about i talking
[19:46:01] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: sit down and maybe give us the community a viable vision about your position and your ground stand.
[19:46:19] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: and dont talk "im connected fine with the eos community"
[19:46:27] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: no ur are not. dont live in a dreamworld
[19:46:52] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: What I think players forget
[19:46:59] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: no
[19:47:00] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: The community team is or used to play this game.
[19:47:07] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: we dont forget
[19:47:13] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: we respect u guys
[19:47:14] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Then you choose to ignore.
[19:47:15] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: for the work
[19:47:23] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I still am part of this community
[19:47:29] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I have been since CBT.
[19:47:30] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: are u ?
[19:47:33] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Yes.
[19:47:43] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Infact its a funny story how I started EOS.
[19:47:45] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: so why u dont have any clue whats going on ? #nooffense
[19:47:48] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: But that's for aother day.
[19:47:54] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I do have a clue of whats going on.
[19:48:10] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Do you know the day that we changed over from aeria>gamigo
[19:48:15] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: for management?
[19:48:47] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: it must be hard. a lot changed in the high personal lvl.
[19:49:00] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: so today u work with person a
[19:49:30] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: It's difficult with the change but I feel
[19:49:39] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: and tomorrow mayba person a have to go and u have to overtake the work from person a and have to give the new "person b" his kind of work
[19:49:41] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: the other CMs and I have adjusted to the work flow needed to
[19:49:58] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: yes thats right
[19:50:10] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: That happens often that work gets changed off
[19:50:15] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: From one person to another
[19:51:14] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I work outside of the timezone the office operates
[19:51:34] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I'm in the US so I start work about when they leave which is why
[19:51:44] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I'm here at like 3-4am server time.
[19:53:19] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: thats all ok, i mean like i said we know that u guys not roboter and human's like us
[19:53:39] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I'd like to hope so, I don't think I could compete with a robot/
[19:53:58] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: but the point of human's is they communicate
[19:54:07] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: There are things we can't say
[19:54:18] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: thats no problem
[19:54:29] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: And it's a lot!
[19:54:37] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I would love to tell you guys all this cool stuff and changes
[19:54:43] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: u dont have to
[19:54:43] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I'd probably never shut up about it honestly.
[19:54:55] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: we are not stupide we look out for other option
[19:55:11] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: the server side files was leeked like 1 year ago from one of the old dev's
[19:55:21] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: so the seed for p-server already grow
[19:55:38] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: we don't recommend using private servers for obvious reasons.
[19:55:44] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: But yeah - I know.
[19:56:03] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: You guys know the bells and whistles then, or some of them.
[19:56:09] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: nono, what my final point here is. that u should know the community isnt that happy
[19:56:14] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I know that.
[19:56:22] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I do a report every week saying that haha
[19:56:41] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: And I know that what you guys want is to know more and things to
[19:56:43] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: come faster
[19:56:59] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: And things to get fixed.
[19:57:55] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: the CMs know this because we want this too
[19:59:15] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: so final question, what should i say my friends my guildmate's that they dont leave aeria and change to other region ?
[19:59:36] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I couldn't tell you, really.
[19:59:45] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: becauce i lack on arguments to keep them here
[19:59:47] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: If they want to go I can't tell you to grab their arms and beg
[20:00:02] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: To ask for patience after waiting so long isn't fair
[20:00:11] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: But I think that's all I can ask of you all.
[20:00:31] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: We've got a timeframe to fufill and we're hoping to meet that.
[20:00:42] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: And if we do manage to make it, it will be sooner than you think
[20:00:56] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: But the nature of updates and stuff is just unpredictable
[20:01:05] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: We had issues with one issue for weeks
[20:01:11] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: which is why we aren't saying a day or a month
[20:01:13] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: dont worry i will be the first one who know whats going on #keepthegmskypegroup kappa
[20:01:21] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Because we don't want to let you guys down.
[20:01:37] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: And say like "oh its coming this day" and we miss it
[20:01:49] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: then write it, then write a post on forum like u said it now to me
[20:01:49] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Hense the fun word "#soon"
[20:02:06] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Obviously it will need some wordsmithing
[20:02:17] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: But I'll see what I can do regarding that post.
[20:02:32] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: But Phoenix is close you can almost taste it
[20:02:49] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: and I hope those who do venture outward return to us for it
[20:02:55] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: That's all I can hope for.
[20:03:29] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: And perhaps next time we can chat on discord for your stream ;)
[20:03:43] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I think twitch cams add 5lbs it's not flattering.
[20:05:38] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert:
[20:05:44] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: there i found it^^
[20:06:10] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I personally have not spoken with that CM.
[20:06:24] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: CM_Nethiry
[20:06:36] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Was that today?
[20:06:47] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: nononono thats years ago
[20:07:03] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: 12 06 2017, 4:03 pm
[20:07:14] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: 2,5months ago
[20:07:24] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: That would explain why I've not spoken with them.
[20:07:32] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: its np its old and dosent matter now
[20:08:11] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: the point was that he told me " yes the full eos game master team know about your request" and we will message u.
[20:08:44] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: and 2,5months ago was danmaku still a "important part" from eos team
[20:08:51] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Well I'm the only team member who unluckily
[20:08:55] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: does not speak German
[20:08:58] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: so we need to finish here
[20:09:28] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: any last words to us ?
[20:09:55] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Just I'm sorry you guys feel so distanced from the team
[20:10:03] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: and I hope that the CMs now can make up to you guys
[20:10:15] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: And if you havge any problems we're always here to talk.
[20:10:24] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: have* how embarrassing ;3;
[20:11:07] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: thats rlly nice and nice to read, my words are do a clean post or news about the situation. most ppl think that aeria/gamigo give a f*ck about us.
[20:11:31] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: Well honestly we do
[20:11:40] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: the CMs are here to listen and chat and all that stuff
[20:12:05] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: We'd be around more, but the phoenix update takes our time
[20:13:25] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: and I'm sorry thats how you guys are seeing it, we do care.
[20:13:37] An [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: tomorow new pet Kappa?
[20:13:50] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: New pet we encountered some issues,
[20:14:09] Von [[CM]iArches] geflüstert: I don't think tomorrow but relatively soon, shouldn't take long
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