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"You lost! Honor your commitment and tell me what you know about him! Please..." Mere inches from my face was renowned Interpol officer, Chun-Li. She gripped my collar tightly, trying to hold back the mixture emotions she was currently feeling. Prior to this moment, we had a little bet. A 1-on-1 street fight. If I won, I got to do anything I'd like to Little Miss Interpol for the next 24 hours. If she won, I had to tell her about her what I knew in regards to her missing father. The bitch was tougher than she looked. "Lady, I told you. I don't know shit about your daddy." I wore a grin that never left my face as I spoke. Probably not the best idea, but what was she going to do. Kill me? Not if she wanted that info.

She yanked my head upwards by my hair as she shook with anger. "You said you'd tell me, you scum! Why won't you..." She threw me to the floor, and with the next words that left her mouth, I knew I was winning this little war. "One more time! Please. But if I win this time, you HAVE to tell me." I wasn't telling her shit, win or lose. But maybe if I won this time, I'd still get to have my fun with her. "Yeah, yeah. Just like last time. Let's go." Her kicks hit hard. This bitch's legs were huge. Of course they had some force behind them. It wasn't long before I had the wind knocked out of me, leaving me on my back again. "You lost again. Please. For your sake and mine, just tell me what I want to know..." I took a couple of breaths, and between them, I rudely rejected her offer. Her eyes went wild as she gripped me again and started hauling me off like nothing. "Where the fuck are you taking me??"

She looked at me with pure contempt in her eyes. "Don't speak. Or I'll kill you now." I didn't really buy her little act, but I wasn't in any position to argue with her. I remained quiet until we got where she wanted me. "Interpol HQ. I'll get you to talk. One way or another." She dragged me right past the main desk and downstairs to the holding cells. She effortlessly tossed me into one and smiled for the first time. "Get comfortable. You're going to be here for awhile." She pulled up a chair and placed it right outside my cell. She sat dead-center in the middle of the bars, her now-cold eyes not leaving my direction. "Lady, this is crazy. I've got places to be, y'know?" She was silent. Her face and body remained motionless. For the adorable little woman she was, she was deathly terrifying at this moment.

Hours passed without a word from either of us. I couldn't even look at her. Truth be told, I didn't KNOW anything about her father. It was all just a gamble to get her to accept my conditions. Though, if I told her that now, I know she wouldn't hesitate to kill me on the spot. It was a waiting game now. A bit later on, another officer came down to try and relieve her of her duty. When she refused, he at least offered her a hot meal. Udon noodles. Looked real good. She ate it without taking her eyes off of me. This girl's dedication was unreal. I tried joking with her. "Hey, didn't your daddy ever teach you to sha-" Her foot flew forward and hit the bar faster than I could see. It left it slightly dented inwards. When I looked back up at her, she was looking at me dead in the face. "L-Lady, calm down, it was just joke, alright...?" She got up, set the bowl down, and opened my cell. Without hesitation, she grabbed me, lifted me, and slammed me against the back wall. "Don't you dare..." She brought her knee to my stomach, leaving me breathless as she continued. "...mention my father ever again..."

She dropped me and took a few steps back. "You're a disgrace." I felt her spit hit my cheek, and despite everything in my head telling me to go kill this bitch...I couldn't. I couldn't even form a fist. She left me there for the rest of the night as she got back into her chair. She stayed, same as usual, until I eventually passed out. When I came back to, she was still there, looking at me with that same look of hatred I've come to know. "You stayed there all fucking night? You're crazy, you know that?" She stood up, and that's all I needed to back up into the wall. "Calm down, calm down..." She started opening my cell, much to my confusion. "Are you letting me go?" She laughed, and then got back into her serious state of mind. "Not a chance. I've been here all night. I haven't used the bathroom since yesterday morning. I'm not leaving you unattended, so this is the next best thing." She gripped my hair and made me look up, just as her ass smothered my face.


My mind went blank as I realized what was happening. This bitch was using me to relieve herself! She may have been pretty, but her farts stunk worse than anything I could imagine.


Her pungent gas filled my nostrils and made me gag, but I felt her tighten her grip and nestle me in a bit closer to her ass as a result. Her farts echoed through the cell and I heard her grunt slightly before every release. "Hold on. I have one more for you." She said in an uncommonly serious tone.


The last one was silent, but it easily outranked the rest. It made me want to vomit, but she kept my face firmly planted in her ass until the smell started to dissipate. She finally let me go, and I slumped down against the wall as she turned and looked at me. "Feel like talking yet?" I took deep breaths, trying to regain my composure. It was hard, though, because with every breath I took, I just smelled her. "Go to hell..." I said as calmly as possible. She shrugged and pulled her pants down, leaving nothing but her panties fastened firmly around her big ass. "Suit yourself..." My breathing sped up as she lowered me to the floor with her foot and stood over me. "Last chance." I looked at her, and repeated what I said. "Go. To. Hell." She shook her head, turned around, and lowered herself onto me. "I'd tell you to brace yourself, but at this point, I really don't care what you do. Just know that you're going to be here for quite a bit..." With that, I heard her stomach give a faint gurgle before I felt her place her hands on the side of my face to keep me from moving.


"Gag more than I allow you to, or try to escape, and I'll stop you. I'll start by breaking your legs. And while you're down there, inhaling those...just know. This could've been avoided..."

No. It really couldn't have been. Maybe I should've just come clean...
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