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"Excuse me, sir?" I looked up from the magazine I was reading to see the young woman at the front desk beckoning me. "Dr. Ziegler will see you now?" She said as if she was repeating herself. She was. I guess I wasn't exactly paying attention. "O-Oops, I'm sorry about that." I got up and walked over to the desk. She smiled and laughed a bit. "That's okay, just go around back. I'm sure she's already gotten set up back there. I nodded, put the magazine back, and then headed around into the office. I was supposed to be getting a physical from a new doctor, and I heard Dr. Ziegler was the best. "Doctor Mercy" is what they called her, apparently. I didn't particularly have my hopes up. I knocked on her door, which only pushed it open slightly. Guess she leaves it unlocked. She looked up from her desk and smiled. "Ah, you must be the new patient I've been waiting to see. Come in, come in." She said in a slightly over-cheerful voice. "Would you like a cup of tea? Or maybe some coffee?" I kindly refused her offer. "No thanks, that's okay..." She nodded and poured herself a cup, then started to direct me.
"If you would be so kind, please have a seat right there." She pointed to a therapist couch and I immediately cringed at the thought. "Uhh, Doctor Ziegler, was it? I'm not really here for a therapy session...maybe you got your appointments mixed up?" She shook her head and spoke again. "I'm quite sure I know what I'm doing, love. Please have a seat." For someone so peaceful looking, she was a little intimidating. "Y-Yes, ma'am." I sat on the edge of the couch, and she stood up from her desk, and came around, sitting on the front of it. "Now please, tell me what you have been experiencing. Why are you here today?" I leaned back a bit and told her everything. "I've been having headaches a lot lately, and I've been having issues...I dunno...getting going?" She looked a bit puzzled. "Getting going...? What exactly do you mean?" I blushed a bit. I hope she didn't take that the wrong way. "Uh, you know, getting going. I feel lazy...tired...lethargic I guess would be the word?" She chuckled at that, and pulled out a clipboard to start writing.
She started with a few questions. Have I been getting enough sleep? If so, how many hours a day? Do I exercise? Basic stuff. I answered everything, and she tapped her pen against her lips, thinking. Then the questions got a bit more personal. Did I do drugs? Have I ever done drugs. Did I have a sex life? I tried joking around the last question "Wow, Doc, don't you think we should get to know each other better first?" She stared at me, apparently not thinking the joke was amusing. "S-Sorry..." She blew it off. "That's quite alright, dear. Most patients just ask me stuff like that straight away. Really? They do? They must have some balls. "W-Wow. I'm sorry to uh...I'm sorry to hear that?" She laughed and stood back up from her desk "That's quite alright. Boys will be boys, after all. Regardless, I'm worried about you. I'm going to write you a prescription, and I want you to take it for the week in between this visit and our next. That should help alleviate your slugishness until I can really work with you."
Really work with me? I didn't really like the sound of that. I was starting to think she might not be all she was cracked up to be. At any rate, I took the prescription and left the office, picking the medicine up on the way home. I took some after dinner and decided to get an early rest. Things went smoothly for the next couple days, and I started to feel a bit relieved. "Well...she didn't really DO anything, but I'm glad to be feeling better, anyway. I went about my business, and got another good night's rest. The next day, however, things weren't so good. I felt just as, if not MORE sluggish than before the visit. "Shit...this isn't good. It's still early...maybe I should call Dr. Ziegler though..." I did, just to play it safe. "Yes, this is Doctor Ziegler's office. Angela Ziegler speaking." "U-Uh, hi, Dr. Ziegler. It's me again. Um, I was taking the medication you prescribed to me, and at first, things were going great, but now? I feel much worse..." She sounded a bit worried as she spoke. "Oh, dear. That's not good. You don't have anything to worry about as long as you haven't developed any additional symptoms, but please. If you can, try to make it to my office as soon as possible." I finished up the phone call, made a quick breakfast to take the meds with, and headed for her office.
Upon making it there, Angela was already speaking with another patient, seemingly just finishing up. As she said her goodbyes, she noticed me coming in and waved me over "Ah, there you are. Please, go have a seat in my office and I'll be in there shortly." I nodded and did as she instructed. A few minutes later, she came into the office with a tray in her hands. "Please, I've made you some herbal tea. It would be best if you drink it." The way she said it had me a bit worried, but at this point, I didn't really care. I took the cup and placed it to my lips, sipping the hot mixture. "This is pretty good. Thank you, Doctor Ziegler." She smiled and sat next to me on the couch. She felt my head with the back of her hand, and then stood back up. "Okay, well there a few different things we can try. I don't want to try anything too intensive, as your symptoms are still not that bad, but it's up to you in the end. However, I do recommend aromatherapy to help reinvigorate you and clean out your body." I sighed slightly. ", is that really effective? I mean..." She interrupted me. "Well, in many cases, it does. It can ease a person, and make them more productive. If you're overcome with stress, then I really do think you should try it."
I looked up at her. "Yeah, I mean, I guess things have been rougher than usual at my job..." I shrugged. "I'll try the aromatherapy." She smiled and clapped her hands together. "Very good! Give me a few minutes and I'll be back soon with some of the-" She stopped and looked at me. "I almost forgot. We can either do an inhalation method, or a scented oil massage." I shivered. "Uh...inhalation. Please." She laughed and nodded, then walked out of the office. I leaned back against the wall and waited for her to get back. When she did get back, she was carrying a tray with all sorts of lamps and oils. She calmed my worries as she spoke. "Now, this may look like a lot, but we'll only be using two. One to clear the air, and the one that you will be inhaling. The mixture should act in a way that will clear your mind and help clean and impurities you may have." Clear my mind? Impurities? I couldn't deny I was a little skeptical of this. "Okay, doctor. Whatever you say."
After she set up what she had to, she told me lie down and close my eyes. Within minutes, I felt the atmosphere change at the scented oil took hold of me. She told me to relax and breathe, and to think of things that I want to result from this. I felt peaceful, and I started to think maybe my skepticism was wrong. That peace was shattered, though, when I heard a noise that sounded like a fart. "Oh my..." I heard Angela say nervously. "I'm terribly sorry, dear. It seems like my breakfast isn't agreeing with me." I laughed it off and told her it was fine. After all, I could barely smell it with all the oils. The room was quiet, with the faint sound of people talking in the waiting room being the only thing I could hear. Until it happened again. I opened my eyes to see Angela sitting on her desk, holding her stomach in pain. The fact that her ass was pressed up against the desk top made her gas sound louder than it should have been. She was blushing and closing her eyes. When she opened them and noticed me looking at her, she started waving one hand. "Close your eyes! You'll ruin the therapy!" I hope she was overreacting because she was embarrassed. Otherwise...whew. Scary. I closed my eyes and resumed the session.
I heard her mumbling as she got up and started to walk around. "How are you feeling so far?" She asked hesitantly. "Uh, I'm fine, Doctor Ziegler. This isn't as bad as I thought it would be." I was trying to take her mind off what just happened. I heard her giggle as she walked up to the couch. I felt her hand touch my forehead again. The moment it did, though, I heard her let out some more gas. She was right next to me, so I definitely heard it. It was long, and I could tell her stomach was hurting, because it sounded wet. "Um...Doctor? Maybe we should reschedule...?" I didn't want to embarrass her further, but her scent was starting to drown out the scent of the oils. All I could smell now was her. "N-No, no. I think that was the last of it. Although I have to say, this is the last time I have anything spicy for breakfast!" She laughed, clearly trying to get her mind off the embarrassment. "C-Can we at least open a window or something...?" She made a noise of disappointment. "As much as I'd like to, that would lessen the effects of the therapy..."
Her gas was doing that already. But, Doctor's orders, I guess. I heard her walk back to her chair and start shuffling some papers. I don't know if she was doing that to get some noise in the room, but it didn't help. I heard the next three farts that slipped out of her. Her chair did a good job of muffling it, but too bad it didn't silence them. "Whew...that's strong..." I heard her whisper. I pretended not to hear her. Eventually, the smell made its way over to me, and I did my best to ignore it. Damn, what did she eat...? I heard her moving the chair around, then I opened my eyes to see her opening her file cabinet. When she turned back around I quickly shut my eyes and heard her speak up. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to refill the oil in the lamp. I think it's best after...yeah..." Her voice trailed off. I nodded, and I heard her get up to refill it. Suddenly, the door opened, and the receptionist started speaking. "Sorry to bother you Angela, but a patient is on the phone. Says it's urgen-" She gagged slightly "Damn, why does it smell so bad in here...?" I heard her voice go up as she tried to maintain her whisper. I heard Angela quickly walk over to her as she started whispering back. The receptionist then left, and I heard her laughing a bit.
I kind of felt bad for Angela. This must be humiliating for her. She walked back over to her desk as a small fart sneaked out of her on the way. Too bad the smell wasn't small. I wanted to leave, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings at this point. "H-How are you feeling...?" I lied to her. "I'm feeling good, Doctor. I think the treatment is working." As if to spite me, right after I said that, she let out the biggest fart yet. It sounded even bigger thanks to her desk top again. It didn't take long for the stench to reach me, and I sat up, having to cover my nose. The oil wasn't even noticeable any more. "Doctor Ziegler, please..." She sat on the desk, her head in her hands. "I'm sorry. I've never had it this bad before...I just, had a bad breakfast is all. I'm so sorry..." Okay. Now I genuinely felt bad. This was basically my first real appointment with her. What a first impression. She tried adding another lamp to start the process over, but she farted again after she bent down to pick up the refill for it. It was long and a bit squeaky, so I tried my best not to laugh, but when she stood up, she wasn't doing anything remotely close to laughing.
She walked over to the front of her desk, leaned against it, and held onto the corners. She bit her lip, closed her eyes, and groaned as she started to push. Her face got red as she started farting again. They were longer, stinkier farts, and she was visibly in pain, but she kept pushing them out. She managed a total of 7 more farts before finally stopping. "Whew...THAT should be the last of them..." She opened her eyes and looked at me. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't take the pain anymore..." She gently rubbed her stomach. "Oh, come now, they weren't THAT bad, were they?" I couldn't tell if she was joking or not. The room was filled with the smell of her farts. Every breath I took was another noseful of the foul odor. She suddenly put on a serious expression "Okay, they were bad. We'll start the therapy again after the room clears?" As she said that, she opened a window and started to waft the gas out. "Actually, Doc, if we could reschedule, that'd be better. I don't have time for another session..." She frowned and nodded understandingly. "Okay, if you say so. I'll give you an appointment card, and you can come in then. I'll be sure to avoid anything spicy that day!" We both laughed a little, she wrote me up a card, and I got on my way. I felt sorry for whoever had the next appointment, though...
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