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"Marisaaaa! I'm baaaack!" yelled Samantha, a tall blonde woman in her early 20's. Her voice filled the room as she desperately tried to get the attention of her roommate and lover. Marisa was two years younger than Samantha. She had perfectly straight black hair that reached down to her lower back. She was pale-skinned, but all the more beautiful because of it. Samantha often likened her to a porcelain doll. She was flawless. Samantha ran her fingers through her hair to get it out of her face. She was drenched in sweat, just having returned from her weekly yoga class. "Damn that girl, she better be up..." She pulled off her shoes before heading up to their bedroom. She slowly opened the door and peeked her head in. Without fail, there she was. Marisa was under the covers, enjoying the embrace of a mid-afternoon nap. Her light snores were the only thing audible as Sam snuck over to the side of the bed that Marisa was facing off of. She wiggled her ample rear right in her sleeping partner's face before letting out a silent, rancid fart. "WAKEY WAKEY, MARISA!"

Due to her loud outburst, Marisa woke up shortly after. "Come on, Sam, I'm trying to sleep here, and..." The foul odor took hold of her, and she was immediately cut off mid-sentence. "Sam! That's disgusting, come on!" She tried fanning the stink away before rolling over and trying to continue her sleep. Sam forcefully sat on the bed, causing it to sink a bit before popping back up. Marisa only groaned and covered her head with the covers. "Sorry, Rissa. You know yoga does wonders on my stomach. She ruffled her own messy, wavy hair and laughed before joining her significant other under the covers. "Sam, you're sweaty. Please go shower first." Sam sighed and put her arms behind her head. "I will, I will. But before that..." Sam quickly held Marisa's head under the covers and let a giant, bassy fart out directly into her face. "DUTCH OVEN!" She started laughing as she felt her struggle and squirm, to no avail. Samantha was the bigger of the two, and she could easily overpower her lover if need be. After about a minute, she let her go as Marisa shot up, gasping for air. "Real mature, Sam. Get out!" Sam sighed, got up, and left the bedroom to go freshen up. "Can't blame me for havin' a little fun." The smell hung heavy in the room as Marisa tried getting back to sleep.

In the bathroom, Sam already had the water running as she stripped. She admired herself in the mirror. Her messy, shoulder-length blonde hair went well with her tan skin. She glanced over her toned body and sighed, clearly happy with the effects that her yoga classes were having on her. "I really gotta try and get Rissa to start taking classes. It would be so much fun with the two of us there..." She shrugged and got in the shower. Downstairs, Marisa was tidying up. She was sitting on the couch, watching TV as she brushed her hair. Eventually, she noticed Sam walking down the stairs. "Oh. That was quick." She gave her a smile as she got back to brushing. "Yeah, well, I didn't smell too bad. Just drenched with sweat, and..." She couldn't help but admire the girl sitting on the couch, and the fact that she was all hers. The sunlight poured in the windows and settled on Marisa, illuminating her skin as it starkly contrasted with her hair. Her bangs covered her forehead, stopping just slightly above her eyes, making her look younger than she really was. It made her look adorable.

She sat next to Marisa and leaned up against her. "You know...I was thinking..." Marisa bit her lip as she continued to brush. "What about...?" slipped out of her mouth with a slightly cautious tone, as if she knew it wasn't going to be something good. Sam put her arm around her and pulled her close, slightly messing up her hair in the process. "You taking yoga classes with me. Whatcha think?" Upon hearing those words, Marisa set the brush down, stood up, and looked Sam right in the eyes. "Absolutely not. I don't need to work on my body." Sam sighed. "Y'know, it's about more than just shaping up your body. Plus, don't you think spending a bit more quality time together would be a good thing?" Marisa had no words. She couldn't argue against that. She never really liked confrontation, so she decided to at least try it. "I guess. But one class to start with." Sam shrieked and picked Marisa up, kissing her all over her face and neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You won't regret it."

The day of the class, Marisa was regretting it. She didn't want to be up so early, and she was understandably nervous. As far as she knew, she'd be stretching and loosening up her body in front of complete strangers. So she decided to overdress a bit. She wore a heavy sweater with long sleeves that almost covered her entire hands. She wore loose fitting sweatpants to hide her ample hips and ass. That was one thing that both Sam and Marisa were proud of. Their asses definitely turned heads when they went out. She looked in the mirror and started to panic. She forgot to put on makeup, but even without it, she looked amazing. Sam came down the stairs, wearing a tight tanktop and yoga pants that hugged her rear. Her hair was messy, and she smiled as she saw her staring at herself. "It's a yoga class, Rissa. Not a wedding. You look good. I would take you right now if we didn't have to be there in..." She looked at her phone. "...10 minutes?!" She smacked her forehead and started pulling Marisa by her sleeve. "Come on, come on!" She urged as she pulled.

By the time they got to the class, they had already started setting up. Yoga mats were on the floor, and the instructor's eyes quickly flew to the two late arrivals. "Ahhh...Samantha! Glad you could make it this morning! And this...this must be the famous Marisa?" She blushed, tensed up, and looked down at her shoes. A few other people laughed, and she whispered into Sam's ear. "I want to go" Sam shook her head in response and sat in the middle where there was a bit of room, waving Marisa over. She grumbled under her breath, but quickly walked over to Sam and set up. The instructor looked at her and called out. "You know, it might be a bit easier to move around if you took off that heavy sweater?" She bit her lip and shook her head. "Aww, come now. Don't be shy. No one judges here." She sighed and pulled off her sweater. She wore a black halter top that hugged her body perfectly. Her navel was exposed, and she already felt herself starting to sweat. One of the guys next to her gave a quick whistle, which made Sam glare right at him. "It's okay, Sam...let's just get this over with. Please..."

The class was going smoothly, and Marisa herself was surprised that she was having no problem keeping up. That all went downhill after the instructor told them their next position. "Alright class, to finish up, I want to see an Upward Facing Two-Foot Staff. We talked about this last class, but let me give you a refresher." Before long, he spoke a bit about the benefits of the position, and then got into it himself. Marisa went wide-eyed at the sight of it. She poked Sam's arm and spoke her concern. "I can't...I can't do that..." Sam was already getting into her position when she replied. "Just try your best. No one's going to say anything." Marisa took in a deep breath and then attempted it the best she could. As she arched her back inwards to finish the pose, the worst thing that could have happened did. The completely silent class was a perfect audience for the fart she accidentally let out. No one said a thing after it happened, but her face was red, and her body grew hot. She didn't want to move an inch. The fact that it smelled horrid didn't help her, either. It quickly spread around her and she dropped to her back before getting up and running out of the class.

"Marisa!" Sam yelled, as she got up. After excusing herself from the class, she followed her out to the car and got in. "Please, just drive, Sam. I don't want to be here." Sam scratched her head and figured this wasn't the best place to talk about it. She started the drive. "You know, you left your yoga mat..." Marisa shrugged. She didn't care. She couldn't go back. The ride home was dead silent. The moment they got home, Marisa rushed in and up the their room. She sat on the bed and covered herself with her blanket. Sam came in soon after and sat next to her. She obviously wasn't going to speak, so Sam took the initiative. "That was a pretty nasty fart, huh, Rissa?" Again, nothing. "I could always let out a bigger one, though. You won't beat me." The blanket rustled a bit and Marisa's face poked out through a hole she made. She looked visibly confused. "What?"

"I said, you won't beat me." With that, Sam stood up, smacked her ass, and let out a fart that put Marisa's earlier one to shame. Marisa, caught off guard, immediately pinched her nose and started fanning with the blanket. "Samantha! What the fuck!?" Sam recoiled a bit. "I was just trying to cheer you up, that's all. It's stupid to be upset over something so..." Before she finished that sentence, Marisa's ass was positioned in Sam's direction, and she let out another noxious fart of her very own. Sam cracked a smile, and breathed it in proudly. "Is that a challenge?" Marisa looked away as she started to twirl her bangs. "...maybe." Sam clapped her hands together and laughed. "Alright! We'll stock up today and have our little fart-off tomorrow."

Marisa was confused again. "Stock up? What do you mean?" Without warning, Sam pulled her out of the covers and brought her downstairs. "What do you think I mean? I dunno about you, but I'm not normally gassy. I'm going to have to prep a bit." She spoke quickly as she rummaged through drawers, cabinets, and finally their fridge, looking for food. She stood up with a couple cans of beans in her hands. "Understand?" A wicked smile crossed Marisa's face as she started looking as well. "Oh, I get it. But you really don't want to challenge me when it comes to that. Lactose intolerant, remember?"

The remainder of the day passed relatively quickly as both girls made dishes that would appeal to their needs. Marisa focused on dairy-related foods, while Sam hit the gassiest foods possible. Breakfast came and went without a hitch, but by lunch time, both girls were clearly distressed. Sam held her gurgling stomach, cursing the breakfast burritos she downed earlier. Marisa was in a bit more pain, having started on a cheese platter the girls bought a couple days prior. "I don't know if I can hold out until tomorrow, Sam..." She clutched her stomach, trying her best not to let any gas escape. She just knew that by tomorrow, relief would come for her.

By dinner, Marisa was ready to burst. She barely finished her helping of cheese ravioli with a bit of ice cream for dessert, while Sam was enjoying her broccoli casserole. A side of egg salad completed her deadly mix. "Sam, we might have to speed this up...I can't hold this in..." Sam looked genuinely worried for her, so she agreed. "Sure, but if I end up losing this thing, then you know why!" Marisa tried to smile, but just couldn't. The pure discomfort she felt combined with the tightness of her yoga outfit didn't help at all. Before she knew it, a rancid fart left her body. It sounded as horrible as it smelled, and Sam had no choice but to gag from it. "Holy shit, Rissa. That's so bad! I would never expect something that deadly to come from you..."

Marisa was laying on their sofa with her feet up on one of the arms, clearly in pain as she tried to release her gas in short, controlled bursts. "That feels...a bit better..." Sam wasn't willing to be outdone, however, and she quickly got up and farted right in Marisa's face. It was loud and rank, but not as bad as Marisa's, naturally. "Whew. Not bad, for starters, but I've got plenty more for you!" Marisa winced and spoke. "Can we do this in the bedroom? I want to be as comfortable and relaxed as possible." Sam nodded in agreement, and headed upstairs with her. She just thought of this as a better opportunity. Their room wasn't too big, so the room should fill quickly.

Marisa settled under the covers, and Sam sat cross-legged on the bed near her. "Hey Sam, can you tuck the blanket under my feet, please? It's not reaching right..." Without delay, Sam stood to fix the covers, but upon lifting it, a horrid odor hit her point-blank. She nearly fell backwards, and Marisa smiled mischieviously. "Dutch ovennnn!" She said in the most taunting voice she could muster. Sam shuddered as the smell clung tightly to the insides of her nostrils. She casually walked over to Marisa and scolded her. "That was a dirty trick, Rissa. But I'll forgive you. Let me fluff your pillows, okay?" Marisa smiled sweetly and closed her eyes. "That would be heavenly." Sam nodded, playing it off as she held her pillow right up to her ass before blowing an SBD of her own right into the fabric of the pillowcase. It was pretty long, and she could feel the heat from her gas enveloping the pillow. Without warning, she brought the tainted pillow down on Marisa's face, smothering her with it.

"That's right, Rissa! Breathe deep for me, now!" Marisa struggled to get the pillow off of her face, but Sam was just too strong. She kept it in place until she felt the smell would have dissipated enough, and then she freed Marisa from her gassy prison. "How was that?" She asked with a giant grin on her face. She gave Marisa a little pat on the head before placing the pillow behind her. She shot up as she pushed the pillow away from her and stood with a clearly upset expression on her face. Sam looked a bit worried. "Did I go too far...?" Marisa fidgeted a bit, and without giving a reply, she used one hand to grab Sam's hair, and placed the other right over her nose. The smell was unbelievably bad. Marisa smirked as she kept her hand firmly cupped in place. Sam didn't move. She wanted to, but she didn't. It was what she deserved after the trick she pulled. Eventually, Marisa let up.

"Feeling better, yet?" Asked Sam in a sincere voice that almost made Marisa flinch . "Um, yes. Just a bit, though." Sam walked her over to the bed once again and started to tuck her in. "Sorry about all that. I guess it just got to my head. You know I don't like to lose. At all." Marisa nodded and got settled in before closing her eyes. "Yes, I know. It's fine, really." Sam smiled. "Good. Because with that..." Sam quickly climbed onto the bed and sat on Marisa's face, her ass almost completely smothering her. "You KNOW I pride myself on what I've got back there, though. You should know I'm not going to give up that easily!" Marisa's face was bombarded with fart after fart after fart. Up close, they were much worse. Marisa struggled and tried to push Sam off, but she couldn't. Instead, it felt like she was groping her. "Ohhh, feeling frisky, Rissa? Don't worry. After I'm empty, we can go at it all night if you want to."

Marisa's mind was going crazy. On one hand, she hated everything about this. Sam's putrid scent didn't mix well with the pain brewing deep in her stomach. She just wanted to rest at this point. About 3 minutes later, Sam felt like she was reaching her limit. She pushed one last fart out, and then rolled over onto the bed. "Damn! I think that's it..." She stretched out and yawned. "So...I guess this isn't the best time to ask...but do you want to have a little fun before bed? I mean...we don't have to, but I'm kind of in the mood after dominating you so badly. Marisa didn't say a word, but Sam could clearly see she was stripping under the covers. "Sure. But I'm getting off first." Sam licked her lips and got in position before lifting the blanket. Marisa invitingly spread her legs and suggested that Sam finish the job. Without a second thought, Sam started tugging at Marisa's panties, and that was her cue. She used her legs to pull in and anchor Sam as close to her ass as she could get her. She held the covers tightly and let whatever gas she had left out right into her lover's face. This time, a real dutch oven was the only fate that Sam would be enduring that night.

As she felt Sam struggling, her muffled whining only made Marisa smile gleefully. "Looks like I win our little contest..."
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