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Today has been up and down. I am still struggling with enjoying the people I meet. I like hanging out with Andrew, James and Cam. We don't quite have as many laughs as I would have hoped but they are super nice people. I like hanging out with Evan and Mike they are really cool guys I'm just not sure if they are as close to me as they are to each other. I sometimes worry about meeting the right people. Hopefully that isn't a problem I have to deal with. I know GOD is there for me. I have become such a better person over this week. I understand all the things GOD is doing in my life and that it could take time to develop these friendships. I am just keeping my eyes on GOD as I go through this tough transition. He is carrying me through. I will never allow myself to expect better anymore. I know that anything that needs to get better is something I have to deal with myself through Christ. I am missing my mom more and more as I've been here. She would be so great to talk to but I know I have so many others in my life who love me so there is no reason to worry. I do need to look into getting involved in a group or maybe just talk to someone from church bacl home. It has overall been one of the hardest and best weeks of my life. I can't wait to look back and see how much I grow every week. There have been so many great things that out weigh the bad. All the fraternities have been awesome if I do decide to do that. I want it tyo be something I can help lead people to Christ in and through. That is the main goal. I am making a promise right now to never drink during rush or during my sophomore year around my fraternity brothers. If that means I can't be in Kappa Sig or KOT then that's what I'll have to do. I have really liked KOT so far. A lot of the guys are crazy but I know it is an enviornment I could enter with a Christian attitude and not compromise myself as long as I stay following after GOD morning noon and night and anytime I get a chance to worship and thank him and let him know about the struggles in my life. I feel like I may have heard from GOD about Connor Kane as a close friend for the future. I feel like I have a strong feeling in my spirit about him. Just like I did about Geoff and then about Kristian. I have a lot in common with him so hopefully he also shares my values in Christ. I really thank God for allowing me go have a crazy time last night with Sheilds and all her friends. They are crazy and fun people. I felt led to do that last night. Tonight is the ZZZ party and I want to go. I was planning to go with Andrew and James so we'll see what happens. Talking with Clayton the other night was a blast. Evan is one funny kid. Also I had a great time meeting KOTs at late night. I probably need to go check out Phi Chi again. Running the Baylor line for the first time was a blast. I can believe I'm here honestly. It was a really cool experience.

Goal for the week: get closer Cam, Andrew and James, get to know Connor, study, pray a lot, become more confident in myself, show the love of GOD to others as I meet them, meet someone to talk to about my mom, talk to Dad, talk to Jul, talk to Claudia, talk to Jon, talk to Julie, serve GOD!!!

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