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Knoxville/ Chatanooga/ Nashville Area

Smokin Joes Tobacco
Knoxville. Store carries our product, but sales are slow. This store carries mainly cigars so most of the customers that come in purchase cigars.

New Smokies
Powell, This store is GREAT! not under contract so lets us do pretty much whatever we want in the store. New owners and great customers!! Need to schedule again. Due to the holiday it was super slow. But the owner is great! Schedule anytime and is always welcoming!!

Smoke Pit
Knoxville TN
This is a GREAT store. They are still a little behind as far as culture goes, but one of my really good stores! Sells a good deal of senecas and has picked op our Meds and also our Seneca filtered cigars. They keep requesting for us to bring them the coutures. Ive asked several times to bring them to TN but I keep getting a NO answer. I do thing that they would sell very well here!

Tobacco Ranch Knoxville
Love this store... Everytime I go though it tends to be slow. I miss the rush. Its in a area that gets hit with bank robberies allot haha But he carries our full line, and we deff need to keep hitting our stores. They just put in a beer cooler so he will be doing a cust app day soon!

This is a slower store. Has some of our product in. I try to hit this as much as I can, but we need to continue to hit this store. It has allot of potential!

Raceway Knoxville
This store is a hit or miss. Ive put up our seneca signs inside and out but when I return they have always been taken down. Owners claim they dont know whats happened. Sometimes I have good response with this store, but sometimes not, this time wasnt good. Was pretty slow.

Tobacco King
This store I had some issues with, I was told this was supposed to be a cust app day, I even purchaed 2 gift cards of 10 each for this even, but when I got there, there was no event at all. I still have the gift cards and have not turned in for reimbursment just cuz I havent used it at this store for a give away. I will hold on to them for the next cust app day for give away.

Tobacco Mart In Chattanooga.
Store was pretty slow. No cust app day here either. It was either a missunderstanding or a miss communication. Hung up signs and recomended the store try our 28 specials on next order.

Discount Tobacco Outlet
Manchester TN
AWESOME store. High volume! Always a good turn out at this store!

Dis Tobacco in Murfreesboro.
Another awesome store! Great location!! Mornings and later in the afternoons are the best time to hit this store!!

Dis tobacco outlet
Charlotte Pike in Nashville
Love this store! Great location, and high volume store! Got the WORST pick up like here.... Man walked in and asked how I was, so I told him great, and asked how he was doing. Said he just got out of jail and is on parol. He had been in jail for 9 years after being convicted of rape
and attempted murder of his ex gf. (obviously making me feel pretty weird) i tolld him that I would suggest he not use that as a pick up line that it prob wont attract many woman, but I suggested that instead he purchase a pack of Senecas and offer one to a pretty girl and start of a convo in a not so talk about his past way.... lol He bought Non Filters!!!

Coaches Corner Market
Gallatin TN
This store is not going to be here much longer. Owner said he was going to be selling the place. It was steady but mostly for folks buying gas.

Phillips 66 Gallatin
Store was very very slow. Because it was right across from a highschool they wouldnt allow me to put up any signage. Owners here are very rude. Trying to run my promo for me, would just tell customers to go to my table and get "free ciggs" even after I spoke with the customers about the penny pack.

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