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i am cents people call me centsi so yeah im cents and im a boy who wants a sempale life and i live in a manshion my parents think im happy like them to be in a manshion im not our comunity is so bad i dont know one persons name and they dont ether so im just a boy with big dreams who needs life without a dream amagine a world with nothing nothing positive nothing thats trouble nothings better than a dream i know no one just this girl named jill shes like me she hates being in a HUMGAS house she justs to a little comunity we had jerks in our class every year in eleamentry but then in middle school she moved i cried for hours that terned into days then week then years i will never forget her with her pig tails and frekels but never had i had such a freind her voice was so calming nothing was better than her nothing i was no one in middle school and in high school but one day i packed up all my stuff to socks to tabels i drove to my new coaledge neferdson univerity across the state right then i saw a girl who was really pretty and she had no freinds like me well i was dreaming the girl stared at me too she stareted to walk cosser to me when she was one inch from me she hugged me so tight i new who it was it was jill my best freind we hugged untill she said you wanna be room mates we walked down the halls together holding hands and we came to a room who said jill and fred but she pulled out of her sweat shirt a black sharpie and crossed out fred and put cents in sted and we walked in i put every thing in a dresser nere my bed we hand pakedge noodles one of then both of us slurped and we K-I-S-S-E-D ! she smiled and kissed me on the cheek i went to bed and she went to bed my bed was a pull out couch hers was the bed i woke up by a cold ice bucket i got dressed in my blue shirt with a picture of my dog maxxie she was a old dog so my parents kept her then i went to class we went to every class she was smarter then me so i just studed with her we never hated each other we loved each other . i stared to like football in middle school and guess what jill was on cheer! she would tees me about romatic movies where a girl cheerleader and a boy football like each other but i liked to be in a story she did too one day before christmas i thought she would like a present so i got her a black lab pup named shuttle he was so cute i needed a box so i got a shoe box and put shuttle in their with a few holes in the top of the box i wrapped the present waited till morning i told jill i would open the pink wrapped present last so she did and when she saw a shoe box she was like great! shoes! but when she opened the box she scream! and said OMG THIS IS THE CUTEST PUPPY EVER OMG ! IS THEIR A NAME ?! IS HE POTTY TRAINED?! WHAT DO WE FEED HIM? i calmly laughed and told her everything when i told her name she stared SQUEALING AWW SHUTTLE YOU A GOOD BOY YOU WANNA BELLY RUB I LOVE HIM !!! THANK YOU SO MUCH CENT! YOUR SUCH A GOOD BOY FREIND!!! OMG !! ok clam down i think we needa feed him he's hungry he's been in their for the whole night . ok fine i get dog duty! yes i love u SO much cent i could marry you! that was my que i then benned on one nee and got a sliver ring out of my pocket and said will u mary me jill i misted you for a LONG time can u marry me? OMG YES OF COURSE !!!! (SQUELS ) OMG! the last day of college was the next day after christmas so me and jill packed all our stuff in the our car and we drove away to a little house by a forest that had a big pond . we decided to get married at this house and we invited our families to our wedding shuttle couldn't stand still so we tied him to a chair but he ran and knocked all the chairs down and ran right for jill her dress was white his paws were muddy so i guarded her but shuttle went threw my legs and into jills dress jill got shuttle out of her dress she carried him for the picture then we went in our car rolled down the window for shuttle and started the engine and when we went off confetti flew everywhere with a banner on the back of the car that said JUST MARRIED JILL + CENT + SHUTTLE . oh my gosh look cent shuttles so dirty i got to go to work ! ok bye jill! ill clean the dog up!
bye (kisses) oh shuttle u little noodles dog ! 1 year later umm cent! yeah ? i came from the doctors and he said ive got a baby cent ! what!?!?! yes I'm excited too cent ! lets think off names umm if its a girl i pick if its a boy then you pick k ! yeah! jills list

cents list :
jill switched papers with cents and marked off jake cole charlie cents crossed of lucy makenah franky . for the next months cent took care of jill and one lucky day jill had two little twins named sophia and tyler when they got home shuttle was so jumpy that he couldn't stand still so i put him to work he was going to rock the babies i attached him to the crattle and put him to work . for the next copal days me and jill were hard at work never a break waaaahhhh ! then waaa! again until they saw us they stoped there was a lot of running up and down the stairs ! then tyler and sopfia were old anofe to walk so i showd them the trees and the pond i thing we have a climber and a fishermen . as the days went on sophia and tyler grew up and enjoyed the life on a old barn house . and that was my story now its my children turn to pass it on . by:JILL CENT TYLER SOPHIA AND SHUTTLE
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