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----- HUD from Saturday, August 31, 2013 -----

>> Arnelle Diego wrote <<
[1:12 pm] did everyone take their lunch
----- HUD from Saturday, September 07, 2013 -----

>> Arnelle Diego wrote <<
[10:16 am] sally so i hear that your reponse was oh well everybody gotta close when it was mentioned to you that i dont like working on saturdays. i like to go to the source and ask to see if its true i hate hearing things from other people and also i hear what was said that if i dont get my way i get really upset!! true factor if i know im right and i deserve it since when did i ever have to work a saturday night let alone all these new people working staurday morning shifts how would you feel had u not taking the MANAGERS postion right

>> Sally Cool wrote <<
[10:21 am] Arnelle, I have never "complained" that I didn't like closing, when I was a "regular" employee and even now as a "manager" I never felt it was fair that it wasn't an even split on those closing shifts . . meaning one person and double the amount of closing shift that everyone else. My case in point was the "managers" weren't closing at all, and I had an issue with that. Your concern that you feel you should have your Saturdays as a am is NOT a valied reason for me. . . .whether you feel you have seniority or not. We ALL close, whether it's on a day we "like" or not, it happens. I don't feel you Pick and choose your fights well. If we give you one thing. .. there always seems to be something else you want. We can NEVER seem to make you happy without everyone else having to make an adjustmemt for that. You're a great worker, you know your job well and you do it well. . . but sometimes it doesn't feel like you want to be there or will only be here if it's on your terms . . . not sure if that's where your coming from, but sometimes that's the vibe I feel from you. If o
[10:22 am] i'm wrong, then HELL YEA, we gotta talk more about this cause that's not right on my part and it means I'm totally misinterpreting whats happening and I'd rather make choices on what's really happening, not what I THINK is happening

>> Arnelle Diego wrote <<
[10:25 am] i didnt say u was complaing about working nights and thats for telling me how you feel about me i better watch myself

>> Sally Cool wrote <<
[10:27 am] Not necessarily "watch" yourself, more like if this is how y ou're REALLY feeling, is it truly just a miscommunication or are we not meeting your needs?
[10:27 am] We can't meet all of them, otherwise we'd all be rich and not have to work a day inour lives, but maybe prioritze what you want and then see if we can meet some, maybe even most

>> Arnelle Diego wrote <<
[10:30 am] wow sally really what needs are you thinking im wanting YOU to meet

>> Sally Cool wrote <<
[10:38 am] well .. . on your part . . . do you want at least one weekend off, if so sat or sun, do you want 2 days together, do you want your"friday" to be an am shift . .those kinds of things.
[10:39 am] We have to keep in mind the needs of the business and trying to be fair to EVERYONE . . .even amount of closing or near closing shifts
[10:39 am] if there is an odd number of those . . then the newer employees should pull the extra few
[10:39 am] we would try to accommodate the "wants" of the employees that have been here longer, doesn't mean we can at all times, but we'll try our best to do that

>> Arnelle Diego wrote <<
[10:40 am] first of all i never closed a saturday from day one 2nd i was giving this shift by kui if you dont remeber that when kui was doing the sch but hey its a good i feel this is a punishment cause i have sun mon off

>> Sally Cool wrote <<
[10:41 am] Also trying to give FULL HOURS to people who have been here longer . . .those that want a little more time off, can switch around or just asked to be permanently moved to less hours
[10:41 am] Why would you consider yourself being punished? do you feel that I'm upset because of your having those days off?
[10:42 am] truly?!

>> Arnelle Diego wrote <<
[10:42 am] im done

>> Sally Cool wrote <<
[10:42 am] done talking?

>> Arnelle Diego wrote <<
[10:43 am] yuppers
[10:51 am] dave from kahoma in park
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