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This is a group of 85 essays that... - Federalist Papers
Combination of Capitalism and Socialism - Mixed Economy
State of Nature
Extreme form of socialism, political and economic system - Communism
Economic System with private ownership of business... Capitalism
Confederate Government
The people make an agreement willingly give up their freedom for government - Social Contract
Economic System with government ownership of business with no competition... - Socialism
Using negative labels to discredit someone - Name Calling
Information, either true or false, that influences people to do something... - Propoganda
Broad Statements that appeal to the emotions - Glittering Generalities
Appealing to people's desires to go with the crowd - Bandwagoning
Claiming to be just like you no matter who you are - Multiple Identities
Using endorsements from famous people to... - Celebrity Testimonials
Using words or pictures to persuade people to... - Scare Tactics
Slanting the facts - Card Stacking
Using folksy language; the vernacular of the group you're appealing to - Plain Folks
Type of government with a division between the national government and the state governments - Federalism
Economic relationship that existed between the colonies and Great Britain - Mercantalism
Type of government where power is centralized in the national... - Unitary
New Jersey Plan
Type of democracy where the people choose officials to represent them - Representative Democracy
Type of government where dictator controls all of life - Totalitarian Dictatorship
Connects the voice of the people to government officials (media, parties, etc.) - Linkage Institutions
Put the people first, political philosophy with struggle of lower class with elites - Populism
Not equality of condition, but equality of opportunity - Egalitarianism
Describes the Declaration of Independence because it's a political argument... - Polemic
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